MSIPProfileRegistryObserver Class Reference

#include <mw/sipprofileregistryobserver.h>

class MSIPProfileRegistryObserver

Detailed Description

The observer class for monitoring SIP profiles. Class must be implemented by the user in order to observe changes in the SIP profiles.

Member Enumeration Documentation

Enum TEvent

Profile Registry events


Signals the creation of a SIP profile, indicating that a new profile is added into permanent store. This event is sent to all observers.


Signals the updating of a SIP profile, indicating that the data of an existing profile is updated into permanent store. This event is sent to those observers who have the corresponding profile instantiated. Newly updated values of the profile are available for clients after they receive this signal.If profile was registered while updated, reregistration of the profile may occur. Updated values of the profile are uploaded into network when SIP registration process is completed.It is possible (but not recommended) that profile is updated even when it is being enabled by the client. If client receives this event for enabled profile, client should react as if error was occurred in the exception that profile is disabled or deleted first.


Signals the changing of the registration status of a SIP profile to registered. This event is sent to those observers who have the corresponding profile instantiated.


Signals the changing of the registration status of a SIP profile to deregistered. This event is sent to those observers who have the corresponding profile instantiated.


Signals the destruction of a SIP profile, indicating that the profile has been removed from the permanent store and cannot be used anymore.This event is sent to those observers who have the corresponding profile instantiated.


Signals the force disabling of a SIP profile, indicating that all the users attached to the profile are detached. This event is sent to all the observers but ForceDisable API can be invoked only by application with Network Control capability.

Member Function Documentation

ProfileRegistryErrorOccurred ( TUint32, TInt )

)[pure virtual]

An asynchronous error has occurred related to SIP profile Event is send to those observers, who have the corresponding profile instantiated.

aProfileIdthe id of failed profile
aErroran occurred error

ProfileRegistryEventOccurred ( TUint32, TEvent )

)[pure virtual]

An event related to SIP Profile has accorred

aProfileIda profile Id
aEventan occurred event