CSIPHeaderBase Class Reference

#include <mw/sipheaderbase.h>

Link against: sipcodec.lib

class CSIPHeaderBase : public CBase

Inherits from

Detailed Description

Class provides a generic interface for all the SIP headers.

Member Attribute Documentation


Member Enumeration Documentation

Enum TPreferredPlace


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CSIPHeaderBase ( )


~CSIPHeaderBase ( )


Destructor, deletes the resources of CSIPHeaderBase.

Member Function Documentation

CloneL ( )

IMPORT_C CSIPHeaderBase *CloneL()const [pure virtual]

Creates a deep-copy of this CSIPHeaderBase object. The function has to be implemented in each of the sub-classes.

Return Value
the deep-copied object, the ownership is transferred.

CompactName ( )

RStringF CompactName()const [virtual]

EncodeMultipleToOneLine ( )

TBool EncodeMultipleToOneLine()const [virtual]

ExternalizeL ( RWriteStream &, TBool )

IMPORT_C voidExternalizeL(RWriteStream &aWriteStream,
TBoolaAddName = ETrue

Writes the object to a RWriteStream

aWriteStreama stream where the object is to be externalized
aAddNameif ETrue the name of the header is also written to the stream

ExternalizeNameL ( RWriteStream & )

voidExternalizeNameL(RWriteStream &aWriteStream)const [protected]

ExternalizeSupported ( )

IMPORT_C TBoolExternalizeSupported()const [virtual]

Checks, if the header supports serialization. In practice all the headers part of the API support it.

Return Value
ETrue, if the header supports serialization, otherwise EFalse

ExternalizeValueL ( RWriteStream & )

voidExternalizeValueL(RWriteStream &aWriteStream)const [protected, virtual]

HasCompactName ( )

TBool HasCompactName()const [virtual]

IsExtensionHeader ( )

TBool IsExtensionHeader()const [virtual]

MoreThanOneAllowed ( )

TBool MoreThanOneAllowed()const [virtual]

Name ( )

IMPORT_C RStringFName()const [pure virtual]

Gets the full name of the header The function is implemented in each of the sub-classes.

Return Value
the full name of the header for example "From"

PreferredPlaceInMessage ( )

TPreferredPlace PreferredPlaceInMessage()const [pure virtual]

PushLC ( RPointerArray< CSIPHeaderBase > * )

IMPORT_C voidPushLC(RPointerArray< CSIPHeaderBase > *aArray)[static]

Can be used when a RPointerArray<CSIPHeaderBase> needs to be pushed to the CleanupStack for ResetAndDestroy.

aArrayan array of CSIPHeaderBase pointers, the ownership of the array is transferred

ResetAndDestroy ( TAny * )

voidResetAndDestroy(TAny *anArray)[protected, static]

ToTextL ( )

IMPORT_C HBufC8 *ToTextL()const

Encodes the header (name and value) into its textual representation.

Return Value
a textual representation of the complete header, the ownership is transferred

ToTextLC ( )

IMPORT_C HBufC8 *ToTextLC()const

Encodes the header (name and value) into its textual representation and pushes it to the CleanupStack.

Return Value
a textual representation of the complete header, the ownership is transferred

ToTextValueL ( )

IMPORT_C HBufC8 *ToTextValueL()const [pure virtual]

Encodes the header's value into its textual representation.

Return Value
a textual representation of the header's value, the ownership is transferred

ToTextValueLC ( )

IMPORT_C HBufC8 *ToTextValueLC()const

Encodes the header's value into its textual representation and pushes it to the CleanupStack.

Return Value
a textual representation of the header's value, the ownership is transferred