featureinfo.h File Reference

API published in: S60 2nd Ed FP 3

Link against: featdiscovery.lib

Capability Information

Required Capabilities


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const TInt KFeatureIdMmc = 1
 Device supports Multimedia Card (MMC).
const TInt KFeatureIdCamera = 2
 Device has Camera Application.
const TInt KFeatureIdCoverDisplay = 3
 Device has also separate cover display in addition to the main display.
const TInt KFeatureIdVideoRecorder = 208
 Device has Video Recorder (CamCorder) application available.
const TInt KFeatureIdQwertyInput = 409
 Indicates whether a device has qwerty keyboard or not.
const TInt KFeatureIdFlightMode = 6
 Device suppors flight mode.
const TInt KFeatureIdOfflineMode = 7
 Device suppors off-line mode.
const TInt KFeatureIdOpenGLES3DApi = 10
 Device supports OpenGL ES and EGL versions 1.0.
const TInt KFeatureIdIrda = 11
 Device supports Infrared.
const TInt KFeatureIdBt = 12
 Device supports Bluetooth.
const TInt KFeatureIdUsb = 13
 Device supports Universal Serial Bus (USB).
const TInt KFeatureIdBtFaxProfile = 17
 Device supports Bluetooth fax profile.
const TInt KFeatureIdBtImagingProfile = 18
 Device supports bluetooth imaging profile.
const TInt KFeatureIdIm = 33
 Device supports Instant Messaging feature of the Wireless Village initiative.
const TInt KFeatureIdPresence = 36
 Device supports Presence feature of the Wireless Village initiative.
const TInt KFeatureIdSyncMlDm = 41
 Device supports SyncML device management standard.
const TInt KFeatureIdSyncMlDs = 42
 Device supports SyncML data synchronization standard.
const TInt KFeatureIdSvgt = 77
 Device supports Scalable Vector Graphics - Tiny (SVGT) file format.
const TInt KFeatureIdAudioEffectsApi = 497
 Device supports utility APIs and framework for Series 60 Audio applications to enable predefined audio effects with audio play/record utilities.
const TInt KFeatureIdAudioResourceIndications = 499
 Device supports Audio Resource Indications Utility.
const TInt KFeatureIdEqualizer = 1502
 Device supports equalizer.
const TInt KFeatureIdProtocolGsm = 81
 Device supports GSM cellular stack.
const TInt KFeatureIdProtocolWcdma = 82
 Device supports WCDMA cellular stack.
const TInt KFeatureIdProtocolCdma = 83
 Device supports CDMA cellular stack.
const TInt KFeatureIdCsVideoTelephony = 89
 Device supports circuit switched video telephony.
const TInt KFeatureIdQos = 101
 Device supports Quality of Service (QOS).
const TInt KFeatureIdIpsec = 102
 Device supports IP Security (IPSec).
const TInt KFeatureIdMIPv6 = 106
 Devices supports Mobile IPv6.
const TInt KFeatureIdProtocolWlan = 109
 Device supports WLAN protocol.
const TInt KFeatureIdSipStack = 111
 Device supports SIP protocol.
const TInt KFeatureIdMIPv4 = 312
 Devices supports Mobile IPv4.
const TInt KFeatureIdLandmarks = 112
 Defines whether location landmarks API is included in device.
const TInt KFeatureIdLocationFrameworkCore = 114
 Device supports location basic services.
const TInt KFeatureIdCameraBurstMode = 132
 Camera application supports burst mode.
const TInt KFeatureIdAvkonELaf = 1010
 Device application UIs use Europe Look And Feel (LAF).
const TInt KFeatureIdAvkonApac = 1015
 Device application UIs use Asia Pacific Look And Feel (LAF).
const TInt KFeatureIdMidi = 1011
 Device supports Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) sounds.
const TInt KFeatureIdMmcHotswap = 1076
 Device supports MMC hotswap.
const TInt KFeatureIdJapanese = 1080
 Device uses Japanese language variant.
const TInt KFeatureIdThai = 1081
 Device uses Thai language variant.
const TInt KFeatureIdUSSD = 1091
 Device supports Unstructured Suppelementary Service Data (USSB).
const TInt KFeatureIdChinese = 1096
 Device uses Chinese language variant.

Variable Documentation

const TInt KFeatureIdAudioEffectsApi = 497

Device supports utility APIs and framework for Series 60 Audio applications to enable predefined audio effects with audio play/record utilities.

Features like Volume, Graphical Equalizer, Reverb are possible.

const TInt KFeatureIdAudioResourceIndications = 499

Device supports Audio Resource Indications Utility.

Applications can use the Audio Resource Indications Utility to request feedack when they can submit a play request.

const TInt KFeatureIdAvkonApac = 1015

Device application UIs use Asia Pacific Look And Feel (LAF).

const TInt KFeatureIdAvkonELaf = 1010

Device application UIs use Europe Look And Feel (LAF).

const TInt KFeatureIdBt = 12

Device supports Bluetooth.

const TInt KFeatureIdBtFaxProfile = 17

Device supports Bluetooth fax profile.

const TInt KFeatureIdBtImagingProfile = 18

Device supports bluetooth imaging profile.

const TInt KFeatureIdCamera = 2

Device has Camera Application.

const TInt KFeatureIdCameraBurstMode = 132

Camera application supports burst mode.

It enables taking several snapshots with one command.

const TInt KFeatureIdChinese = 1096

Device uses Chinese language variant.

const TInt KFeatureIdCoverDisplay = 3

Device has also separate cover display in addition to the main display.

const TInt KFeatureIdCsVideoTelephony = 89

Device supports circuit switched video telephony.

const TInt KFeatureIdEqualizer = 1502

Device supports equalizer.

const TInt KFeatureIdFlightMode = 6

Device suppors flight mode.

Device can be used off-line. RF and Bluetooth transmitters are inactive and emergency call is not possible.

const TInt KFeatureIdIm = 33

Device supports Instant Messaging feature of the Wireless Village initiative.

const TInt KFeatureIdIpsec = 102

Device supports IP Security (IPSec).

The IPSec is a set of protocols developed by the IETF to support secure exchange of packets at the IP layer. IPsec has been deployed widely to implement Virtual Private Networks (VPNs).

const TInt KFeatureIdIrda = 11

Device supports Infrared.

const TInt KFeatureIdJapanese = 1080

Device uses Japanese language variant.

const TInt KFeatureIdLandmarks = 112

Defines whether location landmarks API is included in device.

const TInt KFeatureIdLocationFrameworkCore = 114

Device supports location basic services.

const TInt KFeatureIdMidi = 1011

Device supports Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) sounds.

const TInt KFeatureIdMIPv4 = 312

Devices supports Mobile IPv4.

const TInt KFeatureIdMIPv6 = 106

Devices supports Mobile IPv6.

const TInt KFeatureIdMmc = 1

Device supports Multimedia Card (MMC).

const TInt KFeatureIdMmcHotswap = 1076

Device supports MMC hotswap.

A MMC card can be inserted and removed from device without removing battery or rebooting the device

const TInt KFeatureIdOfflineMode = 7

Device suppors off-line mode.

Device can be used off-line and Bluetooth transmitter can be enabled. RF transmitter can be activated only for emergency calls.

const TInt KFeatureIdOpenGLES3DApi = 10

Device supports OpenGL ES and EGL versions 1.0.

This feature enables 3D graphics rendering

const TInt KFeatureIdPresence = 36

Device supports Presence feature of the Wireless Village initiative.

const TInt KFeatureIdProtocolCdma = 83

Device supports CDMA cellular stack.

const TInt KFeatureIdProtocolGsm = 81

Device supports GSM cellular stack.

const TInt KFeatureIdProtocolWcdma = 82

Device supports WCDMA cellular stack.

const TInt KFeatureIdProtocolWlan = 109

Device supports WLAN protocol.

const TInt KFeatureIdQos = 101

Device supports Quality of Service (QOS).

The QoS is capability of a network to provide better service to selected network traffic.

const TInt KFeatureIdQwertyInput = 409

Indicates whether a device has qwerty keyboard or not.

const TInt KFeatureIdSipStack = 111

Device supports SIP protocol.

const TInt KFeatureIdSvgt = 77

Device supports Scalable Vector Graphics - Tiny (SVGT) file format.

The feature enables viewing 2D vector graphics animations specified by the W3C.

const TInt KFeatureIdSyncMlDm = 41

Device supports SyncML device management standard.

This feature enables Over The Air (OTA) administration of the device settings.

const TInt KFeatureIdSyncMlDs = 42

Device supports SyncML data synchronization standard.

This feature enables Over The Air (OTA) synchronisation of device data.

const TInt KFeatureIdThai = 1081

Device uses Thai language variant.

const TInt KFeatureIdUsb = 13

Device supports Universal Serial Bus (USB).

const TInt KFeatureIdUSSD = 1091

Device supports Unstructured Suppelementary Service Data (USSB).

const TInt KFeatureIdVideoRecorder = 208

Device has Video Recorder (CamCorder) application available.

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