RRawDisk Class Reference

#include <f32file.h>

class RRawDisk : public RSubSessionBase

Inherits from

Detailed Description

Enables direct disk access.

No other resources can access the disk while direct access to it is in effect.

This class is not intended for user derivation.

Member Function Documentation

Close ( )

IMPORT_C voidClose()

Closes the direct access channel to the disk, and allows other resources to access the disk.

Open ( RFs &, TInt )

IMPORT_C TIntOpen(RFs &aFs,

Opens a direct access channel to the disk.

Other resources are disabled from accessing the disk until Close() is called.

Note that if any resources are currently open on the disk, an error is returned.

aFsThe file server session.
aDriveThe drive containing the disk to be accessed. Specify a drive in the range EDriveA to EDriveZ for drives A to Z.
Return Value
KErrNone, if successful; KErrInUse is returned if any resources are currently open on the disk; otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.

Read ( TInt64, TDes8 & )

IMPORT_C TIntRead(TInt64aPos,
TDes8 &aDes

Reads directly from the disk.

The function reads a number of bytes into the specified descriptor from the disk, beginning at the specified position.

aPosThe position on the disk at which to begin reading.
aDesThe descriptor into which data is to be read. On return aDes contains the data read.
Return Value
KErrNone, if successful, otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
Panic Codes

Write ( TInt64, TDesC8 & )

IMPORT_C TIntWrite(TInt64aPos,
TDesC8 &aDes

Writes directly to the disk.

The function writes the contents of the specified descriptor to the disk at position aPos.

aPosThe position at which to begin writing.
aDesThe descriptor containing the data to be written to the disk.
Return Value
KErrNone, if successful, otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
Panic Codes