Symbian OS Library


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General Purpose Logging

General Purpose Logging provides a system wide trace facility that enables developers to analyse the Symbian OS and diagnose errors.

It creates a unified trace solution (UTRACE) that is based on and extends an existing tracer in Base (BTrace) to build a generic trace mechanism that provides both the trace macros to be used and the engine with which to capture the logs.

The developer injects trace macros into the component (this is called instrumentation) either directly or via an automated plug-in tool. Alternatively, a pre-processor tool can be used to inject traces at compilation time.

The developer then uses filters to ensure only the required trace information is sent to the configured output channel. MasterTrace is the standard logging tool used, but this can be replaced by any similar tool.

The resulting logs are transferred and viewed on a PC. The logs store standard data such as timestamps, the hosting processes or threads, as well as client data such as log types and program specific binary data.

How to use General Purpose Logging

The tracing process consists of three basic phases:

Design Overview

Trace enabled components

Represents the parts of the OS with added trace macros. When run, these components send traces of their activity to the log engine.

UTrace API

Utrace standard API.


Collects the traces.


Controller and output engine.

SWT output framework

Provides the plug-in framework for output channels.

API Solution

Adds the encoder.

Third party controller

Alternative output channel - not implemented by Symbian.

How to Use

To use UTrace macros the developer must include the BTrace handler at ROM build time.

Full OS ROMs

Symbian's BTrace handler can be added to ROMs as a kernel extension, which means it is loaded and activated early during boot. To achieve this, the BTRACE macro needs to be defined, e.g.

BUILDROM h2 techview -dBTRACE

To include the required binaries as normal loadable files the file BTRACE.IBY should be included from another IBY file. In this case the handler will not be loaded until RBTrace::Open() is called.

Base Text-Shell ROMs

The BTrace binaries are always included in Text-Shell ROMs. To exclude the client DLL, define the macro EXCLUDE_BTRACE, e.g.

ROM rom -variant=h2 -inst=armv5 -build=udeb -d=EXCLUDE_BTRACE

Configuring BTrace During ROM Building

ROMBUILD supports additional keywords for configuring BTrace behaviour. These can be added to any OBY file.


BTrace N0 [N1 .. N7]

Sets the initial state of the fast trace filter; arguments are between one and eight 32bit integers. Each bit in these values is a flag, which if set, indicates that a trace category is enabled. The flag for trace category C is contained in integer N[C/32] at bit position C%32.

BTraceMode N

Set the initial mode for the BTrace handler to the integer N. For Symbian's handler use values from RBTrace::TMode

BTraceBuffer N

Set the initial size for any memory buffer used to store trace data.

Use Cases

There are three basic use cases:


To include UTrace macros, code to be instrumented must include the following:

#include <utrace.h>

Machine Instrumented and Release Code

Symbian has defined a new set of macros for generating traces that are processed using both primary and secondary filters.

inline TBool UTrace(TUint32 aSecondaryFilter,TPrimaryFilter aPrimaryFilter;
inline TBool UTrace(TUint32 aSecondaryFilter,TPrimaryFilter aPrimaryFilter, TUint32 a1);
inline TBool UTrace(TUint32 aSecondaryFilter,TPrimaryFilter aPrimaryFilter, TUint32 a1, TUint32 a2);
inline TBool UTrace(TUint32 aSecondaryFilter,TPrimaryFilter aPrimaryFilter, TUint32 a1, const TAny* aData, Tint aDataSize);
inline TBool UTrace(TUint32 aSecondaryFilter,TPrimaryFilter aPrimaryFilter, const TAny* aData, Tint aDataSize);

inline TBool UTrace(TPrimaryFilter aPrimaryFilter);
inline TBool UTrace(TPrimaryFilter aPrimaryFilter, TUint32 a1);
inline TBool UTrace(TPrimaryFilter aPrimaryFilter, TUint32 a1,TUint32 a2);
inline TBool UTrace(TPrimaryFilter aPrimaryFilter, TUint32 a1,TUint32 a2, TUint32 a3);
inline TBool UTrace(TPrimaryFilter aPrimaryFilter, TUint32 a1,TUint32 a2, const TAny* aData, TInt aDataSize);
inline TBool UTrace(TPrimaryFilter aPrimaryFilter, TUint32 a1, const TAny* aData, TInt aDataSize);

inline TBool UTrace(TUint32 aSecondaryFilter,TPrimaryFilter aPrimaryFilter, TProgramCounter);
inline TBool UTrace(TUint32 aSecondaryFilter,TPrimaryFilter aPrimaryFilter, TUint32 a1, TProgramCounter);
inline TBool UTrace(TUint32 aSecondaryFilter,TPrimaryFilter aPrimaryFilter, TUint32 a1, TUint32 a2, TProgramCounter);
inline TBool UTrace(TUint32 aSecondaryFilter,TPrimaryFilter aPrimaryFilter, TUint32 a1, const TAny* aData, TInt aDataSize, TProgramCounter);
inline TBool UTrace(TUint32 aSecondaryFilter,TPrimaryFilter aPrimaryFilter, const TAny* aData, TInt aDataSize, TProgramCounter);

inline TBool UTrace(TPrimaryFilter aPrimaryFilter, TProgramCounter);
inline TBool UTrace(TPrimaryFilter aPrimaryFilter, TUint32 a1, TProgramCounter);
inline TBool UTrace(TPrimaryFilter aPrimaryFilter, TUint32 a1,TUint32 a2, TProgramCounter);
inline TBool UTrace(TPrimaryFilter aPrimaryFilter, TUint32 a1,TUint32 a2, TUint32 a3, TProgramCounter);
inline TBool UTrace(TPrimaryFilter aPrimaryFilter, TUint32 a1,TUint32 a2, const TAny* aData, TInt aDataSize, TProgramCounter);
inline TBool UTrace(TPrimaryFilter aPrimaryFilter, TUint32 a1, const TAny* aData, TInt aDataSize, TProgramCounter);

SWT Style Tracing

SWT uses two tags to identify a trace. The developer can use these tags to indicate which component the trace is originating from, if he wishes to do so.

A UID range can be specified so that the string tags is hashed into a number within this range. This allows the developer to filter SWT style traces based on the UID rather than primary filters.

SWTrace(const char* aTag, const* aSubTag, const char* aFormat, ...);

is translated into:

UTrace(aSwtUid, UTrace:EToolsSWT, aData, aSize);


Instrumentation - Inserting Trace Macros

An example of instrumented code:

#define KFileSystemTrace 0x10202930

EXPORT_C TInt RFile::Duplicate(const RFile& aFile, TOwnerType aType)
    RFs fs;

    // Need to make a duplicate of the session handle in the current thread, 
    // otherwise closing one session will close both sub-sessions.
    TInt r = fs.Duplicate(RThread(), aType);
    UTrace(KFileSystemTrace, UTrace::EAPI, r);
    if (r != KErrNone)
        return r;
    // duplicate the sub-session handle
    TInt dupSubSessionHandle;
    r = aFile.DuplicateHandle(dupSubSessionHandle);
    UTrace(KFileSystemTrace, UTrace::EAPI, r);
    if (r != KErrNone)
        return r;

    // adopt the duplicated sub-session handle
    Tint r = CreateAutoCloseSubSession(fs, EFsFileAdopt, TIpcArgs(dupSubSessionHandle));
    UTrace(KFileSystemTrace, UTrace::EAPI, r);
    return r;

Machine Code Instrumentation

An example of code that has been compiled for function call logging using EDG. NOTE: The user will not be aware of this instrumentation as the resulting instrumented file is passed directly to the ARM compiler.

#define myComponentUID 0x12a53434
void ExampleClass::Foo(TInt aBar)
    Tint enterExitStatus = 0;
    UTrace8(myComponentUID, UTrace::EToolsFunctionCall, GetFilenameAndLOCAsHashedInt32Id(), enterExitStatus);
    //some code
    enterExitStatus = 1;
    hash = GetFilenameAndLOCAsHashedId();
    UTrace8(myComponentUID, UTrace::EToolsFunctionCall, GetFilenameAndLOCAsHashedInt32Id(), enterExitStatus);

Production Release Code

An example of instrumented production release code.

#define myComponentUID 0x12a32345
void ExampleClass::Foo(TInt aBar)
    //some code
    TInt error = GetError();
    UTrace4(myComponentUID, UTrace::EError, error);



MasterTrace or an alternative logger application can be used.


MasterTrace is both the controlling mechanism for what traces will be logged, and the output channelling tool. It is a command line tool, and an API that can be used from other applications and from TEF.

MasterTrace provides the default output channels: File,RDebugSerial and win32.

Only one output mechanism exists at any time because there is only one handler into BTrace. This means that either MasterTrace, or some other output mechanism can get output from BTrace, but not at the same time.

The developer enables the logging of the traces on the target either via the API or by running the command line tool on the target and telling it to log traces with the filters used in the trace statement.

MasterTrace API

//return channelID
InstallChannel(“NameOfDll”, “ReadableNameOfChannel”, extra data); 

//this returns all channels existing in the system and their options
EnableFilter(primary filter, secondary filter);
DisableFilter(primary filter, secondary filter);

//this returns all the enabled filters existing in the system
Start(); //starts sending traces to output
Stop(); //stop sending traces to output, i.e. discard traces

Command Line

The command line has the following functionality:

Install -c  [component dll name] [component name], returns [component id]

Uninstall -c [component id]

GetChannels, returns a list of all channels possible to use and their  settings

GetFilters, returns all enabled filters

EnableFilter –p [comma separated filters] –s [comma separated filters]

DisableFilter –p [comma separated filters] –s [comma separated filters]



For example, this looks like the following:

c:\> Trace InstallChannel SWTFile.dll –o c:\logs\masterTraceLog.txt
The installed channel has the Id: 2

c:\> Trace EnableFilter –p CPU –s 0x2312333, 0x12332432

c:\> Trace GetChannels
Channel id 1: Serial, SWTSerial.dll, options: BaudRate 115200;
Channel id 2: File, SWTFile.dll, options: c:\logs\masterTraceLog.txt
Channel id 3: win32, SWTWin32.dll, options: -

c:\> Trace GetFilters
Primary filters: 2, 3, 5, 12, 23, 34, 35, 432, 324
Secondary filters: 0x1232334, 0x234234, 0x43345345345, 0x23443345, 0x32434534, 0x02342343, 0x023434543, 0x234345435, 0x924583945, 0x439834958, 0x893453475, 0x938493845, 0x9348938, 0x43984934, 0x93849435340,  0x394843985, 0x982374983, 0x9823984, 0x239898734, 0x345345, 0x03843485, 0x92349345, 0x9823493845, 0x03493485, 0x9834293485

c:\> Trace Start
………………………………………………………………….. .

c:\> Trace Stop

It is relatively easy to filter both at the component level and the data level. Filtering works by AND-ing the filters together.

For traces to be output they must satisfy both the primary AND secondary filter.

For Example:

Primary filter = Data Type T

Secondary filter = Component C

means that you only get traces of type T from component C.

Primary filter = Data Type T + Data Type U

Secondary filter = Component C + Component D

means you get all T and U type traces from both components C & D.

It is possible to enable/disable all traces at the same time, but this has serious implications on intrusiveness.



Log Analyser

The log analyser takes the log files from MasterTrace and processes the data into a human readable format.

Trace Record Structure

Each trace generates a record consisting of three parts: a header, header extensions, and the trace data itself.

Trace header structure

The header consists of five bytes containing the size, flags, the primary filter, the deprecated sub-category and the secondary filter.


The size is the total number of bytes in the trace record including the header, header extension and trace data. Trace records are stored in memory word (32 bit) aligned. The size must be rounded up to a multiple of four when calculating the address of the next record. The maximum size is 80 bytes.

TUint8* record;   // pointer to a trace record
TInt size = record[BTrace::ESizeIndex];
record += (size+3); // move record pointer on to next record.


This is a bitmask of values from the BTrace::TFlags enumeration. Bits 0 to 5 indicate which of the 6 extension header words are present.

Header extensions


This contains flag values from the BTrace::TFlags2 enumeration. A value is only present if the EHeader2Present flag is set.


This is a timestamp value indicating when the trace was generated. The format and resolution of this value are platform dependant. This value is only present if the ETimestampPresent flag is set.


This provides additional timestamp information. For example, the most significant half of a 64bit timestamp value. A Timestamp2 value can be present even if the previous Timestamp is absent. This value is only present if the ETimestamp2Present flag is set.

Context ID

This value indicates the context in which the trace was generated. The meaning of the id is dependant on the contents of the two least significant bits:

This value is only present if the EContextIdPresent flag is set.

Program Counter

This is the memory address of the CPU instruction that follows the location the trace was output. This value is only present if the EPcPresent flag is set.


This is an extra value used for different purposes and is dependent on the trace type. This value is only present if the EExtraPresent flag is set. This is used mostly in multipart messages.


Following the header extensions are 0 or more bytes of trace data, specified when the trace was output.

Example 1

If the trace was generated with the macro UTrace4(aPrimaryFilter, aSecondaryFilter,a1), the data contains the 4 bytes specified by the 32bit integer a1. (Data is always little-endian.)

Example 2

If the trace was generated with the macro UTrace8(aPrimaryFilter, aSecondaryFilter,a1,a2), the data contains the 8 bytes specified by the two 32bit integers a1 and a2.

Example 3

If the trace was generated with the macro UTraceN (aPrimaryFilter, aSecondaryFilter,a1,aData,aDataSize), the data contains the 4 bytes specified by the 32bit integer a1, the aData specifies the number of bytes of additional data and the aDataSize contains the additional data.