SLafListBox Struct Reference

API published in: S60 1st Ed

#include <

Detailed Description

Flags for listboxes.

Public Types

enum  TFlags {
  EMultipleSelection = 0x0001, ENoExtendedSelection = 0x0002, EIncrementalMatching = 0x0004, EPopout = 0x0008,
  ELeftDownInViewRect = 0x0010, EItemDoubleClicked = 0x0020, EKeepModel = 0x0040, EScrollBarSizeExcluded = 0x0080,
  EStateChanged = 0x0100, ECreateOwnWindow = 0x0200, ENoFirstLetterMatching = 0x0400, EPaintedSelection = 0x0800,
  ES60StyleMultiselection = 0x00010000, ES60StyleMarkable = 0x00020000
 Listbox construction flags. More...
enum  TListItemAttribute { ECurrent = 0x0001, EEmphasized = 0x0002, ESelected = 0x0004, EMask = 0x0007 }
 List item attributes. More...
enum  TListItemFlags { EItemDrawMarkSelection = 0x0001, EItemPaintedSelection = 0x0002, EItemDrawOnlyActiveSelection = 0x0004 }
 deprecated More...

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum SLafListBox::TFlags

Listbox construction flags.

EMultipleSelection  Construction flag for a list box from which the user can select multiple items.
ENoExtendedSelection  Construction flag for disabling extended selection.

If this is set the user cannot select multiple items by using SHIFT button.

EIncrementalMatching  Construction flag that sets the list box to match user’s keystrokes incrementally.
EPopout  Construction flag for setting the list box as a pop-out list box.

Pop-out list boxes handle certain keystrokes and events differently.

ELeftDownInViewRect  Construction flag that enables the indication of pointer press inside the view of the list box.
EItemDoubleClicked  Construction flag for enabling CEiklist box item double click indication.
EKeepModel  Construction flag for removing the ownership of the supplied list box model from the CEikListBox so that the list box model will not be deleted with the CEikListBoxes destruction.
EScrollBarSizeExcluded  Construction flag for excluding the scroll bar.

If the flag is set the scroll bas is drawn ouside the window that describes the scroll bars extent.

EStateChanged  Construction flag for enabling CEikListBox change indication.
ECreateOwnWindow  Construction flag that indicates that the list box should be created to its own window.
ENoFirstLetterMatching  Construction flag for disabling key matching.
EPaintedSelection  Construction flag for enabling painting of selected items.
ES60StyleMultiselection  Construction flag for enabling S60 style selection of multiple items from the list box.
ES60StyleMarkable  Construction flag for enabling S60 style markable items.
enum SLafListBox::TListItemAttribute

List item attributes.

EEmphasized  Item is emphasized.
ESelected  Item is selected.
EMask  Sum of all other attributes.

Do not use

enum SLafListBox::TListItemFlags


EItemDrawMarkSelection  deprecated
EItemPaintedSelection  deprecated
EItemDrawOnlyActiveSelection  deprecated

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