CSIPResponseElements Class Reference

#include <mw/sipresponseelements.h>

Link against: sipclient.lib

class CSIPResponseElements : public CBase

Inherits from

  • CSIPResponseElements

Detailed Description

Class provides services for creating and manipulating SIP responses This class is used for creating and manipulating SIP responses including status code, reason phrase and optional elements such user headers, content and its type.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

~CSIPResponseElements ( )



Member Function Documentation

CSeqHeader ( )

IMPORT_C const CSIPCSeqHeader *CSeqHeader()const

Gets CSeq-header

Return Value
a CSeq-header or a 0-pointer if not present. Ownership is not transferred.

ExternalizeL ( RWriteStream & )

voidExternalizeL(RWriteStream &aWriteStream)const

FromHeader ( )

IMPORT_C const CSIPFromHeader *FromHeader()const

Gets the originator's From-header

Return Value
a From-header or a 0-pointer if not present. Ownership is not transferred.

InternalizeL ( RReadStream & )

CSIPResponseElements *InternalizeL(RReadStream &aReadStream)[static]

InternalizeLC ( RReadStream & )

CSIPResponseElements *InternalizeLC(RReadStream &aReadStream)[static]

MessageElements ( )

IMPORT_C const CSIPMessageElements &MessageElements()const

Gets message elements (contains all SIP user headers and content)

Return Value
message elements

MessageElements ( )

IMPORT_C CSIPMessageElements &MessageElements()

Gets message elements (contains all SIP user headers and content) The response elements can be populated with SIP user headers and content using returned reference to the message elements.

Return Value
message elements

NewL ( TUint, RStringF )

IMPORT_C CSIPResponseElements *NewL(TUintaStatusCode,
Two-phased constructor.
aStatusCode > 100 && aStatusCode < 700
aStatusCodea known SIP response status code. Cannot be 100.
aReasonPhrasea SIP response reason phrase.

NewLC ( TUint, RStringF )

IMPORT_C CSIPResponseElements *NewLC(TUintaStatusCode,
Two-phased constructor.
aStatusCode > 100 && aStatusCode < 700
aStatusCodea known SIP response status code. Cannot be 100.
aReasonPhrasea SIP response reason phrase.

ReasonPhrase ( )

IMPORT_C RStringFReasonPhrase()const

Gets a SIP Response Reason Phrase.

Return Value
a SIP response reason phrase or an empty string if the reason phrase is not defined.

SetReasonPhraseL ( RStringF )

IMPORT_C voidSetReasonPhraseL(RStringFaReasonPhrase)

Sets a SIP Response Reason Phrase.

aReasonPhrasea SIP response reason phrase.

SetStatusCodeL ( TUint )

IMPORT_C voidSetStatusCodeL(TUintaStatusCode)
Sets a SIP Response extension status code. It is not possible to set value 100.
aStatusCode > 100 && aStatusCode < 700
aStatusCodeextension status code
Leave Codes
KErrArgumentif aStatusCode < 100 or aStatusCode >= 700

StatusCode ( )

IMPORT_C TUintStatusCode()const

Gets the SIP Response status code

Return Value
SIP Response status code

ToHeader ( )

IMPORT_C const CSIPToHeader *ToHeader()const

Gets the recipient's To-header

Return Value
a To-header or a 0-pointer if not present. Ownership is not transferred.