Package org.eclipse.swt.widgets

Optional Expanded eSWT Widgets


Interface Summary
Listener Implementers of Listener provide a simple handleEvent() method that is used internally by SWT to dispatch events.

Class Summary
Button Instances of this class represent a selectable user interface object that issues notification when pressed and released.
Canvas Instances of this class provide a surface for drawing arbitrary graphics.
ColorDialog Instances of this class allow the user to select a color from a predefined set of available colors.
Combo Instances of this class are controls that allow the user to choose an item from a list of items, or optionally enter a new value by typing it into an editable text field.
Composite Instances of this class are controls which are capable of containing other controls.
Control Control is the abstract superclass of all windowed user interface classes.
Decorations Instances of this class provide the appearance and behavior of Shells, but are not top level shells or dialogs.
Dialog This class is the abstract superclass of the classes that represent the built in platform dialogs.
DirectoryDialog Instances of this class allow the user to navigate the file system and select a directory.
Display Instances of this class are responsible for managing the connection between SWT and the underlying operating system.
Event Instances of this class provide a description of a particular event which occurred within SWT.
FileDialog Instances of this class allow the user to navigate the file system and select or enter a file name.
FontDialog Instances of this class allow the user to select a font from all available fonts in the system.
Item This class is the abstract superclass of all non-windowed user interface objects that occur within specific controls.
Label Instances of this class represent a non-selectable user interface object that displays a string or image.
Layout A layout controls the position and size of the children of a composite widget.
List Instances of this class represent a selectable user interface object that displays a list of strings and issues notificiation when a string selected.
Menu Instances of this class are user interface objects that contain menu items.
MenuItem Instances of this class represent a selectable user interface object that issues notification when pressed and released.
MessageBox Instances of this class are used used to inform or warn the user.
ProgressBar Instances of the receiver represent is an unselectable user interface object that is used to display progress, typically in the form of a bar.
Scrollable This class is the abstract superclass of all classes which represent controls that have standard scroll bars.
ScrollBar Instances of this class are selectable user interface objects that represent a range of positive, numeric values.
Shell Instances of this class represent the "windows" which the desktop or "window manager" is managing.
Slider Instances of this class are selectable user interface objects that represent a range of positive, numeric values.
Synchronizer Instances of this class provide synchronization support for displays.
Table Instances of this class implement a selectable user interface object that displays a list of images and strings and issue notificiation when selected.
TableColumn Instances of this class represent a column in a table widget.
TableItem Instances of this class represent a selectable user interface object that represents an item in a table.
Text Instances of this class are selectable user interface objects that allow the user to enter and modify text.
Tree Instances of this class provide a selectable user interface object that displays a hierarchy of items and issue notification when an item in the hierarchy is selected.
TreeItem Instances of this class represent a selectable user interface object that represents a hierarchy of tree items in a tree widget.
TypedListener Instances of this class are internal SWT implementation objects which provide a mapping between the typed and untyped listener mechanisms that SWT supports.
Widget This class is the abstract superclass of all user interface objects.

Package org.eclipse.swt.widgets Description

Optional Expanded eSWT Widgets

This package includes widgets which are in the Expanded portion of eSWT. Some of these widgets may not be implemented if the underlying native platform does not support them very well. These are: ColorDialog, DirectoryDialog, FontDialog, Table, TableColumn, TableItem, Tree, and TreeItem. Applications wishing to make use of these widgets should be prepared to catch the SWTException: SWT_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED when constructing these widgets.