Platform Security Diagnostics may be used to debug Platform Security API policy violations, as discussed in FAQ 1340. The Symbian OS Emulator's Platform Security settings are all enabled by default. This FAQ explains how the Diagnostics, and other Platform Security settings, are configured on the Emulator. This FAQ supercedes FAQ 1170.
How do I Enable Platform Security Diagnostics on the Symbian OS Emulator?
The Emulator settings are modified through the epoc.ini file (EPOCROOT/epoc32/data/epoc.ini). The keywords and default attributes to configure PlatSe are shown below (PlatSecDiagnostics shown in blue). PlatSecDiagnostics ON
PlatSecEnforceSysBin ON
PlatSecProcessIsolation ON
PlatSecEnforcement ON
PlatSecDisabledCaps NONE
This is fully documented in the Symbian Developer Library at:
» Symbian OS v9.1 » Tools And Utilities » Emulator » Emulator reference » Emulator configuration file: epoc.ini
How do I get the results of the Platform Security Diagnostics?
The Diagnostics are copied to the standard place for Emulator RDebug::Print() output. By default this is the file EPOCWIND.OUT in the windows temp directory. You can use the following command prompt to fetch a copy to your current directory:
copy %TEMP%\epocwind.out
FAQ 1340 explains how the results are interpreted.
Why can't I find the Diagnostics?
The most likely reason is that PlatSecDiagnostics is disabled.
This might occur without your knowledge if you are running a test harness that includes its own epoc.ini (suitable for a specific test purpose). In this case you might simply edit the test case epoc.ini to include the "PlatSecDiagnostics on" line.
Why does the Diagnostics file keep disappearing?
DevKit users that are running Symbian Test code may find that the diagnostic file keeps disappearing.
The reason for this is that the contents or epocwind.out are deleted every time the Emulator launches, in order to avoid it growing in size indefinitely. Some Symbian test harnesses restart the Emulator multiple times, erasing the log file on each restart. The solution is to add a line to your test script that appends the current epocwind.out onto a cumulative log file, after each emulator session has completed. E.g.
cmd /c type %TEMP%\\EPOCWIND.OUT >> c:\epocwind.out.log
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