This example MIDlet demonstrates the use and functionality of the Advanced Multimedia Supplements API (AMMS API). The MIDlet implements a game in which a Walker explores the different rooms of a Mansion. Each room has its own reverb settings and one or more moving sound sources.
Figure: Opening view
For a tutorial that shows you how to create this MIDlet, see section Example: Using 3D audio in application development.
This MIDlet is compatible with Series 40 5th Edition FP1 and S60 3rd Edition FP1 devices and newer.
This MIDlet has been tested on the following devices:
Nokia X3-02 (Series 40 6th Edition FP1)
The MIDlet project files are packaged as a zip file. To download the zip file, click the following link:
The MIDlet consists of the following classes (click to view the full source code):