Package javacard.framework

Provides Java Card API exceptions that may be thrown by a remote method.


Exception Summary
APDUException APDUException represents an APDU-related exception.
CardException The CardException class defines a field reason and two accessor methods getReason() and setReason().
CardRuntimeException The CardRuntimeException class defines a field reason and two accessor methods getReason() and setReason().
ISOException ISOException class encapsulates an ISO 7816-4 response status word as its reason code.
PINException PINException represents a OwnerPIN class access-related exception.
SystemException SystemException represents a JCSystem class-related exception.
TransactionException TransactionException represents an exception in the transaction subsystem.
UserException UserException represents a user exception.

Package javacard.framework Description

Provides Java Card API exceptions that may be thrown by a remote method. Java Card exception classes are included to ensure the same behavior when the method is invoked remotely.



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