epos_landmarks.h File Reference

API published in: S60 3rd Ed

Link against: eposlandmarks.lib

Capability Information

Required Capabilities



The capability ReadUserData is required in:


CPosLandmarkDatabase::OpenL( const TDesC & aDatabaseUri );


CPosLandmarkDatabase::ReadLandmarkLC( TPosLmItemId aLandmarkId );


CPosLandmarkDatabase::LandmarkIteratorL( const TPosLmSortPref & aSortPref );

CPosLandmarkDatabase::AddLandmarkL( CPosLandmark & aLandmark );

CPosLandmarkDatabase::UpdateLandmarkL( const CPosLandmark & aLandmark );

CPosLandmarkDatabase::RemoveLandmarkL( TPosLmItemId aLandmarkId );

CPosLandmarkDatabase::RemoveLandmarksL( const RArray< TPosLmItemId > & aLandmarkIdArray );


CPosLandmarkDatabase::ReadPartialLandmarkLC( TPosLmItemId aLandmarkId );

CPosLandmarkDatabase::PreparePartialLandmarksL( const RArray< TPosLmItemId > & aLandmarkIdArray );



CPosLandmarkDatabase::NotifyDatabaseEvent( TPosLmEvent & aEvent, TRequestStatus & aStatus );


CPosLandmarkDatabase::ImportLandmarksL( CPosLandmarkParser& aLandmarkParser, TTransferOptions aTransferOptions );

CPosLandmarkDatabase::ImportLandmarksL( CPosLandmarkParser& aLandmarkParser, const RArray<TUint>& aLandmarkSelection, TTransferOptions aTransferOptions );

CPosLmCategoryManager::ReadCategoryLC( TPosLmItemId aCategoryId );

CPosLmCategoryManager::CategoryIteratorL( TCategorySortPref aSortPref );

CPosLmCategoryManager::ReferencedCategoryIteratorL( TCategorySortPref aSortPref )

CPosLmCategoryManager::AddCategoryL( CPosLandmarkCategory & aCategory );

CPosLmCategoryManager::UpdateCategoryL( const CPosLandmarkCategory & aCategory );

CPosLmCategoryManager::RemoveCategoryL( TPosLmItemId aCategoryId );

CPosLmCategoryManager::RemoveCategoriesL( const RArray< TPosLmItemId > & aCategoryIdArray );

CPosLmCategoryManager::AddCategoryToLandmarksL( TPosLmItemId aCategoryId, RArray< TPosLmItemId > & aLandmarkIdArray );

CPosLmCategoryManager::RemoveCategoryFromLandmarksL( TPosLmItemId aCategoryId, RArray< TPosLmItemId > & aLandmarkIdArray );

CPosLmCategoryManager::GetCategoryL( const TDesC & aCategoryName );

CPosLmCategoryManager::GetGlobalCategoryL( TPosLmGlobalCategory aGlobalCategory );


The capability WriteUserData is required in:

CPosLandmarkDatabase::AddLandmarkL( CPosLandmark& aLandmark );

CPosLandmarkDatabase::UpdateLandmarkL( const CPosLandmark& aLandmark );

CPosLandmarkDatabase::RemoveLandmarkL( TPosLmItemId aLandmarkId );

CPosLandmarkDatabase::RemoveLandmarksL( const RArray<TPosLmItemId>& aLandmarkIdArray );



CPosLandmarkDatabase::ImportLandmarksL( CPosLandmarkParser& aLandmarkParser, TTransferOptions aTransferOptions );

CPosLandmarkDatabase::ImportLandmarksL( CPosLandmarkParser& aLandmarkParser, const RArray<TUint>& aLandmarkSelection, TTransferOptions aTransferOptions );

CPosLmCategoryManager::AddCategoryL( CPosLandmarkCategory & aCategory );

CPosLmCategoryManager::UpdateCategoryL( const CPosLandmarkCategory & aCategory );

CPosLmCategoryManager::RemoveCategoryL( TPosLmItemId aCategoryId );

CPosLmCategoryManager::RemoveCategoriesL( const RArray< TPosLmItemId > & aCategoryIdArray );

CPosLmCategoryManager::AddCategoryToLandmarksL( TPosLmItemId aCategoryId, RArray< TPosLmItemId > & aLandmarkIdArray );

CPosLmCategoryManager::RemoveCategoryFromLandmarksL( TPosLmItemId aCategoryId, RArray< TPosLmItemId > & aLandmarkIdArray );


Other Information

The capability NetworkServices is required to work with remote databases.

#include <e32std.h>

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  TPosLmEvent
 Struct for landmark database change event details. More...


typedef TUint32 TPosLmItemId
 Identifies landmarks and landmark categories in a landmark database.
typedef TUint16 TPosLmGlobalCategory
 Identifies global categories.


enum  TPosLmCollectionDataId {
  EPosLmCollDataNone = 0, EPosLmCollDataCollectionName = 1, EPosLmCollDataCollectionDescription = 2, EPosLmCollDataContentSpecificDataBegin = 0x8000,
  EPosLmCollDataLast = KMaxTUint16
 Identifies collection data. More...
enum  TPosLmEventType {
  EPosLmEventUnknownChanges = 0, EPosLmEventNewDefaultDatabaseLocation = 10, EPosLmEventMediaRemoved = 11, EPosLmEventLandmarkUnknownChanges = 100,
  EPosLmEventLandmarkCreated = 101, EPosLmEventLandmarkDeleted = 102, EPosLmEventLandmarkUpdated = 103, EPosLmEventCategoryUnknownChanges = 200,
  EPosLmEventCategoryCreated = 201, EPosLmEventCategoryDeleted = 202, EPosLmEventCategoryUpdated = 203
 Specifies what type of event has occured. More...


 _LIT (KPosLmDbSecureFormat,"secure[101FE978]")
IMPORT_C void ReleaseLandmarkResources (TAny *=NULL)
 Releases all globally allocated landmark resources.


const TUint32 KPosLmNullItemId = 0
const TUint16 KPosLmNullGlobalCategory = 0
const TInt KPosLmIconMaskNotUsed = -1
const TInt KPosLmMaxTextFieldLength = 255
const TInt KPosLmMaxDescriptionLength = 4095
const TInt KPosLmMaxCategoryNameLength = 124
const TUint KPosLastParsedLandmark = KMaxTUint32
const TInt KLandmarksErrorBase = -30351
const TInt KErrPosLmNotInitialized = KLandmarksErrorBase
const TInt KErrPosLmUnknownFormat = KLandmarksErrorBase - 1
const TInt KPosLmOperationNotComplete = 1001
const TUid KPosLmDbSecureUid = { 0x101FE978 }

Typedef Documentation

typedef TUint16 TPosLmGlobalCategory

Identifies global categories.

typedef TUint32 TPosLmItemId

Identifies landmarks and landmark categories in a landmark database.

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum TPosLmCollectionDataId

Identifies collection data.

EPosLmCollDataNone  Null collection data.
EPosLmCollDataCollectionName  Collection name.
EPosLmCollDataCollectionDescription  Collection description.
EPosLmCollDataContentSpecificDataBegin  Start of content specific collection meta data.
EPosLmCollDataLast  Last available collection data id.
enum TPosLmEventType

Specifies what type of event has occured.

If there is no adequate event type to describe the DB change, EPosLmEventUnknownChanges, EPosLmEventLandmarkUnknownChanges or EPosLmEventCategoryUnknownChanges will be specified. This event type will also be used for mass operations, e.g. delete several landmarks, in order to bundle the events. This means that it is possible that multiple items have been changed. In this case, all landmarks and/or category information should be reread.

EPosLmEventUnknownChanges  Unknown change event.
EPosLmEventNewDefaultDatabaseLocation  This event is received if the default landmark database location is changed.

The client has to open a new CPosLandmarkDatabase handle to access the new default database.

EPosLmEventMediaRemoved  This event is received if the media where the database is stored is removed.

After this, the database cannot be accessed. If the media is inserted again, the database must still be reopened by the client.

EPosLmEventLandmarkUnknownChanges  Unknown change event concerning only landmarks.
EPosLmEventLandmarkCreated  A new landmark has been created.
EPosLmEventLandmarkDeleted  A landmark has been deleted.
EPosLmEventLandmarkUpdated  A landmark has been updated.
EPosLmEventCategoryUnknownChanges  Unknown change event concerning only landmark categories.
EPosLmEventCategoryCreated  A new landmark category has been created.
EPosLmEventCategoryDeleted  A landmark category has been deleted.
EPosLmEventCategoryUpdated  A landmark category has been updated.

Function Documentation

_LIT KPosLmDbSecureFormat ,
"secure" [101FE978]
IMPORT_C void ReleaseLandmarkResources TAny *  = NULL  ) 

Releases all globally allocated landmark resources.

When using some landmark services, e.g. CPosLandmarkDatabase, CPosLandmarkParser and CPosLandmarkEncoder, resources are allocated globally. To release these resources, ReleaseLandmarkResources must be called. The safest way to do this is to always call this function from the client's destructor if the client uses landmark services.

This function can be called any number of times.

The function has an anonymous TAny pointer parameter so that the function can be used as a cleanup function for TCleanupItem. The pointer is not used.

Variable Documentation

const TInt KErrPosLmNotInitialized = KLandmarksErrorBase
const TInt KErrPosLmUnknownFormat = KLandmarksErrorBase - 1
const TInt KLandmarksErrorBase = -30351
const TUint KPosLastParsedLandmark = KMaxTUint32
const TUid KPosLmDbSecureUid = { 0x101FE978 }
const TInt KPosLmIconMaskNotUsed = -1
const TInt KPosLmMaxCategoryNameLength = 124
const TInt KPosLmMaxDescriptionLength = 4095
const TInt KPosLmMaxTextFieldLength = 255
const TUint16 KPosLmNullGlobalCategory = 0
const TUint32 KPosLmNullItemId = 0
const TInt KPosLmOperationNotComplete = 1001

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