CImageEncoder Class Reference

#include <imageconversion.h>

Link against: imageconversion.lib

class CImageEncoder : public CBase

Inherits from

Public Member Enumerations
enumTOptions { EOptionNone, EOptionAlwaysThread, EOptionGenerateAdaptivePalette, EPreferFastEncode, ..., EOptionExtReserved3 }
Public Member Functions
virtual ~CImageEncoder()
IMPORT_C TImageConvStreamedEncode *BlockStreamerL()
IMPORT_C voidCancel()
IMPORT_C voidConvert(TRequestStatus *, const CFbsBitmap &, const CFrameImageData *)
IMPORT_C CImageEncoder *DataNewL(HBufC8 *&, const TDesC8 &, const TOptions)
IMPORT_C CImageEncoder *DataNewL(HBufC8 *&, const TOptions, const TUid, const TUid, const TUid)
IMPORT_C CImageEncoder *FileNewL(RFs &, const TDesC &, const TDesC8 &, const TOptions)
IMPORT_C CImageEncoder *FileNewL(RFs &, const TDesC &, const TOptions, const TUid, const TUid, const TUid)
IMPORT_C CImageEncoder *FileNewL(RFile &, const TDesC8 &, const TOptions)
IMPORT_C CImageEncoder *FileNewL(RFile &, const TOptions, const TUid, const TUid, const TUid)
IMPORT_C voidGetFileTypesL(RFileExtensionMIMETypeArray &)
IMPORT_C voidGetImageSubTypesL(const TUid, RImageTypeDescriptionArray &)
IMPORT_C voidGetImageTypesL(RImageTypeDescriptionArray &)
IMPORT_C voidGetInterfaceImplementationsL(const RUidDataArray &, RUidDataArray &)
IMPORT_C voidGetInterfaceImplementationsL(const TUid *, const TInt, RUidDataArray &)
IMPORT_C voidGetPluginPropertiesL(const TUid, RUidDataArray &)
IMPORT_C TUidImplementationUid()
IMPORT_C TImageConvOperation *OperationL()
IMPORT_C voidPrepare(TRequestStatus *)
IMPORT_C TIntSetEncoderThreadPriority(TThreadPriority)
IMPORT_C voidSetThumbnail(TBool)
Protected Member Functions
IMPORT_C voidCustomAsync(TRequestStatus *, TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCustomSyncL(TInt)
IMPORT_C CImageEncoderPlugin *Plugin()
Inherited Functions
CBase::Delete(CBase *)
CBase::Extension_(TUint,TAny *&,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave,TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TUint)

Detailed Description

Provides access to the ICL (image conversion library) encoders.

This class provides functions that convert image data held in CFbsBitmap objects into well know formats and store the results in either files of descriptors.

Member Enumeration Documentation

Enum TOptions

Flags to control how the image is encoded. These can be combined using an OR operation.


No flag set


Perform the encoding in a separate thread


If the codec supports it, generate a palette based on the colors present in the image data, rather than using the default palette


Use the highest possible image encoding speed; this may result in lower image quality. This flag is more applicable to formats which use "lossy" compression algorithms, such as JPEG. Decoders that do not support fast encoding will ignore it.


Codec must support block streaming extension.


Codec must support rotation through the operation extension.


Codec must support horizontal mirror through the operation extension.


Codec must support vertical mirror through the operation extension.


Codec must support setting thumbnail when using the other extensions (e.g. thumbnail rotation)







Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CImageEncoder ( )


Constructor for this class.

~CImageEncoder ( )


Destructor for this class.

Closes the file. If using a local file session, it closes it. Calls ECom to tell it the encoder instance is no longer required.

Frees all other resources owned by the object prior to its destruction.

Member Function Documentation

BlockStreamerL ( )

IMPORT_C TImageConvStreamedEncode *BlockStreamerL()

Get the extension interface for block streaming on image.

See also: TImageConvStreamedEncode

Return Value
Interface to image conversion operations.
Leave Codes
KErrNotSupportedif loaded codec plugin does not support this optional extension.
Othersystem wide errors

Cancel ( )

IMPORT_C voidCancel()

Asynchronously cancels any conversions currently in progress.

Convert ( TRequestStatus *, const CFbsBitmap &, const CFrameImageData * )

IMPORT_C voidConvert(TRequestStatus *aRequestStatus,
const CFbsBitmap &aSource,
const CFrameImageData *aFrameImageData = NULL

Encodes a bitmap asynchronously.

When encoding is complete, successfully or otherwise, the status is returned in aRequestStatus.

See also: TBmpImageData

aRequestStatusThe request status. On completion contains an error code. KErrNone if the bitmap was successfully encoded, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.
aSourceA bitmap to encode.
aFrameImageDataThe frame image data (optional, defaults to NULL). There exists format-specific image data variants that are used by encoders to obtain image specific data. This behaviour is invoked by specifying aFrameImageData. Otherwise, encoder specific defaults are invoked.

CustomAsync ( TRequestStatus *, TInt )

IMPORT_C voidCustomAsync(TRequestStatus *aRequestStatus,

Sets up background convert cycle, bypassing Convert().

Use this function to inititate CImageEncoderPlugin::InitCustomAsyncL(aParam), which if successful will start background processing. Convert() uses the same mechanism as CustomAsync(), and therefore cannot be used concurrently. Cancel() and other related functions still work as expected.

Note: For use by plugin writers only.

aRequestStatusThe request status. On completion contains an error code. KErrNone if the bitmap was successfully encoded, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.
aParamInterpretation determined by plugin.

CustomSyncL ( TInt )

IMPORT_C voidCustomSyncL(TIntaParam)[protected]

Calls CImageEncoderPlugin::HandleCustomSyncL() that executes user defined plugin specific functions. Subsequent behaviour therefore depends on the CImageEncoderPlugin class.

Note: For use by plugin writers only.

aParamInterpretation determined by plugin.

DataNewL ( HBufC8 *&, const TDesC8 &, const TOptions )

IMPORT_C CImageEncoder *DataNewL(HBufC8 *&aDestinationData,
const TDesC8 &aMIMEType,
const TOptionsaOptions = EOptionNone

Creates a plugin encoder for a specified MIME type and writes output to a descriptor.

The client supplies a MIME type which will be used to try and select an appropriate plugin encoder. If an appropriate encoder is found, it creates it.

See also: TOptions

aDestinationDataThe buffer pointer into which to put the encoded image. This must be a NULL pointer. Memory will be allocated internally and ownership of the data passed to the caller.
aMIMETypeThe MIME type to use for the encoding.
aOptionsEncoder options to use.
Return Value
A pointer to the newly created encoder.

DataNewL ( HBufC8 *&, const TOptions, const TUid, const TUid, const TUid )

IMPORT_C CImageEncoder *DataNewL(HBufC8 *&aDestinationData,
const TOptionsaOptions = EOptionNone,
const TUidaImageType = KNullUid,
const TUidaImageSubType = KNullUid,
const TUidaEncoderUid = KNullUid

Creates a plugin encoder based on optional parameters and writes output to a descriptor.

The client must supply a basic image type (and a sub-type, if applicable) or specific encoder/class, implementation UID which will be used to try and select an appropriate plugin encoder. If an appropriate encoder is found, it is created.

Note: Every image format has two IDs, known as the type and the sub-type (although generally the sub-type is KNullUid). To retrieve a list of supported types and sub-types that can be encoded, use the static functions GetImageTypesL() and GetImageSubTypesL().

If no plugin encoder can be found that matches the details provided in aImageType, aImageSubType and possibly aEncoderUid this function leaves with KErrNotFound or KEComErrNoInterfaceIdentified.

See also: KUidICLJpegEXIFInterface KUidICLJpegImageFrameInterface

See also: TOptions

aDestinationDataThe buffer pointer into which to put the encoded image.
aOptionsThe encoder options to use.
aImageTypeThe image type to use for the encoding (mandatory).
aImageSubTypeThe image sub-type to use for the encoding (only if applicable, defaults to KNullUid).
aEncoderUidThe implementation UID for a specific codec or a decoder/encoder class UID (optional, defaults to KNullUid). If this option is selected for a specific codec the image type and image sub type for the displayer must be supplied. When loading plugins by class UID the image type and image subtype are not mandatory and the first valid plugin from the list of available plugins with the specified class UID will be loaded.
Return Value
A pointer to the newly created encoder.
Leave Codes
KErrNotFoundNo appropriate plugin encoder for this image has been found.
KEComErrNoInterfaceIdentifiedECom could not find the specified interface.
Panic Codes
ImageConversion19 No base type given for sub-type.
ImageConversion20 No base type given for encoder implementation.

FileNewL ( RFs &, const TDesC &, const TDesC8 &, const TOptions )

IMPORT_C CImageEncoder *FileNewL(RFs &aFs,
const TDesC &aDestinationFilename,
const TDesC8 &aMIMEType,
const TOptionsaOptions = EOptionNone

Creates an encoder based on a specified MIME type and write output to a named file.

The client supplies a MIME type which will be used to try and select an appropriate plugin encoder. If an appropriate encoder is found, it is created.

If any file related errors are encountered opening the specified file, this function leaves with an appropriate file related leave code.

See also: TOptions

aFsA reference to a file server session for the encoder to use.
aDestinationFilenameThe name of the file into which to put the encoded image.
aMIMETypeThe MIME type to use for the encoding.
aOptionsThe encoder options to use.
Return Value
Returns a pointer to the newly created encoder.

FileNewL ( RFs &, const TDesC &, const TOptions, const TUid, const TUid, const TUid )

IMPORT_C CImageEncoder *FileNewL(RFs &aFs,
const TDesC &aDestinationFilename,
const TOptionsaOptions = EOptionNone,
const TUidaImageType = KNullUid,
const TUidaImageSubType = KNullUid,
const TUidaEncoderUid = KNullUid

Creates an encoder based on a supplied parameters and writes output to a named file.

The client must supply a basic image type (and a sub-type, if applicable) or a specific encoder implementation UID, which will be used to try and select an appropriate plugin encoder. If an appropriate encoder is found, it is created.

Note: Every image format has two IDs, known as the type and the sub-type (although generally the sub-type is KNullUid). To retrieve a list of supported types and sub-types that can be encoded, use the static functions GetImageTypesL() and GetImageSubTypesL().

If no plugin encoder can be found that matches the details provided in aImageType, aImageSubType and possibly aEncoderUid this function leaves with KErrNotFound or KEComErrNoInterfaceIdentified.

If any file related errors are encountered opening the specified file, this function leaves with an appropriate file related leave code.

See also: KUidICLJpegEXIFInterface KUidICLJpegImageFrameInterface

See also: TOptions

aFsA reference to a file server session for the encoder to use.
aDestinationFilenameThe name of the file into which to put the encoded image.
aOptionsOptions to use.
aImageTypeThe image type to use for the encoding (mandatory).
aImageSubTypeThe image sub-type to use for the encoding (only if applicable, defaults to KNullUid).
aEncoderUidThe implementation UID for a specific codec or a decoder/encoder class UID (optional, defaults to KNullUid). If this option is selected for a specific codec the image type and image sub type for the displayer must be supplied. When loading plugins by class UID the image type and image subtype are not mandatory and the first valid plugin from the list of available plugins with the specified class UID will be loaded.
Return Value
A pointer to the newly created encoder.
Leave Codes
KErrNotFoundNo appropriate plugin encoder for this image has been found.
KEComErrNoInterfaceIdentifiedECom could not find the specified interface.
Panic Codes
ImageConversion19 No base type given for sub-type.
ImageConversion20 No base type given for encoder implementation.

FileNewL ( RFile &, const TDesC8 &, const TOptions )

IMPORT_C CImageEncoder *FileNewL(RFile &aFile,
const TDesC8 &aMIMEType,
const TOptionsaOptions = EOptionNone

Creates an encoder based on a specified MIME type and write output to a named file.

The client supplies a MIME type which will be used to try and select an appropriate plugin encoder. If an appropriate encoder is found, it is created.

If any file related errors are encountered opening the specified file, this function leaves with an appropriate file related leave code.

See also: TOptions

aFileThe handle of an open file to write the encoded image to
aMIMETypeThe MIME type to use for the encoding.
aOptionsThe encoder options to use.
Return Value
Returns a pointer to the newly created encoder.
Leave Codes
KEComErrNoInterfaceIdentifiedECom could not find the specified interface.
KErrNotFoundNo appropriate plugin encoder for this image has been found.

FileNewL ( RFile &, const TOptions, const TUid, const TUid, const TUid )

IMPORT_C CImageEncoder *FileNewL(RFile &aFile,
const TOptionsaOptions = EOptionNone,
const TUidaImageType = KNullUid,
const TUidaImageSubType = KNullUid,
const TUidaEncoderUid = KNullUid

Creates an encoder based on a supplied parameters and writes output to a named file.

The client must supply a basic image type (and a sub-type, if applicable) or a specific encoder/class implementation UID, which will be used to try and select an appropriate plugin encoder. If an appropriate encoder is found, it is created.

Note: Every image format has two IDs, known as the type and the sub-type (although generally the sub-type is KNullUid). To retrieve a list of supported types and sub-types that can be encoded, use the static functions GetImageTypesL() and GetImageSubTypesL().

If no plugin encoder can be found that matches the details provided in aImageType, aImageSubType and possibly aEncoderUid this function leaves with KErrNotFound or KEComErrNoInterfaceIdentified.

If any file related errors are encountered opening the specified file, this function leaves with an appropriate file related leave code.

See also: KUidICLJpegEXIFInterface KUidICLJpegImageFrameInterface

See also: TOptions

aFileThe handle of an open file to write the encoded image to
aOptionsOptions to use.
aImageTypeThe image type to use for the encoding (mandatory).
aImageSubTypeThe image sub-type to use for the encoding (only if applicable, defaults to KNullUid).
aEncoderUidThe implementation UID for a specific codec or a decoder/encoder class UID (optional, defaults to KNullUid). If this option is selected for a specific codec the image type and image sub type for the displayer must be supplied. When loading plugins by class UID the image type and image subtype are not mandatory and the first valid plugin from the list of available plugins with the specified class UID will be loaded.
Return Value
A pointer to the newly created encoder.
Leave Codes
KErrNotFoundNo appropriate plugin encoder for this image has been found.
KEComErrNoInterfaceIdentifiedECom could not find the specified interface.
Panic Codes
ImageConversion19 No base type given for sub-type.
ImageConversion20 No base type given for encoder implementation.

GetFileTypesL ( RFileExtensionMIMETypeArray & )

IMPORT_C voidGetFileTypesL(RFileExtensionMIMETypeArray &aFileExtensionArray)[static]

Get a list of the file extensions that can be encoded and their corresponding MIME types, based on the currently available encoder plugins.

Ownership of the array is passed to the caller, so before the array goes out of scope in the client, the caller must call the array's ResetAndDestroy() method to free any entries.

aFileExtensionArrayAn empty array, into which this function will put a list of entries. Each entry will consist of a file extension string for which an encoder plugin has been found, accompanied by the primary MIME type and then any secondary MIME types (if present).

GetImageSubTypesL ( const TUid, RImageTypeDescriptionArray & )

IMPORT_C voidGetImageSubTypesL(const TUidaImageType,
RImageTypeDescriptionArray &aSubTypeArray

For a given basic image type, returns a list of the image sub-types that can be encoded, based on the currently available encoder plugins.

Each entry in the returned array consists of the "display string" for the plugin as well as the UID for the sub-type. The first UID represents the basic type and is always set to aImageType.

Ownership of the array is passed to the caller, so before the array goes out of scope in the client, the caller must call the array's ResetAndDestroy() method to free any entries.

aImageTypeThe basic image type for which a list of sub-types should be returned.
aSubTypeArrayAn empty array, into which this function will put a list of of supported image sub-types.

GetImageTypesL ( RImageTypeDescriptionArray & )

IMPORT_C voidGetImageTypesL(RImageTypeDescriptionArray &aImageTypeArray)[static]

Returns a list of the basic image types that can be encoded, based on the currently available encoder plugins.

The returned array contains entries for the supported image types. Each entry consists of the "display string" as well as the UID for that image type. Since this function only returns basic image type UID's, the second UID which represents the sub-type will always be zero.

Ownership of the array is passed to the caller so, before the array goes out of scope in the client, the caller must call the array's ResetAndDestroy() method to free any entries.

aImageTypeArrayAn empty array, into which this function will put a list of supported image types.

GetInterfaceImplementationsL ( const RUidDataArray &, RUidDataArray & )

IMPORT_C voidGetInterfaceImplementationsL(const RUidDataArray &aRequiredUids,
RUidDataArray &aImplArray

Gets a list of encoder implementations UIDs that have some specific uids (properties, image type, image sub-type or class uids).

aRequiredUidsThe array containing the UIDs of the required uids (properties, image type, image sub-type or class uids).
aImplArrayThe array containing the implementation UIDs of the available encoder plugins with the required UIDs. The caller has the ownership of the array.

GetInterfaceImplementationsL ( const TUid *, const TInt, RUidDataArray & )

IMPORT_C voidGetInterfaceImplementationsL(const TUid *aRequiredUids,
const TIntaLength,
RUidDataArray &aImplArray

Gets a list of encoder implementations UIDs that have some specific required uids (properties, image type, image sub-type or class uids).

aRequiredUidsThe array containing the UIDs of the required uids (properties, image type, image sub-type or class uids).
aLengthThe length of aRequiredUids (number of required uids).
aImplArrayThe array containing the implementation UIDs of the available encoder plugins with the required UIDs. The caller has the ownership of the array.

GetPluginPropertiesL ( const TUid, RUidDataArray & )

IMPORT_C voidGetPluginPropertiesL(const TUidaImplementationUid,
RUidDataArray &aPropertiesArray

Gets a list of the properties of a specific encoder plugin.

aImplementationUidThe encoder implementation UID for which the plugin properties need to be retrieved.
aPropertiesArrayThe array of plugin properties owned by the specified encoder. The caller has the ownership of the array.

ImplementationUid ( )

IMPORT_C TUidImplementationUid()const

Returns the implementation UID of the encoder being used to encode the bitmap.

Return Value
The implementation UID of the encoder.

OperationL ( )

IMPORT_C TImageConvOperation *OperationL()

Get the extension interface for operations on image.

See also: TImageConvOperation

Return Value
Interface to image conversion operations (rotate/mirror over axis).
Leave Codes
KErrNotSupportedif loaded codec plugin does not support this optional extension.
Othersystem wide errors

Plugin ( )

IMPORT_C CImageEncoderPlugin *Plugin()const [protected]

Returns the associated CImageEncoderPlugin.

This is part of support for extended codecs, for use within classes derived from CImageEncoder. Allows the extended CImageEncoder object to talk to its CImageEncoderPlugin equivalent.

Note: For use by plugin writers only.

Prepare ( TRequestStatus * )

IMPORT_C voidPrepare(TRequestStatus *aRequestStatus)

Optional call from client which may be made on the encoder to allow analysis of image prior to calling Convert.

Should be called once encode is fully set up e.g. any encode operations defined.

See also: CImageEncoder::Convert

aRequestStatusRequest status. On completion this contains an error code. This is KErrNone if the frame was analyzed successfully, KErrNotSupported if the codec does not support analysis, or a system-wide error code.

SetEncoderThreadPriority ( TThreadPriority )

IMPORT_C TIntSetEncoderThreadPriority(TThreadPriorityaPriority)

Set the encoder worker thread priority

See also: TThreadPriority

aPrioritya new value for worker thread priority
Return Value
KErrNotSupported the encoder object doesn't use a worker thread. Other system-wide error codes.

SetThumbnail ( TBool )

IMPORT_C voidSetThumbnail(TBoolaDoGenerateThumbnail)

Select to encode or not the thumbnail

aDoGenerateThumbnailEFalse if no generation of thumbnail