Interface S60TextEditor

public interface S60TextEditor

S60 platform specific extensions to TextEditor. These methods are only available in Java Runtime for Symbian.

TextEditor does not support DSA over its area. Playing video or using camera over TextEditor area can lead to artifacts on screen.

Editing state indicators

By default, the implementation uses platform specific indicators for the TextEditor. Typically these indicators are shown in the status pane and the visibility is related to the focus of the associated TextEditor. When the associated editor is focused, the platform displays the editing state indicators for the user and when focus is lost from the editor the indicators are hidden.

The application can also choose to control the input indicators if needed. In this case, the visibility and position needs to be controlled separately when focusing the associated editor. It should be noted that if no indicators are shown to the user, the usability maybe diminished especially with complex input methods.

When using custom indicator position, the background color of the indicator area is equal to the associated TextEditor's background color.

Touch input methods

The application has a possibility to control the touch input methods with this class. It is possible to set the disabled touch input modes and the preferred touch mode if needed. It must be noted that supported touch input modes depend on the used device thus some of the touch modes cannot be set as preferred or enabled.

Touch screen virtual keyboard

In touch-only devices when user taps on a text editor touch screen virtual keyboard is opened. The keyboard takes part of the screen space, so canvas is smaller when virtual keyboard is visible. Application is notified about this by events, so it can react on this change and resize, move TextEditor to the visible area and adjust the whole Canvas.

Touch settings

The TextEditor receives touch events in touch devices. This can be disabled/enabled by setTouchEnabled(boolean) An editor with touch-event disabled won't be able to perform any touch-related functionality.

See Also:

Field Summary
          Indicates that the touch screen virtual keyboard is closed.
          Indicates that the touch screen virtual keyboard is opened.
          Indicates that all input methods are available.
static int TOUCH_INPUT_FSC
          Full screen handwriting recognition
static int TOUCH_INPUT_FSQ
          Full screen QWERTY keyboard
static int TOUCH_INPUT_HWR
          Handwriting recognition
          Alphanumeric keyboard with ITU-T input
          Mini ITU-T for Japanese devices
static int TOUCH_INPUT_VKB
          Virtual QWERTY keyboard
Method Summary
 int getDisabledTouchInputModes()
          By default all supported touch input modes are available.
 int[] getIndicatorSize()
          Gets the size of the area needed for drawing the input indicators.
 int getPreferredTouchMode()
          Gets the preferred touch input mode.
 boolean isTouchEnabled()
          Gets the current touch-enabled state
 void setCaretXY(int x, int y)
          Sets the caret in the Editor at x, y location.
 void setDefaultIndicators()
           Resets the implementation provided input indicators to their default position.
 void setDisabledTouchInputModes(int touchInputModes)
          Disables one or multiple touch input modes from use.
 void setIndicatorLocation(int x, int y)
           If the default indicator location is not used then sets the drawing location for input indicators relative to the TextEditor's parent.
 void setIndicatorVisibility(boolean visible)
           By default indicators visibility is set to true and they are made visible when the associated TextEditor is focused.
 void setPreferredTouchMode(int touchInputModes)
          Set the preferred touch input mode overriding the device default preferred mode.
 void setTouchEnabled(boolean enabled)
          Specifies whether or not the editor will receive touch-events.

Field Detail


Indicates that all input methods are available.

Can be used in setDisabledTouchInputModes(int).

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int TOUCH_INPUT_HWR
Handwriting recognition

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int TOUCH_INPUT_VKB
Virtual QWERTY keyboard

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int TOUCH_INPUT_FSQ
Full screen QWERTY keyboard

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int TOUCH_INPUT_ITUT
Alphanumeric keyboard with ITU-T input

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int TOUCH_INPUT_FSC
Full screen handwriting recognition

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int TOUCH_INPUT_MINI_ITUT
Mini ITU-T for Japanese devices

See Also:
Constant Field Values


Indicates that the touch screen virtual keyboard is opened.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


Indicates that the touch screen virtual keyboard is closed.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


void setIndicatorLocation(int x,
                          int y)

If the default indicator location is not used then sets the drawing location for input indicators relative to the TextEditor's parent.

The anchor point given is relative to the upper left corner of the Canvas. The location may be outside the TextEditor boundaries. The z-order of the indicators is the same as TextEditor textual content. If indicators and the editor content overlap indicators are rendered on top of the editor content.

The application should first query the size of the input indicators with getIndicatorSize() method to determine that the indicators will not be clipped outside the available display area when drawn to the requested location.

If there are no indicators present, the usability of complex device specific input methods may be compromised.

x - the x coordinate of the anchor point, in pixels.
y - the y coordinate of the anchor point, in pixels.


void setDefaultIndicators()

Resets the implementation provided input indicators to their default position.

This position may be outside the area of parent in case the default position is in status area. In this case if the status area is missing (full screen mode Canvas) the default position is inside the parent area e.g. on top of the editor. When default position is in use the TextEditor automatically positions the indicators relative to the TextEditor even when TextEditor location is changed. However, client is responsible of making sure indicators are visible inside the parent area positioning TextEditor so that indicators fit to the visible area e.g. on top of the TextEditor. Positioning TextEditor directly on top of Canvas may mean that indicators in the default position are not visible.

java.lang.IllegalStateException - If the TextEditor is not added to Canvas


void setIndicatorVisibility(boolean visible)

By default indicators visibility is set to true and they are made visible when the associated TextEditor is focused.

If the application controls the position of the indicators, those can be explicitly made not visible by calling setIndicatorVisibility(false). Indicators are never visible if TextEditor itself is not visible so having indicator visibility set to true does not make them visible unless editor itself is set visible.

visible - controls indicator visibility state
See Also:
setIndicatorLocation(int, int), setDefaultIndicators()


int[] getIndicatorSize()
Gets the size of the area needed for drawing the input indicators.

The returned array contains two integers for width (array index 0) and height (array index 1) of the indicator graphics. Size (0,0) is returned if the device UI does not use any input indicators in the text editors or if the indicators are curretly positioned outside parent area e.g. in status area. This happens if setIndicatorLocation(int x, int y) has not been ever called for the editor, or if setDefaultIndicators() has been called.

the width and height of area needed for drawing input indicators
See Also:


void setDisabledTouchInputModes(int touchInputModes)
Disables one or multiple touch input modes from use.

User is not able to switch to the disable touch input modes. Multiple touch input modes may be combined together in touchInputMode parameter using bitwise or operator. The method does not have any impact if called in non-touch device. A device may not support all touch input modes specified. Specifying not supported input modes is silently ignored.

The possible values are defined in the class with TOUCH_INPUT_* starting constant values.

touchInputModes - bitwise or combined list of disabled touch input modes
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the given input modes are not valid.

See Also:
setPreferredTouchMode(int), getDisabledTouchInputModes()


int getDisabledTouchInputModes()
By default all supported touch input modes are available. Returns the disabled touch input modes set with setDisabledTouchInputModes(int).

Note that the disabled touch input modes may be device specific so this method may return some modes as disabled by default.

Note that if the device does not support touch input this method returns all modes.

The disabled touch input modes.
See Also:
setDisabledTouchInputModes(int), setPreferredTouchMode(int)


void setPreferredTouchMode(int touchInputModes)
Set the preferred touch input mode overriding the device default preferred mode. User may still change the touch input mode from touch input window to all available modes.

The possible values are defined in the class with TOUCH_INPUT_* starting constant values.

Note that if the device does not support touch input this method has no effect.

touchInputModes - a touch input mode to be set as preferred one.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the input mode is not valid or if it contains multiple input modes as bit mask.
See Also:
setDisabledTouchInputModes(int), getPreferredTouchMode()


int getPreferredTouchMode()
Gets the preferred touch input mode.

Note that if the device does not support touch input this method returns 0

The preferred touch input mode.

See Also:
setPreferredTouchMode(int), setDisabledTouchInputModes(int)


void setCaretXY(int x,
                int y)
Sets the caret in the Editor at x, y location.

x - The x coordinate of the wanted caret position.
y - The y coordinate of the wanted caret position.


void setTouchEnabled(boolean enabled)
Specifies whether or not the editor will receive touch-events.

This is enabled by default. An editor with touch-event disabled won't be able to perform any touch-related functionality such as scrolling or positioning the cursor. It may however still be controlled via the virtual keypad/control-panel if that is enabled, or receive other + input e.g. via physical keys

enabled - true to enabled touch-event, false to disable


boolean isTouchEnabled()
Gets the current touch-enabled state

true if the editor is touch-enabled, false otherwise

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