Data Structures |
class | CEikMfneField |
| Abstract base class for fields within a multi-field numeric editor. More...
class | CEikMfneSeparator |
| A separator field for a multi-field numeric editor. More...
class | CEikMfneNumber |
| A number field within a multi-field numeric editor. More...
class | CEikMfneSymbol |
| A symbol field for a multi-field numeric editor. More...
class | CEikMfneSymbol::CItem |
| An item within a symbol field in an MFNE. More...
class | CEikMfne |
| Multi-field numeric editor abstract base class. More...
class | CEikNumberEditor |
| Integer editor. More...
struct | SEikRange |
| Range struct for CEikRangeEditor. More...
class | CEikRangeEditor |
| Numeric range editor. More...
class | CEikTTimeEditor |
| Specifies an abstract interface for time and date editors where the time and date are set and retrieved using the TTime class. More...
class | CEikTimeEditor |
| Time editor. More...
class | CEikDateEditor |
| Date editor. More...
class | CEikTimeAndDateEditor |
| Time and date editor. More...
class | CEikDurationEditor |
| Duration editor. More...
class | CEikTimeOffsetEditor |
| Time offset editor. More...
struct | SEikDegreesMinutesDirection |
Defines |
#define | __EIKMFNE_H__ |
#define | KAknMinimumDate (TTime(TDateTime(0001, EJanuary, 1-1, 0, 0, 0, 0))) |
#define | KAknMaximumDate (TTime(TDateTime(9999, EDecember, 31-1, 23, 59, 59, 999999))) |
Enumerations |
enum | { EEikOrientationNorthSouth = 0x1000,
EEikOrientationWestEast = 0x2000,
EEikOrientationMask = EEikOrientationNorthSouth|EEikOrientationWestEast
} |
enum | { EEikDirectionNegative,
EEikDirectionMask = EEikDirectionNegative|EEikDirectionPositive
} |
enum | TEikCompass { EEikCompassNorth = EEikOrientationNorthSouth|EEikDirectionNegative,
EEikCompassSouth = EEikOrientationNorthSouth|EEikDirectionPositive,
EEikCompassEast = EEikOrientationWestEast|EEikDirectionNegative,
EEikCompassWest = EEikOrientationWestEast|EEikDirectionPositive
} |