CLDC 1.1


abs(double) - Static method in class java.lang.Math
Returns the absolute value of a double value.
abs(float) - Static method in class java.lang.Math
Returns the absolute value of a float value.
abs(int) - Static method in class java.lang.Math
Returns the absolute value of an int value.
abs(long) - Static method in class java.lang.Math
Returns the absolute value of a long value.
acceptAndOpen() - Method in interface
Returns a StreamConnection object that represents a server side socket connection.
activeCount() - Static method in class java.lang.Thread
Returns the current number of active threads in the virtual machine.
addElement(Object) - Method in class java.util.Vector
Adds the specified component to the end of this vector, increasing its size by one.
after(Object) - Method in class java.util.Calendar
Compares the time field records.
AM - Static variable in class java.util.Calendar
Value of the AM_PM field indicating the period of the day from midnight to just before noon.
AM_PM - Static variable in class java.util.Calendar
Field number for get and set indicating whether the HOUR is before or after noon.
append(boolean) - Method in class java.lang.StringBuffer
Appends the string representation of the boolean argument to the string buffer.
append(char) - Method in class java.lang.StringBuffer
Appends the string representation of the char argument to this string buffer.
append(char[]) - Method in class java.lang.StringBuffer
Appends the string representation of the char array argument to this string buffer.
append(char[], int, int) - Method in class java.lang.StringBuffer
Appends the string representation of a subarray of the char array argument to this string buffer.
append(double) - Method in class java.lang.StringBuffer
Appends the string representation of the double argument to this string buffer.
append(float) - Method in class java.lang.StringBuffer
Appends the string representation of the float argument to this string buffer.
append(int) - Method in class java.lang.StringBuffer
Appends the string representation of the int argument to this string buffer.
append(long) - Method in class java.lang.StringBuffer
Appends the string representation of the long argument to this string buffer.
append(Object) - Method in class java.lang.StringBuffer
Appends the string representation of the Object argument to this string buffer.
append(String) - Method in class java.lang.StringBuffer
Appends the string to this string buffer.
APRIL - Static variable in class java.util.Calendar
Value of the MONTH field indicating the fourth month of the year.
ArithmeticException - exception java.lang.ArithmeticException.
Thrown when an exceptional arithmetic condition has occurred.
ArithmeticException() - Constructor for class java.lang.ArithmeticException
Constructs an ArithmeticException with no detail message.
ArithmeticException(String) - Constructor for class java.lang.ArithmeticException
Constructs an ArithmeticException with the specified detail message.
arraycopy(Object, int, Object, int, int) - Static method in class java.lang.System
Copies an array from the specified source array, beginning at the specified position, to the specified position of the destination array.
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - exception java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.
Thrown to indicate that an array has been accessed with an illegal index.
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException() - Constructor for class java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
Constructs an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException with no detail message.
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(int) - Constructor for class java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
Constructs a new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException class with an argument indicating the illegal index.
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(String) - Constructor for class java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
Constructs an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException class with the specified detail message.
ArrayStoreException - exception java.lang.ArrayStoreException.
Thrown to indicate that an attempt has been made to store the wrong type of object into an array of objects.
ArrayStoreException() - Constructor for class java.lang.ArrayStoreException
Constructs an ArrayStoreException with no detail message.
ArrayStoreException(String) - Constructor for class java.lang.ArrayStoreException
Constructs an ArrayStoreException with the specified detail message.
AUGUST - Static variable in class java.util.Calendar
Value of the MONTH field indicating the eighth month of the year.
available() - Method in class
Returns the number of bytes that can be read from this input stream without blocking.
available() - Method in class
Returns the number of bytes that can be read from this input stream without blocking.
available() - Method in class
Returns the number of bytes that can be read (or skipped over) from this input stream without blocking by the next caller of a method for this input stream.


before(Object) - Method in class java.util.Calendar
Compares the time field records.
Boolean - class java.lang.Boolean.
The Boolean class wraps a value of the primitive type boolean in an object.
Boolean(boolean) - Constructor for class java.lang.Boolean
Allocates a Boolean object representing the value argument.
booleanValue() - Method in class java.lang.Boolean
Returns the value of this Boolean object as a boolean primitive.
buf - Variable in class
The buffer where data is stored.
buf - Variable in class
An array of bytes that was provided by the creator of the stream.
Byte - class java.lang.Byte.
The Byte class is the standard wrapper for byte values.
Byte(byte) - Constructor for class java.lang.Byte
Constructs a Byte object initialized to the specified byte value.
ByteArrayInputStream - class
A ByteArrayInputStream contains an internal buffer that contains bytes that may be read from the stream.
ByteArrayInputStream(byte[]) - Constructor for class
Creates a ByteArrayInputStream so that it uses buf as its buffer array.
ByteArrayInputStream(byte[], int, int) - Constructor for class
Creates ByteArrayInputStream that uses buf as its buffer array.
ByteArrayOutputStream - class
This class implements an output stream in which the data is written into a byte array.
ByteArrayOutputStream() - Constructor for class
Creates a new byte array output stream.
ByteArrayOutputStream(int) - Constructor for class
Creates a new byte array output stream, with a buffer capacity of the specified size, in bytes.
bytesTransferred - Variable in class
Reports how many bytes had been transferred as part of the I/O operation before it was interrupted.
byteValue() - Method in class java.lang.Integer
Returns the value of this Integer as a byte.
byteValue() - Method in class java.lang.Byte
Returns the value of this Byte as a byte.
byteValue() - Method in class java.lang.Double
Returns the value of this Double as a byte (by casting to a byte).
byteValue() - Method in class java.lang.Float
Returns the value of this Float as a byte (by casting to a byte).


Calendar - class java.util.Calendar.
Calendar is an abstract base class for converting between a Date object and a set of integer fields such as YEAR, MONTH, DAY, HOUR, and so on.
Calendar() - Constructor for class java.util.Calendar
Constructs a Calendar with the default time zone.
capacity() - Method in class java.lang.StringBuffer
Returns the current capacity of the String buffer.
capacity() - Method in class java.util.Vector
Returns the current capacity of this vector.
capacityIncrement - Variable in class java.util.Vector
The amount by which the capacity of the vector is automatically incremented when its size becomes greater than its capacity.
ceil(double) - Static method in class java.lang.Math
Returns the smallest (closest to negative infinity) double value that is not less than the argument and is equal to a mathematical integer.
Character - class java.lang.Character.
The Character class wraps a value of the primitive type char in an object.
Character(char) - Constructor for class java.lang.Character
Constructs a Character object and initializes it so that it represents the primitive value argument.
charAt(int) - Method in class java.lang.StringBuffer
The specified character of the sequence currently represented by the string buffer, as indicated by the index argument, is returned.
charAt(int) - Method in class java.lang.String
Returns the character at the specified index.
charValue() - Method in class java.lang.Character
Returns the value of this Character object.
checkError() - Method in class
Flush the stream and check its error state.
Class - class java.lang.Class.
Instances of the class Class represent classes and interfaces in a running Java application.
ClassCastException - exception java.lang.ClassCastException.
Thrown to indicate that the code has attempted to cast an object to a subclass of which it is not an instance.
ClassCastException() - Constructor for class java.lang.ClassCastException
Constructs a ClassCastException with no detail message.
ClassCastException(String) - Constructor for class java.lang.ClassCastException
Constructs a ClassCastException with the specified detail message.
ClassNotFoundException - exception java.lang.ClassNotFoundException.
Thrown when an application tries to load in a class through its string name using the forName method in class Class but no definition for the class with the specified name could be found.
ClassNotFoundException() - Constructor for class java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
Constructs a ClassNotFoundException with no detail message.
ClassNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for class java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
Constructs a ClassNotFoundException with the specified detail message.
clear() - Method in class java.lang.ref.Reference
Clears this reference object.
clear() - Method in class java.util.Hashtable
Clears this hashtable so that it contains no keys.
close() - Method in class
Closes this output stream and releases any system resources associated with this stream.
close() - Method in class
Closes this input stream and releases any system resources associated with the stream.
close() - Method in class
Closes this input stream and releases any system resources associated with the stream.
close() - Method in class
Close the stream.
close() - Method in class
Close the stream.
close() - Method in class
Close the stream.
close() - Method in class
Close the stream, flushing it first.
close() - Method in class
Close the stream.
close() - Method in class
Closes this output stream and releases any system resources associated with this stream.
close() - Method in class
Closes this input stream and releases any system resources associated with the stream.
close() - Method in class
Closes this output stream and releases any system resources associated with the stream.
close() - Method in interface
Close the connection.
compareTo(String) - Method in class java.lang.String
Compares two strings lexicographically.
computeFields() - Method in class java.util.Calendar
Converts the current millisecond time value time to field values in fields[].
computeTime() - Method in class java.util.Calendar
Converts the current field values in fields[] to the millisecond time value time.
concat(String) - Method in class java.lang.String
Concatenates the specified string to the end of this string.
Connection - interface
This is the most basic type of generic connection.
ConnectionNotFoundException - exception
This class is used to signal that a connection target cannot be found, or the protocol type is not supported.
ConnectionNotFoundException() - Constructor for class
Constructs a ConnectionNotFoundException with no detail message.
ConnectionNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a ConnectionNotFoundException with the specified detail message.
Connector - class
This class is factory for creating new Connection objects.
contains(Object) - Method in class java.util.Vector
Tests if the specified object is a component in this vector.
contains(Object) - Method in class java.util.Hashtable
Tests if some key maps into the specified value in this hashtable.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class java.util.Hashtable
Tests if the specified object is a key in this hashtable.
ContentConnection - interface
This interface defines the stream connection over which content is passed.
copyInto(Object[]) - Method in class java.util.Vector
Copies the components of this vector into the specified array.
cos(double) - Static method in class java.lang.Math
Returns the trigonometric cosine of an angle.
count - Variable in class
The number of valid bytes in the buffer.
count - Variable in class
The index one greater than the last valid character in the input stream buffer.
currentThread() - Static method in class java.lang.Thread
Returns a reference to the currently executing Thread object.
currentTimeMillis() - Static method in class java.lang.System
Returns the current time in milliseconds.


Datagram - interface
This class defines an abstract interface for datagram packets.
DatagramConnection - interface
This interface defines the capabilities that a datagram connection must have.
DataInput - interface
The DataInput interface provides for reading bytes from a binary stream and reconstructing from them data in any of the Java primitive types.
DataInputStream - class
A data input stream lets an application read primitive Java data types from an underlying input stream in a machine-independent way.
DataInputStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class
Creates a DataInputStream and saves its argument, the input stream in, for later use.
DataOutput - interface
The DataOutput interface provides for converting data from any of the Java primitive types to a series of bytes and writing these bytes to a binary stream.
DataOutputStream - class
A data output stream lets an application write primitive Java data types to an output stream in a portable way.
DataOutputStream(OutputStream) - Constructor for class
Creates a new data output stream to write data to the specified underlying output stream.
Date - class java.util.Date.
The class Date represents a specific instant in time, with millisecond precision.
DATE - Static variable in class java.util.Calendar
Field number for get and set indicating the day of the month.
Date() - Constructor for class java.util.Date
Allocates a Date object and initializes it to represent the current time specified number of milliseconds since the standard base time known as "the epoch", namely January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT.
Date(long) - Constructor for class java.util.Date
Allocates a Date object and initializes it to represent the specified number of milliseconds since the standard base time known as "the epoch", namely January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT.
DAY_OF_MONTH - Static variable in class java.util.Calendar
Field number for get and set indicating the day of the month.
DAY_OF_WEEK - Static variable in class java.util.Calendar
Field number for get and set indicating the day of the week.
DECEMBER - Static variable in class java.util.Calendar
Value of the MONTH field indicating the twelfth month of the year.
delete(int, int) - Method in class java.lang.StringBuffer
Removes the characters in a substring of this StringBuffer.
deleteCharAt(int) - Method in class java.lang.StringBuffer
Removes the character at the specified position in this StringBuffer (shortening the StringBuffer by one character).
digit(char, int) - Static method in class java.lang.Character
Returns the numeric value of the character ch in the specified radix.
Double - class java.lang.Double.
The Double class wraps a value of the primitive type double in an object.
Double(double) - Constructor for class java.lang.Double
Constructs a newly allocated Double object that represents the primitive double argument.
doubleToLongBits(double) - Static method in class java.lang.Double
Returns a representation of the specified floating-point value according to the IEEE 754 floating-point "double format" bit layout.
doubleValue() - Method in class java.lang.Long
Returns the value of this Long as a double.
doubleValue() - Method in class java.lang.Integer
Returns the value of this Integer as a double.
doubleValue() - Method in class java.lang.Double
Returns the double value of this Double.
doubleValue() - Method in class java.lang.Float
Returns the double value of this Float object.


E - Static variable in class java.lang.Math
The double value that is closer than any other to e, the base of the natural logarithms.
elementAt(int) - Method in class java.util.Vector
Returns the component at the specified index.
elementCount - Variable in class java.util.Vector
The number of valid components in the vector.
elementData - Variable in class java.util.Vector
The array buffer into which the components of the vector are stored.
elements() - Method in class java.util.Vector
Returns an enumeration of the components of this vector.
elements() - Method in class java.util.Hashtable
Returns an enumeration of the values in this hashtable.
empty() - Method in class java.util.Stack
Tests if this stack is empty.
EmptyStackException - exception java.util.EmptyStackException.
Thrown by methods in the Stack class to indicate that the stack is empty.
EmptyStackException() - Constructor for class java.util.EmptyStackException
Constructs a new EmptyStackException with null as its error message string.
endsWith(String) - Method in class java.lang.String
Tests if this string ends with the specified suffix.
ensureCapacity(int) - Method in class java.lang.StringBuffer
Ensures that the capacity of the buffer is at least equal to the specified minimum.
ensureCapacity(int) - Method in class java.util.Vector
Increases the capacity of this vector, if necessary, to ensure that it can hold at least the number of components specified by the minimum capacity argument.
Enumeration - interface java.util.Enumeration.
An object that implements the Enumeration interface generates a series of elements, one at a time.
EOFException - exception
Signals that an end of file or end of stream has been reached unexpectedly during input.
EOFException() - Constructor for class
Constructs an EOFException with null as its error detail message.
EOFException(String) - Constructor for class
Constructs an EOFException with the specified detail message.
equals(Object) - Method in class java.lang.Long
Compares this object against the specified object.
equals(Object) - Method in class java.lang.Integer
Compares this object to the specified object.
equals(Object) - Method in class java.lang.Short
Compares this object to the specified object.
equals(Object) - Method in class java.lang.Byte
Compares this object to the specified object.
equals(Object) - Method in class java.lang.Double
Compares this object against the specified object.
equals(Object) - Method in class java.lang.Float
Compares this object against some other object.
equals(Object) - Method in class java.lang.Character
Compares this object against the specified object.
equals(Object) - Method in class java.lang.Boolean
Returns true if and only if the argument is not null and is a Boolean object that represents the same boolean value as this object.
equals(Object) - Method in class java.lang.String
Compares this string to the specified object.
equals(Object) - Method in class java.lang.Object
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class java.util.Calendar
Compares this calendar to the specified object.
equals(Object) - Method in class java.util.Date
Compares two dates for equality.
equalsIgnoreCase(String) - Method in class java.lang.String
Compares this String to another String, ignoring case considerations.
err - Static variable in class java.lang.System
The "standard" error output stream.
Error - error java.lang.Error.
An Error is a subclass of Throwable that indicates serious problems that a reasonable application should not try to catch.
Error() - Constructor for class java.lang.Error
Constructs an Error with no specified detail message.
Error(String) - Constructor for class java.lang.Error
Constructs an Error with the specified detail message.
Exception - exception java.lang.Exception.
The class Exception and its subclasses are a form of Throwable that indicates conditions that a reasonable application might want to catch.
Exception() - Constructor for class java.lang.Exception
Constructs an Exception with no specified detail message.
Exception(String) - Constructor for class java.lang.Exception
Constructs an Exception with the specified detail message.
exit(int) - Method in class java.lang.Runtime
Terminates the currently running Java application.
exit(int) - Static method in class java.lang.System
Terminates the currently running Java application.


FALSE - Static variable in class java.lang.Boolean
The Boolean object corresponding to the primitive value false.
FEBRUARY - Static variable in class java.util.Calendar
Value of the MONTH field indicating the second month of the year.
fields - Variable in class java.util.Calendar
The field values for the currently set time for this calendar.
firstElement() - Method in class java.util.Vector
Returns the first component of this vector.
Float - class java.lang.Float.
The Float class wraps a value of primitive type float in an object.
Float(double) - Constructor for class java.lang.Float
Constructs a newly allocated Floatobject that represents the argument converted to type float.
Float(float) - Constructor for class java.lang.Float
Constructs a newly allocated Float object that represents the primitive float argument.
floatToIntBits(float) - Static method in class java.lang.Float
Returns the bit representation of a single-float value.
floatValue() - Method in class java.lang.Long
Returns the value of this Long as a float.
floatValue() - Method in class java.lang.Integer
Returns the value of this Integer as a float.
floatValue() - Method in class java.lang.Double
Returns the float value of this Double.
floatValue() - Method in class java.lang.Float
Returns the float value of this Float object.
floor(double) - Static method in class java.lang.Math
Returns the largest (closest to positive infinity) double value that is not greater than the argument and is equal to a mathematical integer.
flush() - Method in class
Flush the stream.
flush() - Method in class
Flush the stream.
flush() - Method in class
Flush the stream.
flush() - Method in class
Flushes this output stream and forces any buffered output bytes to be written out.
flush() - Method in class
Flushes this data output stream.
forName(String) - Static method in class java.lang.Class
Returns the Class object associated with the class with the given string name.
freeMemory() - Method in class java.lang.Runtime
Returns the amount of free memory in the system.
FRIDAY - Static variable in class java.util.Calendar
Value of the DAY_OF_WEEK field indicating Friday.


gc() - Method in class java.lang.Runtime
Runs the garbage collector.
gc() - Static method in class java.lang.System
Runs the garbage collector.
get() - Method in class java.lang.ref.Reference
Returns this reference object's referent.
get(int) - Method in class java.util.Calendar
Gets the value for a given time field.
get(Object) - Method in class java.util.Hashtable
Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped in this hashtable.
getAddress() - Method in interface
Get the address of the datagram.
getAvailableIDs() - Static method in class java.util.TimeZone
Gets all the available IDs supported.
getBytes() - Method in class java.lang.String
Convert this String into bytes according to the platform's default character encoding, storing the result into a new byte array.
getBytes(String) - Method in class java.lang.String
Convert this String into bytes according to the specified character encoding, storing the result into a new byte array.
getChars(int, int, char[], int) - Method in class java.lang.StringBuffer
Characters are copied from this string buffer into the destination character array dst.
getChars(int, int, char[], int) - Method in class java.lang.String
Copies characters from this string into the destination character array.
getClass() - Method in class java.lang.Object
Returns the runtime class of an object.
getData() - Method in interface
Get the contents of the data buffer.
getDefault() - Static method in class java.util.TimeZone
Gets the default TimeZone for this host.
getEncoding() - Method in interface
Returns a string describing the encoding of the content which the resource connected to is providing.
getID() - Method in class java.util.TimeZone
Gets the ID of this time zone.
getInstance() - Static method in class java.util.Calendar
Gets a calendar using the default time zone.
getInstance(TimeZone) - Static method in class java.util.Calendar
Gets a calendar using the specified time zone.
getLength() - Method in interface
Get the length of the datagram.
getLength() - Method in interface
Returns the length of the content which is being provided.
getMaximumLength() - Method in interface
Get the maximum length a datagram can be.
getMessage() - Method in class java.lang.Throwable
Returns the error message string of this Throwable object.
getName() - Method in class java.lang.Thread
Returns this thread's name.
getName() - Method in class java.lang.Class
Returns the fully-qualified name of the entity (class, interface, array class, primitive type, or void) represented by this Class object, as a String.
getNominalLength() - Method in interface
Get the nominal length of a datagram.
getOffset() - Method in interface
Get the offset.
getOffset(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class java.util.TimeZone
Gets offset, for current date, modified in case of daylight savings.
getPriority() - Method in class java.lang.Thread
Returns this thread's priority.
getProperty(String) - Static method in class java.lang.System
Gets the system property indicated by the specified key.
getRawOffset() - Method in class java.util.TimeZone
Gets the GMT offset for this time zone.
getResourceAsStream(String) - Method in class java.lang.Class
Finds a resource with a given name in the application's JAR file.
getRuntime() - Static method in class java.lang.Runtime
Returns the runtime object associated with the current Java application.
getTime() - Method in class java.util.Calendar
Gets this Calendar's current time.
getTime() - Method in class java.util.Date
Returns the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT represented by this Date object.
getTimeInMillis() - Method in class java.util.Calendar
Gets this Calendar's current time as a long expressed in milliseconds after January 1, 1970, 0:00:00 GMT (the epoch).
getTimeZone() - Method in class java.util.Calendar
Gets the time zone.
getTimeZone(String) - Static method in class java.util.TimeZone
Gets the TimeZone for the given ID.
getType() - Method in interface
Returns the type of content that the resource connected to is providing.


hashCode() - Method in class java.lang.Long
Computes a hashcode for this Long.
hashCode() - Method in class java.lang.Integer
Returns a hashcode for this Integer.
hashCode() - Method in class java.lang.Short
Returns a hashcode for this Short.
hashCode() - Method in class java.lang.Byte
Returns a hashcode for this Byte.
hashCode() - Method in class java.lang.Double
Returns a hashcode for this Double object.
hashCode() - Method in class java.lang.Float
Returns a hashcode for this Float object.
hashCode() - Method in class java.lang.Character
Returns a hash code for this Character.
hashCode() - Method in class java.lang.Boolean
Returns a hash code for this Boolean object.
hashCode() - Method in class java.lang.String
Returns a hashcode for this string.
hashCode() - Method in class java.lang.Object
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class java.util.Date
Returns a hash code value for this object.
Hashtable - class java.util.Hashtable.
This class implements a hashtable, which maps keys to values.
Hashtable() - Constructor for class java.util.Hashtable
Constructs a new, empty hashtable with a default capacity and load factor.
Hashtable(int) - Constructor for class java.util.Hashtable
Constructs a new, empty hashtable with the specified initial capacity.
hasMoreElements() - Method in interface java.util.Enumeration
Tests if this enumeration contains more elements.
HOUR - Static variable in class java.util.Calendar
Field number for get and set indicating the hour of the morning or afternoon.
HOUR_OF_DAY - Static variable in class java.util.Calendar
Field number for get and set indicating the hour of the day.


identityHashCode(Object) - Static method in class java.lang.System
Returns the same hashcode for the given object as would be returned by the default method hashCode(), whether or not the given object's class overrides hashCode().
IllegalAccessException - exception java.lang.IllegalAccessException.
Thrown when an application tries to load in a class, but the currently executing method does not have access to the definition of the specified class, because the class is not public and in another package.
IllegalAccessException() - Constructor for class java.lang.IllegalAccessException
Constructs an IllegalAccessException without a detail message.
IllegalAccessException(String) - Constructor for class java.lang.IllegalAccessException
Constructs an IllegalAccessException with a detail message.
IllegalArgumentException - exception java.lang.IllegalArgumentException.
Thrown to indicate that a method has been passed an illegal or inappropriate argument.
IllegalArgumentException() - Constructor for class java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Constructs an IllegalArgumentException with no detail message.
IllegalArgumentException(String) - Constructor for class java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Constructs an IllegalArgumentException with the specified detail message.
IllegalMonitorStateException - exception java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException.
Thrown to indicate that a thread has attempted to wait on an object's monitor or to notify other threads waiting on an object's monitor without owning the specified monitor.
IllegalMonitorStateException() - Constructor for class java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException
Constructs an IllegalMonitorStateException with no detail message.
IllegalMonitorStateException(String) - Constructor for class java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException
Constructs an IllegalMonitorStateException with the specified detail message.
IllegalThreadStateException - exception java.lang.IllegalThreadStateException.
Thrown to indicate that a thread is not in an appropriate state for the requested operation.
IllegalThreadStateException() - Constructor for class java.lang.IllegalThreadStateException
Constructs an IllegalThreadStateException with no detail message.
IllegalThreadStateException(String) - Constructor for class java.lang.IllegalThreadStateException
Constructs an IllegalThreadStateException with the specified detail message.
in - Variable in class
The input stream.
indexOf(int) - Method in class java.lang.String
Returns the index within this string of the first occurrence of the specified character.
indexOf(int, int) - Method in class java.lang.String
Returns the index within this string of the first occurrence of the specified character, starting the search at the specified index.
indexOf(Object) - Method in class java.util.Vector
Searches for the first occurence of the given argument, testing for equality using the equals method.
indexOf(Object, int) - Method in class java.util.Vector
Searches for the first occurence of the given argument, beginning the search at index, and testing for equality using the equals method.
indexOf(String) - Method in class java.lang.String
Returns the index within this string of the first occurrence of the specified substring.
indexOf(String, int) - Method in class java.lang.String
Returns the index within this string of the first occurrence of the specified substring, starting at the specified index.
IndexOutOfBoundsException - exception java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException.
Thrown to indicate that an index of some sort (such as to an array, to a string, or to a vector) is out of range.
IndexOutOfBoundsException() - Constructor for class java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
Constructs an IndexOutOfBoundsException with no detail message.
IndexOutOfBoundsException(String) - Constructor for class java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
Constructs an IndexOutOfBoundsException with the specified detail message.
InputConnection - interface
This interface defines the capabilities that an input stream connection must have.
InputStream - class
This abstract class is the superclass of all classes representing an input stream of bytes.
InputStream() - Constructor for class
InputStreamReader - class
An InputStreamReader is a bridge from byte streams to character streams: It reads bytes and translates them into characters.
InputStreamReader(InputStream) - Constructor for class
Create an InputStreamReader that uses the default character encoding.
InputStreamReader(InputStream, String) - Constructor for class
Create an InputStreamReader that uses the named character encoding.
insert(int, boolean) - Method in class java.lang.StringBuffer
Inserts the string representation of the boolean argument into this string buffer.
insert(int, char) - Method in class java.lang.StringBuffer
Inserts the string representation of the char argument into this string buffer.
insert(int, char[]) - Method in class java.lang.StringBuffer
Inserts the string representation of the char array argument into this string buffer.
insert(int, double) - Method in class java.lang.StringBuffer
Inserts the string representation of the double argument into this string buffer.
insert(int, float) - Method in class java.lang.StringBuffer
Inserts the string representation of the float argument into this string buffer.
insert(int, int) - Method in class java.lang.StringBuffer
Inserts the string representation of the second int argument into this string buffer.
insert(int, long) - Method in class java.lang.StringBuffer
Inserts the string representation of the long argument into this string buffer.
insert(int, Object) - Method in class java.lang.StringBuffer
Inserts the string representation of the Object argument into this string buffer.
insert(int, String) - Method in class java.lang.StringBuffer
Inserts the string into this string buffer.
insertElementAt(Object, int) - Method in class java.util.Vector
Inserts the specified object as a component in this vector at the specified index.
InstantiationException - exception java.lang.InstantiationException.
Thrown when an application tries to create an instance of a class using the newInstance method in class Class, but the specified class object cannot be instantiated because it is an interface or is an abstract class.
InstantiationException() - Constructor for class java.lang.InstantiationException
Constructs an InstantiationException with no detail message.
InstantiationException(String) - Constructor for class java.lang.InstantiationException
Constructs an InstantiationException with the specified detail message.
intBitsToFloat(int) - Static method in class java.lang.Float
Returns the single-float corresponding to a given bit representation.
Integer - class java.lang.Integer.
The Integer class wraps a value of the primitive type int in an object.
Integer(int) - Constructor for class java.lang.Integer
Constructs a newly allocated Integer object that represents the primitive int argument.
intern() - Method in class java.lang.String
Returns a canonical representation for the string object.
interrupt() - Method in class java.lang.Thread
Interrupts this thread.
InterruptedException - exception java.lang.InterruptedException.
Thrown when a thread is waiting, sleeping, or otherwise paused for a long time and another thread interrupts it.
InterruptedException() - Constructor for class java.lang.InterruptedException
Constructs an InterruptedException with no detail message.
InterruptedException(String) - Constructor for class java.lang.InterruptedException
Constructs an InterruptedException with the specified detail message.
InterruptedIOException - exception
Signals that an I/O operation has been interrupted.
InterruptedIOException() - Constructor for class
Constructs an InterruptedIOException with null as its error detail message.
InterruptedIOException(String) - Constructor for class
Constructs an InterruptedIOException with the specified detail message.
intValue() - Method in class java.lang.Integer
Returns the value of this Integer as an int.
intValue() - Method in class java.lang.Double
Returns the integer value of this Double (by casting to an int).
intValue() - Method in class java.lang.Float
Returns the integer value of this Float (by casting to an int).
IOException - exception
Signals that an I/O exception of some sort has occurred.
IOException() - Constructor for class
Constructs an IOException with null as its error detail message.
IOException(String) - Constructor for class
Constructs an IOException with the specified detail message.
isAlive() - Method in class java.lang.Thread
Tests if this thread is alive.
isArray() - Method in class java.lang.Class
Determines if this Class object represents an array class.
isAssignableFrom(Class) - Method in class java.lang.Class
Determines if the class or interface represented by this Class object is either the same as, or is a superclass or superinterface of, the class or interface represented by the specified Class parameter.
isDigit(char) - Static method in class java.lang.Character
Determines if the specified character is a digit.
isEmpty() - Method in class java.util.Vector
Tests if this vector has no components.
isEmpty() - Method in class java.util.Hashtable
Tests if this hashtable maps no keys to values.
isInfinite() - Method in class java.lang.Double
Returns true if this Double value is infinitely large in magnitude.
isInfinite() - Method in class java.lang.Float
Returns true if this Float value is infinitely large in magnitude.
isInfinite(double) - Static method in class java.lang.Double
Returns true if the specified number is infinitely large in magnitude.
isInfinite(float) - Static method in class java.lang.Float
Returns true if the specified number is infinitely large in magnitude.
isInstance(Object) - Method in class java.lang.Class
Determines if the specified Object is assignment-compatible with the object represented by this Class.
isInterface() - Method in class java.lang.Class
Determines if the specified Class object represents an interface type.
isLowerCase(char) - Static method in class java.lang.Character
Determines if the specified character is a lowercase character.
isNaN() - Method in class java.lang.Double
Returns true if this Double value is the special Not-a-Number (NaN) value.
isNaN() - Method in class java.lang.Float
Returns true if this Float value is Not-a-Number (NaN).
isNaN(double) - Static method in class java.lang.Double
Returns true if the specified number is the special Not-a-Number (NaN) value.
isNaN(float) - Static method in class java.lang.Float
Returns true if the specified number is the special Not-a-Number (NaN) value.
isSet - Variable in class java.util.Calendar
The flags which tell if a specified time field for the calendar is set.
isUpperCase(char) - Static method in class java.lang.Character
Determines if the specified character is an uppercase character.


JANUARY - Static variable in class java.util.Calendar
Value of the MONTH field indicating the first month of the year. - package
Provides classes for input and output through data streams.
java.lang - package java.lang
Provides classes that are fundamental to the Java programming language.
java.lang.ref - package java.lang.ref
Provides support for weak references.
java.util - package java.util
Contains the collection classes, and the date and time facilities. - package
Classes for the Generic Connection framework.
join() - Method in class java.lang.Thread
Waits for this thread to die.
JULY - Static variable in class java.util.Calendar
Value of the MONTH field indicating the seventh month of the year.
JUNE - Static variable in class java.util.Calendar
Value of the MONTH field indicating the sixth month of the year.


keys() - Method in class java.util.Hashtable
Returns an enumeration of the keys in this hashtable.


lastElement() - Method in class java.util.Vector
Returns the last component of the vector.
lastIndexOf(int) - Method in class java.lang.String
Returns the index within this string of the last occurrence of the specified character.
lastIndexOf(int, int) - Method in class java.lang.String
Returns the index within this string of the last occurrence of the specified character, searching backward starting at the specified index.
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class java.util.Vector
Returns the index of the last occurrence of the specified object in this vector.
lastIndexOf(Object, int) - Method in class java.util.Vector
Searches backwards for the specified object, starting from the specified index, and returns an index to it.
length() - Method in class java.lang.StringBuffer
Returns the length (character count) of this string buffer.
length() - Method in class java.lang.String
Returns the length of this string.
lock - Variable in class
The object used to synchronize operations on this stream.
lock - Variable in class
The object used to synchronize operations on this stream.
Long - class java.lang.Long.
The Long class wraps a value of the primitive type long in an object.
Long(long) - Constructor for class java.lang.Long
Constructs a newly allocated Long object that represents the primitive long argument.
longBitsToDouble(long) - Static method in class java.lang.Double
Returns the double-float corresponding to a given bit representation.
longValue() - Method in class java.lang.Long
Returns the value of this Long as a long value.
longValue() - Method in class java.lang.Integer
Returns the value of this Integer as a long.
longValue() - Method in class java.lang.Double
Returns the long value of this Double (by casting to a long).
longValue() - Method in class java.lang.Float
Returns the long value of this Float (by casting to a long).


MARCH - Static variable in class java.util.Calendar
Value of the MONTH field indicating the third month of the year.
mark - Variable in class
The currently marked position in the stream.
mark(int) - Method in class
Set the current marked position in the stream.
mark(int) - Method in class
Marks the current position in this input stream.
mark(int) - Method in class
Mark the present position in the stream.
mark(int) - Method in class
Mark the present position in the stream.
mark(int) - Method in class
Marks the current position in this input stream.
markSupported() - Method in class
Tests if ByteArrayInputStream supports mark/reset.
markSupported() - Method in class
Tests if this input stream supports the mark and reset methods.
markSupported() - Method in class
Tell whether this stream supports the mark() operation.
markSupported() - Method in class
Tell whether this stream supports the mark() operation.
markSupported() - Method in class
Tests if this input stream supports the mark and reset methods.
Math - class java.lang.Math.
The class Math contains methods for performing basic numeric operations.
MAX_PRIORITY - Static variable in class java.lang.Thread
The maximum priority that a thread can have.
MAX_RADIX - Static variable in class java.lang.Character
The maximum radix available for conversion to and from Strings.
MAX_VALUE - Static variable in class java.lang.Long
The largest value of type long.
MAX_VALUE - Static variable in class java.lang.Integer
The largest value of type int.
MAX_VALUE - Static variable in class java.lang.Short
The maximum value a Short can have.
MAX_VALUE - Static variable in class java.lang.Byte
The maximum value a Byte can have.
MAX_VALUE - Static variable in class java.lang.Double
The largest positive finite value of type double.
MAX_VALUE - Static variable in class java.lang.Float
The largest positive value of type float.
MAX_VALUE - Static variable in class java.lang.Character
The constant value of this field is the largest value of type char.
max(double, double) - Static method in class java.lang.Math
Returns the greater of two double values.
max(float, float) - Static method in class java.lang.Math
Returns the greater of two float values.
max(int, int) - Static method in class java.lang.Math
Returns the greater of two int values.
max(long, long) - Static method in class java.lang.Math
Returns the greater of two long values.
MAY - Static variable in class java.util.Calendar
Value of the MONTH field indicating the fifth month of the year.
MILLISECOND - Static variable in class java.util.Calendar
Field number for get and set indicating the millisecond within the second.
MIN_PRIORITY - Static variable in class java.lang.Thread
The minimum priority that a thread can have.
MIN_RADIX - Static variable in class java.lang.Character
The minimum radix available for conversion to and from Strings.
MIN_VALUE - Static variable in class java.lang.Long
The smallest value of type long.
MIN_VALUE - Static variable in class java.lang.Integer
The smallest value of type int.
MIN_VALUE - Static variable in class java.lang.Short
The minimum value a Short can have.
MIN_VALUE - Static variable in class java.lang.Byte
The minimum value a Byte can have.
MIN_VALUE - Static variable in class java.lang.Double
The smallest positive value of type double.
MIN_VALUE - Static variable in class java.lang.Float
The smallest positive value of type float.
MIN_VALUE - Static variable in class java.lang.Character
The constant value of this field is the smallest value of type char.
min(double, double) - Static method in class java.lang.Math
Returns the smaller of two double values.
min(float, float) - Static method in class java.lang.Math
Returns the smaller of two float values.
min(int, int) - Static method in class java.lang.Math
Returns the smaller of two int values.
min(long, long) - Static method in class java.lang.Math
Returns the smaller of two long values.
MINUTE - Static variable in class java.util.Calendar
Field number for get and set indicating the minute within the hour.
MONDAY - Static variable in class java.util.Calendar
Value of the DAY_OF_WEEK field indicating Monday.
MONTH - Static variable in class java.util.Calendar
Field number for get and set indicating the month.


NaN - Static variable in class java.lang.Double
A Not-a-Number (NaN) value of type double.
NaN - Static variable in class java.lang.Float
The Not-a-Number (NaN) value of type float.
NEGATIVE_INFINITY - Static variable in class java.lang.Double
The negative infinity of type double.
NEGATIVE_INFINITY - Static variable in class java.lang.Float
The negative infinity of type float.
NegativeArraySizeException - exception java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException.
Thrown if an application tries to create an array with negative size.
NegativeArraySizeException() - Constructor for class java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException
Constructs a NegativeArraySizeException with no detail message.
NegativeArraySizeException(String) - Constructor for class java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException
Constructs a NegativeArraySizeException with the specified detail message.
newDatagram(byte[], int) - Method in interface
Create a new datagram object.
newDatagram(byte[], int, String) - Method in interface
Make a new datagram object.
newDatagram(int) - Method in interface
Create a new datagram object.
newDatagram(int, String) - Method in interface
Create a new datagram object.
newInstance() - Method in class java.lang.Class
Creates a new instance of a class.
next(int) - Method in class java.util.Random
Generates the next pseudorandom number.
nextDouble() - Method in class java.util.Random
Returns the next pseudorandom, uniformly distributed double value between 0.0 and 1.0 from this random number generator's sequence.
nextElement() - Method in interface java.util.Enumeration
Returns the next element of this enumeration if this enumeration object has at least one more element to provide.
nextFloat() - Method in class java.util.Random
Returns the next pseudorandom, uniformly distributed float value between 0.0 and 1.0 from this random number generator's sequence.
nextInt() - Method in class java.util.Random
Returns the next pseudorandom, uniformly distributed int value from this random number generator's sequence.
nextInt(int) - Method in class java.util.Random
Returns a pseudorandom, uniformly distributed int value between 0 (inclusive) and the specified value (exclusive), drawn from this random number generator's sequence.
nextLong() - Method in class java.util.Random
Returns the next pseudorandom, uniformly distributed long value from this random number generator's sequence.
NoClassDefFoundError - error java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError.
Thrown if the Java Virtual Machine tries to load in the definition of a class (as part of a normal method call or as part of creating a new instance using the new expression) and no definition of the class could be found.
NoClassDefFoundError() - Constructor for class java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
Constructs a NoClassDefFoundError with no detail message.
NoClassDefFoundError(String) - Constructor for class java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
Constructs a NoClassDefFoundError with the specified detail message.
NORM_PRIORITY - Static variable in class java.lang.Thread
The default priority that is assigned to a thread.
NoSuchElementException - exception java.util.NoSuchElementException.
Thrown by the nextElement method of an Enumeration to indicate that there are no more elements in the enumeration.
NoSuchElementException() - Constructor for class java.util.NoSuchElementException
Constructs a NoSuchElementException with null as its error message string.
NoSuchElementException(String) - Constructor for class java.util.NoSuchElementException
Constructs a NoSuchElementException, saving a reference to the error message string s for later retrieval by the getMessage method.
notify() - Method in class java.lang.Object
Wakes up a single thread that is waiting on this object's monitor.
notifyAll() - Method in class java.lang.Object
Wakes up all threads that are waiting on this object's monitor.
NOVEMBER - Static variable in class java.util.Calendar
Value of the MONTH field indicating the eleventh month of the year.
NullPointerException - exception java.lang.NullPointerException.
Thrown when an application attempts to use null in a case where an object is required.
NullPointerException() - Constructor for class java.lang.NullPointerException
Constructs a NullPointerException with no detail message.
NullPointerException(String) - Constructor for class java.lang.NullPointerException
Constructs a NullPointerException with the specified detail message.
NumberFormatException - exception java.lang.NumberFormatException.
Thrown to indicate that the application has attempted to convert a string to one of the numeric types, but that the string does not have the appropriate format.
NumberFormatException() - Constructor for class java.lang.NumberFormatException
Constructs a NumberFormatException with no detail message.
NumberFormatException(String) - Constructor for class java.lang.NumberFormatException
Constructs a NumberFormatException with the specified detail message.


Object - class java.lang.Object.
Class Object is the root of the class hierarchy.
Object() - Constructor for class java.lang.Object
OCTOBER - Static variable in class java.util.Calendar
Value of the MONTH field indicating the tenth month of the year.
open(String) - Static method in class
Create and open a Connection.
open(String, int) - Static method in class
Create and open a Connection.
open(String, int, boolean) - Static method in class
Create and open a Connection.
openDataInputStream() - Method in interface
Open and return a data input stream for a connection.
openDataInputStream(String) - Static method in class
Create and open a connection input stream.
openDataOutputStream() - Method in interface
Open and return a data output stream for a connection.
openDataOutputStream(String) - Static method in class
Create and open a connection output stream.
openInputStream() - Method in interface
Open and return an input stream for a connection.
openInputStream(String) - Static method in class
Create and open a connection input stream.
openOutputStream() - Method in interface
Open and return an output stream for a connection.
openOutputStream(String) - Static method in class
Create and open a connection output stream.
out - Static variable in class java.lang.System
The "standard" output stream.
out - Variable in class
The output stream.
OutOfMemoryError - error java.lang.OutOfMemoryError.
Thrown when the Java Virtual Machine cannot allocate an object because it is out of memory, and no more memory could be made available by the garbage collector.
OutOfMemoryError() - Constructor for class java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
Constructs an OutOfMemoryError with no detail message.
OutOfMemoryError(String) - Constructor for class java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
Constructs an OutOfMemoryError with the specified detail message.
OutputConnection - interface
This interface defines the capabilities that an output stream connection must have.
OutputStream - class
This abstract class is the superclass of all classes representing an output stream of bytes.
OutputStream() - Constructor for class
OutputStreamWriter - class
An OutputStreamWriter is a bridge from character streams to byte streams: Characters written to it are translated into bytes.
OutputStreamWriter(OutputStream) - Constructor for class
Create an OutputStreamWriter that uses the default character encoding.
OutputStreamWriter(OutputStream, String) - Constructor for class
Create an OutputStreamWriter that uses the named character encoding.


parseByte(String) - Static method in class java.lang.Byte
Assuming the specified String represents a byte, returns that byte's value.
parseByte(String, int) - Static method in class java.lang.Byte
Assuming the specified String represents a byte, returns that byte's value.
parseDouble(String) - Static method in class java.lang.Double
Returns a new double initialized to the value represented by the specified String, as performed by the valueOf method of class Double.
parseFloat(String) - Static method in class java.lang.Float
Returns a new float initialized to the value represented by the specified String.
parseInt(String) - Static method in class java.lang.Integer
Parses the string argument as a signed decimal integer.
parseInt(String, int) - Static method in class java.lang.Integer
Parses the string argument as a signed integer in the radix specified by the second argument.
parseLong(String) - Static method in class java.lang.Long
Parses the string argument as a signed decimal long.
parseLong(String, int) - Static method in class java.lang.Long
Parses the string argument as a signed long in the radix specified by the second argument.
parseShort(String) - Static method in class java.lang.Short
Assuming the specified String represents a short, returns that short's value.
parseShort(String, int) - Static method in class java.lang.Short
Assuming the specified String represents a short, returns that short's value in the radix specified by the second argument.
peek() - Method in class java.util.Stack
Looks at the object at the top of this stack without removing it from the stack.
PI - Static variable in class java.lang.Math
The double value that is closer than any other to pi, the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.
PM - Static variable in class java.util.Calendar
Value of the AM_PM field indicating the period of the day from noon to just before midnight.
pop() - Method in class java.util.Stack
Removes the object at the top of this stack and returns that object as the value of this function.
pos - Variable in class
The index of the next character to read from the input stream buffer.
POSITIVE_INFINITY - Static variable in class java.lang.Double
The positive infinity of type double.
POSITIVE_INFINITY - Static variable in class java.lang.Float
The positive infinity of type float.
print(boolean) - Method in class
Print a boolean value.
print(char) - Method in class
Print a character.
print(char[]) - Method in class
Print an array of characters.
print(double) - Method in class
Print a double-precision floating point number.
print(float) - Method in class
Print a floating point number.
print(int) - Method in class
Print an integer.
print(long) - Method in class
Print a long integer.
print(Object) - Method in class
Print an object.
print(String) - Method in class
Print a string.
println() - Method in class
Terminate the current line by writing the line separator string.
println(boolean) - Method in class
Print a boolean and then terminate the line.
println(char) - Method in class
Print a character and then terminate the line.
println(char[]) - Method in class
Print an array of characters and then terminate the line.
println(double) - Method in class
Print a double and then terminate the line.
println(float) - Method in class
Print a float and then terminate the line.
println(int) - Method in class
Print an integer and then terminate the line.
println(long) - Method in class
Print a long and then terminate the line.
println(Object) - Method in class
Print an Object and then terminate the line.
println(String) - Method in class
Print a String and then terminate the line.
printStackTrace() - Method in class java.lang.Throwable
Prints this Throwable and its backtrace to the standard error stream.
PrintStream - class
A PrintStream adds functionality to another output stream, namely the ability to print representations of various data values conveniently.
PrintStream(OutputStream) - Constructor for class
Create a new print stream.
push(Object) - Method in class java.util.Stack
Pushes an item onto the top of this stack.
put(Object, Object) - Method in class java.util.Hashtable
Maps the specified key to the specified value in this hashtable.


Random - class java.util.Random.
An instance of this class is used to generate a stream of pseudorandom numbers.
Random() - Constructor for class java.util.Random
Creates a new random number generator.
Random(long) - Constructor for class java.util.Random
Creates a new random number generator using a single long seed:
READ - Static variable in class
Access mode READ.
READ_WRITE - Static variable in class
Access mode READ_WRITE.
read() - Method in class
Reads the next byte of data from this input stream.
read() - Method in class
Reads the next byte of data from this input stream.
read() - Method in class
Read a single character.
read() - Method in class
Read a single character.
read() - Method in class
Reads the next byte of data from the input stream.
read(byte[]) - Method in class
See the general contract of the read method of DataInput.
read(byte[]) - Method in class
Reads some number of bytes from the input stream and stores them into the buffer array b.
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
Reads up to len bytes of data into an array of bytes from this input stream.
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
Reads up to len bytes of data from this input stream into an array of bytes.
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
Reads up to len bytes of data from the input stream into an array of bytes.
read(char[]) - Method in class
Read characters into an array.
read(char[], int, int) - Method in class
Read characters into a portion of an array.
read(char[], int, int) - Method in class
Read characters into a portion of an array.
readBoolean() - Method in class
See the general contract of the readBoolean method of DataInput.
readBoolean() - Method in interface
Reads one input byte and returns true if that byte is nonzero, false if that byte is zero.
readByte() - Method in class
See the general contract of the readByte method of DataInput.
readByte() - Method in interface
Reads and returns one input byte.
readChar() - Method in class
See the general contract of the readChar method of DataInput.
readChar() - Method in interface
Reads an input char and returns the char value.
readDouble() - Method in class
See the general contract of the readDouble method of DataInput.
readDouble() - Method in interface
Reads eight input bytes and returns a double value.
Reader - class
Abstract class for reading character streams.
Reader() - Constructor for class
Create a new character-stream reader whose critical sections will synchronize on the reader itself.
Reader(Object) - Constructor for class
Create a new character-stream reader whose critical sections will synchronize on the given object.
readFloat() - Method in class
See the general contract of the readFloat method of DataInput.
readFloat() - Method in interface
Reads four input bytes and returns a float value.
readFully(byte[]) - Method in class
See the general contract of the readFully method of DataInput.
readFully(byte[]) - Method in interface
Reads some bytes from an input stream and stores them into the buffer array b.
readFully(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
See the general contract of the readFully method of DataInput.
readFully(byte[], int, int) - Method in interface
Reads len bytes from an input stream.
readInt() - Method in class
See the general contract of the readInt method of DataInput.
readInt() - Method in interface
Reads four input bytes and returns an int value.
readLong() - Method in class
See the general contract of the readLong method of DataInput.
readLong() - Method in interface
Reads eight input bytes and returns a long value.
readShort() - Method in class
See the general contract of the readShort method of DataInput.
readShort() - Method in interface
Reads two input bytes and returns a short value.
readUnsignedByte() - Method in class
See the general contract of the readUnsignedByte method of DataInput.
readUnsignedByte() - Method in interface
Reads one input byte, zero-extends it to type int, and returns the result, which is therefore in the range 0 through 255.
readUnsignedShort() - Method in class
See the general contract of the readUnsignedShort method of DataInput.
readUnsignedShort() - Method in interface
Reads two input bytes, zero-extends it to type int, and returns an int value in the range 0 through 65535.
readUTF() - Method in class
See the general contract of the readUTF method of DataInput.
readUTF() - Method in interface
Reads in a string that has been encoded using a modified UTF-8 format.
readUTF(DataInput) - Static method in class
Reads from the stream in a representation of a Unicode character string encoded in Java modified UTF-8 format; this string of characters is then returned as a String.
ready() - Method in class
Tell whether this stream is ready to be read.
ready() - Method in class
Tell whether this stream is ready to be read.
receive(Datagram) - Method in interface
Receive a datagram.
Reference - class java.lang.ref.Reference.
Abstract base class for reference objects.
regionMatches(boolean, int, String, int, int) - Method in class java.lang.String
Tests if two string regions are equal.
rehash() - Method in class java.util.Hashtable
Rehashes the contents of the hashtable into a hashtable with a larger capacity.
remove(Object) - Method in class java.util.Hashtable
Removes the key (and its corresponding value) from this hashtable.
removeAllElements() - Method in class java.util.Vector
Removes all components from this vector and sets its size to zero.
removeElement(Object) - Method in class java.util.Vector
Removes the first occurrence of the argument from this vector.
removeElementAt(int) - Method in class java.util.Vector
Deletes the component at the specified index.
replace(char, char) - Method in class java.lang.String
Returns a new string resulting from replacing all occurrences of oldChar in this string with newChar.
reset() - Method in class
Resets the count field of this byte array output stream to zero, so that all currently accumulated output in the output stream is discarded.
reset() - Method in class
Resets the buffer to the marked position.
reset() - Method in class
Repositions this stream to the position at the time the mark method was last called on this input stream.
reset() - Method in class
Reset the stream.
reset() - Method in class
Reset the stream.
reset() - Method in class
Repositions this stream to the position at the time the mark method was last called on this input stream.
reset() - Method in interface
Zero the read/write pointer as well as the offset and length state variables.
reverse() - Method in class java.lang.StringBuffer
The character sequence contained in this string buffer is replaced by the reverse of the sequence.
run() - Method in class java.lang.Thread
If this thread was constructed using a separate Runnable run object, then that Runnable object's run method is called; otherwise, this method does nothing and returns.
run() - Method in interface java.lang.Runnable
When an object implementing interface Runnable is used to create a thread, starting the thread causes the object's run method to be called in that separately executing thread.
Runnable - interface java.lang.Runnable.
The Runnable interface should be implemented by any class whose instances are intended to be executed by a thread.
Runtime - class java.lang.Runtime.
Every Java application has a single instance of class Runtime that allows the application to interface with the environment in which the application is running.
RuntimeException - exception java.lang.RuntimeException.
RuntimeException is the superclass of those exceptions that can be thrown during the normal operation of the Java Virtual Machine.
RuntimeException() - Constructor for class java.lang.RuntimeException
Constructs a RuntimeException with no detail message.
RuntimeException(String) - Constructor for class java.lang.RuntimeException
Constructs a RuntimeException with the specified detail message.


SATURDAY - Static variable in class java.util.Calendar
Value of the DAY_OF_WEEK field indicating Saturday.
search(Object) - Method in class java.util.Stack
Returns the 1-based position where an object is on this stack.
SECOND - Static variable in class java.util.Calendar
Field number for get and set indicating the second within the minute.
SecurityException - exception java.lang.SecurityException.
Thrown by the system to indicate a security violation.
SecurityException() - Constructor for class java.lang.SecurityException
Constructs a SecurityException with no detail message.
SecurityException(String) - Constructor for class java.lang.SecurityException
Constructs a SecurityException with the specified detail message.
send(Datagram) - Method in interface
Send a datagram.
SEPTEMBER - Static variable in class java.util.Calendar
Value of the MONTH field indicating the ninth month of the year.
set(int, int) - Method in class java.util.Calendar
Sets the time field with the given value.
setAddress(Datagram) - Method in interface
Set datagram address, copying the address from another datagram.
setAddress(String) - Method in interface
Set datagram address.
setCharAt(int, char) - Method in class java.lang.StringBuffer
The character at the specified index of this string buffer is set to ch.
setData(byte[], int, int) - Method in interface
Set the buffer, offset and length state variables.
setElementAt(Object, int) - Method in class java.util.Vector
Sets the component at the specified index of this vector to be the specified object.
setError() - Method in class
Set the error state of the stream to true.
setLength(int) - Method in class java.lang.StringBuffer
Sets the length of this string buffer.
setLength(int) - Method in interface
Set the length state variable.
setPriority(int) - Method in class java.lang.Thread
Changes the priority of this thread.
setSeed(long) - Method in class java.util.Random
Sets the seed of this random number generator using a single long seed.
setSize(int) - Method in class java.util.Vector
Sets the size of this vector.
setTime(Date) - Method in class java.util.Calendar
Sets this Calendar's current time with the given Date.
setTime(long) - Method in class java.util.Date
Sets this Date object to represent a point in time that is time milliseconds after January 1, 1970 00:00:00 GMT.
setTimeInMillis(long) - Method in class java.util.Calendar
Sets this Calendar's current time from the given long value.
setTimeZone(TimeZone) - Method in class java.util.Calendar
Sets the time zone with the given time zone value.
Short - class java.lang.Short.
The Short class is the standard wrapper for short values.
Short(short) - Constructor for class java.lang.Short
Constructs a Short object initialized to the specified short value.
shortValue() - Method in class java.lang.Integer
Returns the value of this Integer as a short.
shortValue() - Method in class java.lang.Short
Returns the value of this Short as a short.
shortValue() - Method in class java.lang.Double
Returns the value of this Double as a short (by casting to a short).
shortValue() - Method in class java.lang.Float
Returns the value of this Float as a short (by casting to a short).
sin(double) - Static method in class java.lang.Math
Returns the trigonometric sine of an angle.
size() - Method in class
Returns the current size of the buffer.
size() - Method in class java.util.Vector
Returns the number of components in this vector.
size() - Method in class java.util.Hashtable
Returns the number of keys in this hashtable.
skip(long) - Method in class
Skips n bytes of input from this input stream.
skip(long) - Method in class
Skips over and discards n bytes of data from the input stream.
skip(long) - Method in class
Skip characters.
skip(long) - Method in class
Skip characters.
skip(long) - Method in class
Skips over and discards n bytes of data from this input stream.
skipBytes(int) - Method in class
See the general contract of the skipBytes method of DataInput.
skipBytes(int) - Method in interface
Makes an attempt to skip over n bytes of data from the input stream, discarding the skipped bytes.
sleep(long) - Static method in class java.lang.Thread
Causes the currently executing thread to sleep (temporarily cease execution) for the specified number of milliseconds.
sqrt(double) - Static method in class java.lang.Math
Returns the correctly rounded positive square root of a double value.
Stack - class java.util.Stack.
The Stack class represents a last-in-first-out (LIFO) stack of objects.
Stack() - Constructor for class java.util.Stack
Creates an empty Stack.
start() - Method in class java.lang.Thread
Causes this thread to begin execution; the Java Virtual Machine calls the run method of this thread.
startsWith(String) - Method in class java.lang.String
Tests if this string starts with the specified prefix.
startsWith(String, int) - Method in class java.lang.String
Tests if this string starts with the specified prefix beginning at the specified index.
StreamConnection - interface
This interface defines the capabilities that a stream connection must have.
StreamConnectionNotifier - interface
This interface defines the capabilities that a connection notifier must have.
String - class java.lang.String.
The String class represents character strings.
String() - Constructor for class java.lang.String
Initializes a newly created String object so that it represents an empty character sequence.
String(byte[]) - Constructor for class java.lang.String
Construct a new String by converting the specified array of bytes using the platform's default character encoding.
String(byte[], int, int) - Constructor for class java.lang.String
Construct a new String by converting the specified subarray of bytes using the platform's default character encoding.
String(byte[], int, int, String) - Constructor for class java.lang.String
Construct a new String by converting the specified subarray of bytes using the specified character encoding.
String(byte[], String) - Constructor for class java.lang.String
Construct a new String by converting the specified array of bytes using the specified character encoding.
String(char[]) - Constructor for class java.lang.String
Allocates a new String so that it represents the sequence of characters currently contained in the character array argument.
String(char[], int, int) - Constructor for class java.lang.String
Allocates a new String that contains characters from a subarray of the character array argument.
String(String) - Constructor for class java.lang.String
Initializes a newly created String object so that it represents the same sequence of characters as the argument; in other words, the newly created string is a copy of the argument string.
String(StringBuffer) - Constructor for class java.lang.String
Allocates a new string that contains the sequence of characters currently contained in the string buffer argument.
StringBuffer - class java.lang.StringBuffer.
A string buffer implements a mutable sequence of characters.
StringBuffer() - Constructor for class java.lang.StringBuffer
Constructs a string buffer with no characters in it and an initial capacity of 16 characters.
StringBuffer(int) - Constructor for class java.lang.StringBuffer
Constructs a string buffer with no characters in it and an initial capacity specified by the length argument.
StringBuffer(String) - Constructor for class java.lang.StringBuffer
Constructs a string buffer so that it represents the same sequence of characters as the string argument; in other words, the initial contents of the string buffer is a copy of the argument string.
StringIndexOutOfBoundsException - exception java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException.
Thrown by the charAt method in class String and by other String methods to indicate that an index is either negative or greater than or equal to the size of the string.
StringIndexOutOfBoundsException() - Constructor for class java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
Constructs a StringIndexOutOfBoundsException with no detail message.
StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(int) - Constructor for class java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
Constructs a new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException class with an argument indicating the illegal index.
StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(String) - Constructor for class java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
Constructs a StringIndexOutOfBoundsException with the specified detail message.
substring(int) - Method in class java.lang.String
Returns a new string that is a substring of this string.
substring(int, int) - Method in class java.lang.String
Returns a new string that is a substring of this string.
SUNDAY - Static variable in class java.util.Calendar
Value of the DAY_OF_WEEK field indicating Sunday.
System - class java.lang.System.
The System class contains several useful class fields and methods.


tan(double) - Static method in class java.lang.Math
Returns the trigonometric tangent of an angle.
Thread - class java.lang.Thread.
A thread is a thread of execution in a program.
Thread() - Constructor for class java.lang.Thread
Allocates a new Thread object.
Thread(Runnable) - Constructor for class java.lang.Thread
Allocates a new Thread object with a specific target object whose run method is called.
Thread(Runnable, String) - Constructor for class java.lang.Thread
Allocates a new Thread object with the given target and name.
Thread(String) - Constructor for class java.lang.Thread
Allocates a new Thread object with the given name.
Throwable - class java.lang.Throwable.
The Throwable class is the superclass of all errors and exceptions in the Java language.
Throwable() - Constructor for class java.lang.Throwable
Constructs a new Throwable with null as its error message string.
Throwable(String) - Constructor for class java.lang.Throwable
Constructs a new Throwable with the specified error message.
THURSDAY - Static variable in class java.util.Calendar
Value of the DAY_OF_WEEK field indicating Thursday.
time - Variable in class java.util.Calendar
The currently set time for this calendar, expressed in milliseconds after January 1, 1970, 0:00:00 GMT.
TimeZone - class java.util.TimeZone.
TimeZone represents a time zone offset, and also figures out daylight savings.
TimeZone() - Constructor for class java.util.TimeZone
toBinaryString(int) - Static method in class java.lang.Integer
Creates a string representation of the integer argument as an unsigned integer in base 2.
toByteArray() - Method in class
Creates a newly allocated byte array.
toCharArray() - Method in class java.lang.String
Converts this string to a new character array.
toDegrees(double) - Static method in class java.lang.Math
Converts an angle measured in radians to the equivalent angle measured in degrees.
toHexString(int) - Static method in class java.lang.Integer
Creates a string representation of the integer argument as an unsigned integer in base 16.
toLowerCase() - Method in class java.lang.String
Converts all of the characters in this String to lower case.
toLowerCase(char) - Static method in class java.lang.Character
The given character is mapped to its lowercase equivalent; if the character has no lowercase equivalent, the character itself is returned.
toOctalString(int) - Static method in class java.lang.Integer
Creates a string representation of the integer argument as an unsigned integer in base 8.
toRadians(double) - Static method in class java.lang.Math
Converts an angle measured in degrees to the equivalent angle measured in radians.
toString() - Method in class java.lang.Long
Returns a String object representing this Long's value.
toString() - Method in class java.lang.Integer
Returns a String object representing this Integer's value.
toString() - Method in class java.lang.Short
Returns a String object representing this Short's value.
toString() - Method in class java.lang.Byte
Returns a String object representing this Byte's value.
toString() - Method in class java.lang.Double
Returns a String representation of this Double object.
toString() - Method in class java.lang.Float
Returns a String representation of this Float object.
toString() - Method in class java.lang.Character
Returns a String object representing this character's value.
toString() - Method in class java.lang.Boolean
Returns a String object representing this Boolean's value.
toString() - Method in class java.lang.StringBuffer
Converts to a string representing the data in this string buffer.
toString() - Method in class java.lang.Thread
Returns a string representation of this thread, including the thread's name and priority.
toString() - Method in class java.lang.Throwable
Returns a short description of this Throwable object.
toString() - Method in class java.lang.Class
Converts the object to a string.
toString() - Method in class java.lang.String
This object (which is already a string!) is itself returned.
toString() - Method in class java.lang.Object
Returns a string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in class
Converts the buffer's contents into a string, translating bytes into characters according to the platform's default character encoding.
toString() - Method in class java.util.Date
Converts this Date object to a String of the form:
toString() - Method in class java.util.Vector
Returns a string representation of this vector.
toString() - Method in class java.util.Hashtable
Returns a rather long string representation of this hashtable.
toString(double) - Static method in class java.lang.Double
Creates a string representation of the double argument.
toString(float) - Static method in class java.lang.Float
Returns a String representation for the specified float value.
toString(int) - Static method in class java.lang.Integer
Returns a new String object representing the specified integer.
toString(int, int) - Static method in class java.lang.Integer
Creates a string representation of the first argument in the radix specified by the second argument.
toString(long) - Static method in class java.lang.Long
Returns a new String object representing the specified integer.
toString(long, int) - Static method in class java.lang.Long
Creates a string representation of the first argument in the radix specified by the second argument.
totalMemory() - Method in class java.lang.Runtime
Returns the total amount of memory in the Java Virtual Machine.
toUpperCase() - Method in class java.lang.String
Converts all of the characters in this String to upper case.
toUpperCase(char) - Static method in class java.lang.Character
Converts the character argument to uppercase; if the character has no uppercase equivalent, the character itself is returned.
trim() - Method in class java.lang.String
Removes white space from both ends of this string.
trimToSize() - Method in class java.util.Vector
Trims the capacity of this vector to be the vector's current size.
TRUE - Static variable in class java.lang.Boolean
The Boolean object corresponding to the primitive value true.
TUESDAY - Static variable in class java.util.Calendar
Value of the DAY_OF_WEEK field indicating Tuesday.


UnsupportedEncodingException - exception
The Character Encoding is not supported.
UnsupportedEncodingException() - Constructor for class
Constructs an UnsupportedEncodingException without a detail message.
UnsupportedEncodingException(String) - Constructor for class
Constructs an UnsupportedEncodingException with a detail message.
useDaylightTime() - Method in class java.util.TimeZone
Queries if this time zone uses Daylight Savings Time.
UTFDataFormatException - exception
Signals that a malformed UTF-8 string has been read in a data input stream or by any class that implements the data input interface.
UTFDataFormatException() - Constructor for class
Constructs a UTFDataFormatException with null as its error detail message.
UTFDataFormatException(String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a UTFDataFormatException with the specified detail message.


valueOf(boolean) - Static method in class java.lang.String
Returns the string representation of the boolean argument.
valueOf(char) - Static method in class java.lang.String
Returns the string representation of the char argument.
valueOf(char[]) - Static method in class java.lang.String
Returns the string representation of the char array argument.
valueOf(char[], int, int) - Static method in class java.lang.String
Returns the string representation of a specific subarray of the char array argument.
valueOf(double) - Static method in class java.lang.String
Returns the string representation of the double argument.
valueOf(float) - Static method in class java.lang.String
Returns the string representation of the float argument.
valueOf(int) - Static method in class java.lang.String
Returns the string representation of the int argument.
valueOf(long) - Static method in class java.lang.String
Returns the string representation of the long argument.
valueOf(Object) - Static method in class java.lang.String
Returns the string representation of the Object argument.
valueOf(String) - Static method in class java.lang.Integer
Returns a new Integer object initialized to the value of the specified String.
valueOf(String) - Static method in class java.lang.Double
Returns a new Double object initialized to the value represented by the specified string.
valueOf(String) - Static method in class java.lang.Float
Returns the floating point value represented by the specified String.
valueOf(String, int) - Static method in class java.lang.Integer
Returns a new Integer object initialized to the value of the specified String.
Vector - class java.util.Vector.
The Vector class implements a growable array of objects.
Vector() - Constructor for class java.util.Vector
Constructs an empty vector.
Vector(int) - Constructor for class java.util.Vector
Constructs an empty vector with the specified initial capacity.
Vector(int, int) - Constructor for class java.util.Vector
Constructs an empty vector with the specified initial capacity and capacity increment.
VirtualMachineError - error java.lang.VirtualMachineError.
Thrown to indicate that the Java Virtual Machine is broken or has run out of resources necessary for it to continue operating.
VirtualMachineError() - Constructor for class java.lang.VirtualMachineError
Constructs a VirtualMachineError with no detail message.
VirtualMachineError(String) - Constructor for class java.lang.VirtualMachineError
Constructs a VirtualMachineError with the specified detail message.


wait() - Method in class java.lang.Object
Causes current thread to wait until another thread invokes the Object.notify() method or the Object.notifyAll() method for this object.
wait(long) - Method in class java.lang.Object
Causes current thread to wait until either another thread invokes the Object.notify() method or the Object.notifyAll() method for this object, or a specified amount of time has elapsed.
wait(long, int) - Method in class java.lang.Object
Causes current thread to wait until another thread invokes the Object.notify() method or the Object.notifyAll() method for this object, or some other thread interrupts the current thread, or a certain amount of real time has elapsed.
WeakReference - class java.lang.ref.WeakReference.
This class provides support for weak references.
WeakReference(Object) - Constructor for class java.lang.ref.WeakReference
Creates a new weak reference that refers to the given object.
WEDNESDAY - Static variable in class java.util.Calendar
Value of the DAY_OF_WEEK field indicating Wednesday.
WRITE - Static variable in class
Access mode WRITE.
write(byte[]) - Method in class
Writes b.length bytes from the specified byte array to this output stream.
write(byte[]) - Method in interface
Writes to the output stream all the bytes in array b.
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
Writes len bytes from the specified byte array starting at offset off to this byte array output stream.
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
Write len bytes from the specified byte array starting at offset off to this stream.
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
Writes len bytes from the specified byte array starting at offset off to this output stream.
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
Writes len bytes from the specified byte array starting at offset off to the underlying output stream.
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in interface
Writes len bytes from array b, in order, to the output stream.
write(char[]) - Method in class
Write an array of characters.
write(char[], int, int) - Method in class
Write a portion of an array of characters.
write(char[], int, int) - Method in class
Write a portion of an array of characters.
write(int) - Method in class
Writes the specified byte to this byte array output stream.
write(int) - Method in class
Write a single character.
write(int) - Method in class
Write a single character.
write(int) - Method in class
Write the specified byte to this stream.
write(int) - Method in class
Writes the specified byte to this output stream.
write(int) - Method in class
Writes the specified byte (the low eight bits of the argument b) to the underlying output stream.
write(int) - Method in interface
Writes to the output stream the eight low-order bits of the argument b.
write(String) - Method in class
Write a string.
write(String, int, int) - Method in class
Write a portion of a string.
write(String, int, int) - Method in class
Write a portion of a string.
writeBoolean(boolean) - Method in class
Writes a boolean to the underlying output stream as a 1-byte value.
writeBoolean(boolean) - Method in interface
Writes a boolean value to this output stream.
writeByte(int) - Method in class
Writes out a byte to the underlying output stream as a 1-byte value.
writeByte(int) - Method in interface
Writes to the output stream the eight low- order bits of the argument v.
writeChar(int) - Method in class
Writes a char to the underlying output stream as a 2-byte value, high byte first.
writeChar(int) - Method in interface
Writes a char value, which is comprised of two bytes, to the output stream.
writeChars(String) - Method in class
Writes a string to the underlying output stream as a sequence of characters.
writeChars(String) - Method in interface
Writes every character in the string s, to the output stream, in order, two bytes per character.
writeDouble(double) - Method in class
Converts the double argument to a long using the doubleToLongBits method in class Double, and then writes that long value to the underlying output stream as an 8-byte quantity, high byte first.
writeDouble(double) - Method in interface
Writes a double value, which is comprised of eight bytes, to the output stream.
writeFloat(float) - Method in class
Converts the float argument to an int using the floatToIntBits method in class Float, and then writes that int value to the underlying output stream as a 4-byte quantity, high byte first.
writeFloat(float) - Method in interface
Writes a float value, which is comprised of four bytes, to the output stream.
writeInt(int) - Method in class
Writes an int to the underlying output stream as four bytes, high byte first.
writeInt(int) - Method in interface
Writes an int value, which is comprised of four bytes, to the output stream.
writeLong(long) - Method in class
Writes a long to the underlying output stream as eight bytes, high byte first.
writeLong(long) - Method in interface
Writes an long value, which is comprised of four bytes, to the output stream.
Writer - class
Abstract class for writing to character streams.
Writer() - Constructor for class
Create a new character-stream writer whose critical sections will synchronize on the writer itself.
Writer(Object) - Constructor for class
Create a new character-stream writer whose critical sections will synchronize on the given object.
writeShort(int) - Method in class
Writes a short to the underlying output stream as two bytes, high byte first.
writeShort(int) - Method in interface
Writes two bytes to the output stream to represent the value of the argument.
writeUTF(String) - Method in class
Writes a string to the underlying output stream using UTF-8 encoding in a machine-independent manner.
writeUTF(String) - Method in interface
Writes two bytes of length information to the output stream, followed by the Java modified UTF representation of every character in the string s.


YEAR - Static variable in class java.util.Calendar
Field number for get and set indicating the year.
yield() - Static method in class java.lang.Thread
Causes the currently executing thread object to temporarily pause and allow other threads to execute.

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