EDlAttrState |
See THttpDownloadState (TInt32 - read-only). |
EDlAttrProgressState |
See THttpProgressState (TInt32 - read-only). |
EDlAttrUserData |
Any user defined data that can fit into 32bits (TInt32 - read/write). |
EDlAttrId |
Unique id of the download.
(TInt32 - read-only) |
EDlAttrReqUrl |
Requested URL of the content.
(String8<KMaxUrlLength> - read/write |
EDlAttrRedirUlr |
URL after the last permanent redirection.
When download is created or reseted it's the same as EDlAttrReqUrl. (String8<KMaxUrlLength> - read-only) |
EDlAttrRedirUrl |
EDlAttrCurrentUrl |
Current URL of the content.
It's always updated if transaction redirected (permanently/temporary). (String8<KMaxUrlLength> - read-only) |
EDlAttrName |
Name of the download.
Generated from URL path. If URL doesn't contain filename in the path this name is 'index.html' as per default. (String16<KMaxPath> - read-only) |
EDlAttrPort |
Port address of the host (TInt32 - read/write) (default: KDefaultPort). |
EDlAttrMethod |
Do not use it.
For internal usage only!!! (TInt32 - read/write) |
EDlAttrRequestHeaderAddon |
Client application can specify addition request header field with this attribute.
Additional header fields cannot override the ones set by Download Manager! Format is: fieldname KColon fieldrawdata [KHttpFieldSeparator fieldname KColon fieldrawdata] Do not insert whitespaces between fieldname and ":" and fieldrawdata! Sample format string: "%S%c%S". (String8 - read/write) |
EDlAttrNextBodyData |
Returns the next body chunk.
(String8<KMaxChunkSize> - read-only) (Not supported on v2.8!) |
EDlAttrReleaseBodyData |
Retrieving attribute releases memory allocated for body chunk returned in a previous EDlAttrNextBodyData call.
On return it indicates that that chunk was the last one. (TBool - read-only) (Not supported on v2.8!) |
EDlAttrRedirected |
Indicates that temporary redirection occured.
Pausing this download is dangerous, because on restart only the original URL, or the last permenently redirected URL is used. It's not guaranteed that HTTP server will provide the same content on restart after a temporary redirection. (TBool - read-only) |
EDlAttrResponseHeader |
In continue download, client application can pass the received response header via this attribute.
Format is the same as in case of EDlAttrRequestHeaderAddon. (String8 - write-only. Accepted only if EDlAttrContinue is ETrue) |
EDlAttrRequestHeaderAddonLength |
Length of the request header add-on, set by client application.
(TInt - read-only) |
EDlAttrAuthScheme |
Scheme of authentication.
See THttpAuthenticationScheme! (TInt - read/write. Write is accepted only if EDlAttrContinue is ETrue) |
EDlAttrRealm |
Realm of the HTTP authentication (String8<KMaxRealmLength> - read/write.
Write is accepted only if EDlAttrContinue is ETrue) |
EDlAttrUsername |
User name.
(String8 - read/write) |
EDlAttrPassword |
(String8 - write-only) |
EDlAttrProxyRealm |
Realm of the proxy authentication.
(String8<KMaxRealmLength> - read/write. Write is accepted only if EDlAttrContinue is ETrue) |
EDlAttrProxyUsername |
User name for proxy authentication.
(String8 - read/write) |
EDlAttrProxyPassword |
Password for proxy authentication.
(String8 - write-only) |
EDlAttrDestFilename |
Destination filename.
Content will be moved/renamed here after download completed. Can be set only before Start and after download successfully completed. (String16<KMaxPath> - read/write) |
EDlAttrLength |
Full size of the content.
(TInt32 - read/write. Write is accepted only if EDlAttrContinue is ETrue) (default: KDefaultContentLength - until content size is known) |
EDlAttrDownloadedSize |
Downloaded size of the content.
(TInt32 - read-only) |
EDlAttrNoContentTypeCheck |
Content is downloaded w/o content type validation.
(TBool - read/write) (default: EFalse) |
EDlAttrContinueBody |
In case of continue download, the client application can pass already received body data to download manager via this attribute.
Note that if the download is not started this data is lost, because download manager doesn't persist it until that. It is because it's actually not surely known what the destination file size&name until that. (String8 - write only. Accepted only if EDlAttrContinue is ETrue) (String16 - write only. Accepted only if EDlAttrContinue is ETrue. 8bits data stream stored in 16bits descriptor.) |
EDlAttrDestRemovable |
Indicates that the content file is stored on a removable media.
(TBool - read-only) |
EDlAttrStatusCode |
Status code from response header (TInt32 - read-only). |
EDlAttrErrorId |
See THttpDownloadMgrError (TInt32 - read-only). |
EDlAttrGlobalErrorId |
Global error id (TInt32 - read-only). |
EDlAttrContentType |
Content type from response header (String8<KMaxContentTypeLength> - read/write.
Write is accepted only if EDlAttrCodDownload is ETrue) |
EDlAttrTargetApp |
Target app that can open the content (TInt32 - read/write.
Write is accepted only if EDlAttrContinue is ETrue) |
EDlAttrMediaType |
Media type from response header.
See RFC2616. (String8<KMaxContentTypeLength> - read-only) |
EDlAttrMediaTypeBoundary |
Boundary attribute from media type.
(String8<KMaxContentTypeLength> - read-only) |
EDlAttrAttachmentFileName |
EDlAttrDisconnectOnReset |
Automatic disconnection when Reset called.
(TBool - read/write) (default: ETrue) |
EDlAttrDisconnectOnPause |
Automatic disconnection when Pause called.
In progress state EHttpContentTypeReceived download is in paused state but connection is not closed. (TBool - read/write) (default: ETrue) |
EDlAttrUnused1 |
EDlAttrAction |
See THttpDownloadMgrAction (TInt32 - read/write) (default: ELaunch ). |
EDlAttrRestartAction |
See THttpRestartActions (TInt32 - read/write) (default: ERestartIfExpired ). |
EDlAttrNoMedia |
ETrue if the media, on which the download is stored, is removed.
A Reset clears this flag. (TBool - read only) |
EDlAttrContinue |
Indicates that download was started in client app but that doesn't handle it.
Download is created with RHttpDownloadMgr::CreateClientSideDownloadL(). (TBool - read-only) (default: EFalse) |
EDlAttrPausable |
If EFalse, download cannot be paused, or the content will be lost.
(TBool - read-only) (default: ETrue) |
EDlAttrHidden |
If true download is NOT shows in the download list or in any way to the user.
(TBool - read/write) (default: EFalse) |
EDlAttrSilent |
No progress events sent to the client application.
Only exceptions are: EHttpDlInprogress - EHttpStarted EHttpDlCompleted EHttpDlFailed (TBool - read/write) (default: EFalse) |
EDlAttrProgressive |
Indicates that this is a progressive download.
(TBool - read/write) (default: EFalse) |
EDlAttrFotaPckgId |
Fota package ID.
(TInt32 - read/write) (default: KDefaultFotaPckgId. Default means no FOTA download! ) |
EDlAttrDownloadNextUrl |
This attribute is not supported from 3.0! Beginning from 3.0, Download Manager never downloads the next-uri of OMA/COD downloads automatically, but forwards the next-uri to the client via MHttpDownloadMgrNextUriObserver, then the client can create a new download with the next-uri it has got, if it wants so. |
EDlAttrHeaderFields |
Application can set and query raw header fields and values via these attributes.
(String<KMaxGeneralHeaderFieldLength> - read/write) |
EDlAttrCharSet |
EDlAttrResponseCharSet |
EDlAttrResponseAge |
EDlAttrResponseETag |
EDlAttrResponseLocation |
EDlAttrResponseRetryAfter |
EDlAttrResponseServer |
EDlAttrResponseVary |
EDlAttrRequestAccept |
Request headers. |
EDlAttrRequestAcceptCharSet |
EDlAttrRequestAcceptLanguage |
EDlAttrRequestExpect |
EDlAttrRequestFrom |
EDlAttrRequestHost |
EDlAttrRequestMaxForwards |
EDlAttrRequestPragma |
EDlAttrRequestReferer |
EDlAttrRequestUserAgent |
EDlAttrRequestVary |
EDlAttrEntityAllow |
Entity header fields. |
EDlAttrEntityContentEncoding |
EDlAttrEntityContentLanguage |
EDlAttrEntityContentLocation |
EDlAttrEntityExpires |
EDlAttrEntityLastModified |
EDlAttrGeneralCacheControl |
General header fields. |
EDlAttrGeneralDate |
EDlAttrGeneralPragma |
EDlAttrGeneralVia |
EDlAttrGeneralWarning |
EDlAttrSucceeded |
Internally used attribute! Do NOT use! |
EDlAttUnused2 |
Internally used attribute! Do NOT use! |
EDlAttrFailed |
Internally used attribute! Do NOT use! |
EDlAttrCodDownload |
Indicates that it is an OMA DD downlad, and the content is downloaded by COD Handler.
(TBool - read-only) (default: EFalse) |
EDlAttrHashedMsgBody |
Internally used attribute! Do NOT use! |
EDlAttrDefaultEvent |
Internally used attribute! Do NOT use! |
EDlAttrRedirectedTemporary |
Internally used attribute! Do NOT use! |
EDlAttrRedirectedPermanently |
Internally used attribute! Do NOT use! |
EDlAttrCodDescriptorAccepted |
Internally used attribute! Do NOT use! |
EDlAttrCodLoadEnd |
Internally used attribute! Do NOT use! |
EDlAttrDiskBufferingSize |
Indicates how large a buffer (in bytes) to use when writing this download to disk.
A value of 0 indicates no buffering. |
EDlAttrCodPdAvailable |
Internally used attribute! Do NOT use! |
EDlAttrLocalFileName |