Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. This software, including documentation is protected by copyright controlled by Nokia Corporation. Copying, including reproducing, storing, adapting or translating, any or all of this material can only be done in accordance with the Nokia Symbian License version 1.0 (or any subsequent update) or any other license terms expressly agreed between you and Nokia. This material contains Nokia's confidential information which may not be disclosed to others without the prior written consent of Nokia.
Initial Contributors: Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
Description: Interface Manager Standard Variable Names
const TInt | KConnectionUninitialised |
These ranges must be obeyed by all network adapters
These are augmented by the PSD and CSD constants below
const TInt | KStartingSelection |
const TInt | KFinishedSelection |
const TInt | KConnectionFailure |
const TInt | KMinAgtProgress |
const TInt | KConnectionOpen |
const TInt | KConnectionClosed |
const TInt | KMaxAgtProgress |
const TInt | KMinNifProgress |
const TInt | KMaxNifProgress |
const TInt | KLinkLayerOpen |
Do no use in new code. Use KConnectionUp or KConnectionDown from es_sock.h instead.
const TInt | KLinkLayerClosed |
const TInt | KStartingConnection |
These values may be implemented by network adapters (nifs/agents)
const TInt | KIncomingConnectionInProgress |
const TInt | KDataTransferTemporarilyBlocked |
const TInt | KConnectionStartingClose |
const TInt | KPsdStartingConfiguration |
These values may be implemented by network adapters (nifs/agents)
const TInt | KPsdFinishedConfiguration |
const TInt | KPsdAnsweringIncoming |
const TInt | KPsdStartingActivation |
const TInt | KPsdFinishedActivation |
const TInt | KPsdSuspended |
const TInt | KPsdStartingDeactivation |
const TInt | KPsdFinishedDeactivation |
const TInt | KCsdStartingDialling |
These values may be implemented by network adapters (nifs/agents)
const TInt | KCsdFinishedDialling |
const TInt | KCsdScanningScript |
const TInt | KCsdScannedScript |
const TInt | KCsdGettingLoginInfo |
const TInt | KCsdGotLoginInfo |
const TInt | KCsdStartingConnect |
const TInt | KCsdFinishedConnect |
const TInt | KCsdStartingLogIn |
const TInt | KCsdFinishedLogIn |
const TInt | KCsdStartingAnswer |
const TInt | KCsdAnswered |
const TInt | KCsdConnectionOpen |
const TInt | KCsdStartingHangUp |
const TInt | KCsdFinishedHangUp |
const TInt | KMinConfigDaemonProgress |
Generic progress notifications from the configuration daemon.
const TInt | KConfigDaemonLoading |
const TInt | KConfigDaemonLoaded |
const TInt | KConfigDaemonStartingRegistration |
const TInt | KConfigDaemonFinishedRegistration |
const TInt | KConfigDaemonStartingDeregistration |
const TInt | KConfigDaemonFinishedDeregistrationStop |
const TInt | KConfigDaemonFinishedDeregistrationPreserve |
const TInt | KConfigDaemonFinishedDormantMode |
const TInt | KConfigDaemonUnloading |
const TInt | KConfigDaemonUnloaded |
const TInt | KMaxConfigDaemonProgress |
const TInt | KAgentUninitialised |
New software should use the progress ranges defined above
Deprecated7.0s - maintained for compatibility with 6.1
const TInt | KAgentUnconnected |
const TInt | KMaxAgentProgress |
const TInt | KMinInterfaceProgress |
const TInt | KMaxInterfaceProgress |
The type of connection provided by the network interface
It is acceptable for clients to check that a TConnectionType falls within a specified range, and assume that the basic parameters can be obtained. For example, if the returned TConnectionType is between 2000 and 2499, it would be acceptable for a client to assume that it was a GPRS connection, and that TGPRSSubConnectionInfo is an acceptable class to use for GetSubConnectionInfo() calls
Enumerator | Value | Description |
EConnectionGeneric |
Connection values <1000 for generic interface values These are used to indicate an interface does not support extended management functionality, and a limited subset of information is made available through a compatibility layer | |
EConnectionCSD | 1000 |
Connection values 1000-1999 for CSD connections |
EConnectionGPRS | 2000 |
Connection values > 2000 for PSD connections Connection values 2000-2499 for subsets of GPRS/UMTS |
EConnectionGPRSR97 | ||
EConnectionGPRSR99 | ||
EConnectionGPRSRel4 | ||
EConnectionGPRSRel5 | ||
EConnectionEthernet | 3000 |
Connection values 3000 for IEEE802.3 (Ethernet) |
EConnectionWLAN | 3100 |
Connection values 3100 for IEEE802.11 (WLAN) |
EConnectionBTPAN | 4000 |
Connection values 4000 - 4099 for Bluetooth PAN profile interfaces |
Callback actions