Package javax.microedition.contactless

Provides functionality common to all contactless targets.


Interface Summary
TagConnection This is a marker interface for all RFID tag and smart card related connections in the Contactless Communication API.
TargetListener The TargetListener provides a mechanism for the application to be notified, when contactless targets are discovered by the device hardware.
TargetProperties This interface collects the properties that are common for all contactless targets supported by this specification.
TransactionListener This interface provides a notification to the application about secure element activity in card emulation mode.

Class Summary
DiscoveryManager The DiscoveryManager class offers the mechanism to discover targets for contactless communication.
TargetType This class collects the contactless target types supported by the Contactless Communication API.

Exception Summary
ContactlessException This ContactlessException is thrown when an unsupported operation is attempted.

Package javax.microedition.contactless Description

Provides functionality common to all contactless targets.

Package Specification

Discovering contactless targets is the starting point of this API. Once a target is discovered, an application can communicate with it. This package contains the contactless target discovery. It provides a mechanism to request notification about targets appearing to the proximity of the device. The following diagram gives an overview to the target discovery and to the whole structure of the Contactless Communication API. It also shows the relationships between different packages in this API.

Figure 1: The Contactless Communication API overview

Applications can use classes and interfaces in this package to discover contactless targets. By getting an instance of DiscoveryManager class, the application can register to receive notifications about contactless targets appearing into the proximity of the device. Based on the appearing targets, the application can use a target-specific connection defined in the subpackages to communicate with the target. The URL needed to open the connection to the target is provided in the TargetProperties parameter in the notification. This target-specific connection can be for example ISO14443Connection, when external smart card is available. These target-specific connection objects contain methods to access and manipulate data on the target.

This API defines the basic connection interfaces to the most common targets. However the API implementation should provide additional and more detailed target-specific connection interfaces to the physical targets it supports.

Connections to different contactless targets are designed on top of Generic Connection Framework (GCF). Each different target type defines a new protocol to the GCF. However only one of these protocols is visible in this specification and the rest are left to the API implementation. The visual tag related protocol is visible and all the RFID related protocols are hidden. The reason to hide the protocols is the nature of RFID communication. It is impossible to know what kind of target appears to the proximity of the device and therefore the URL needed to open a connection to the target is not revealed beforehand to the application developer. Instead the URL is provided to the application in the notification about the discovered target.

An application does not have any means to control the time the target is available in the proximity of the device. It can be several seconds or just a touch to the target. Since the communication with the contactless targets should happen in fraction of a second, applications should take this into consideration in the design phase and try to perform connection related operations accordingly.

The following code example illustrates how the contactless targets can be discovered. The examples later in this specification supplement this example.

import javax.microedition.contactless.*;
import javax.microedition.contactless.ndef.*;

 * Example class of how to discover targets using 
 * JSR 257 Contactless Communication API
public class CCAPIExample implements TargetListener {

    private DiscoveryManager dm;

    public CCAPIExample() {

    public void registerTargetToDiscovery() {

        // Check that NDEF_TAG target is supported
        TargetType[] targets = DiscoveryManager.getSupportedTargetTypes();
        boolean supported = false;
        for (int i=0; i<targets.length; i++) {
            if (targets[i].equals(TargetType.NDEF_TAG)) {
                supported = true;
        if (supported) {
            // Get DiscoveryManager instance and 
            // set TargetListener for NDEF_TAG target
            dm = DiscoveryManager.getInstance();
            try {
                dm.addTargetListener(this, TargetType.NDEF_TAG);
            catch (ContactlessException ce) {
                // handle exception
    public void targetDetected(TargetProperties[] prop) {
        // handle notification

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