Nokia Extensions for JSR-257
Interface MFDataArea

All Known Subinterfaces:
MFBlock, MFManufacturerBlock, MFSector, MFSectorTrailer, MFStandardConnection

public interface MFDataArea

Provides simple read/write functionality to data area(s) of Mifare card. This is a base interface for the card it self, sectors within it and the blocks within sectors.

All read/write operations are relative to data area location - and limited to its boundaries. Valid indexes range from 0 to size() - 1.

Method Summary
 int read(MFKey key, byte[] dst, int dstOffset, int srcOffset, int length)
          Reads a region of bytes from this data area and stores the read result in the dst array starting at offset dstOffset.
 int size()
          Returns the size or length of this data-area in bytes.
 java.lang.String toString()
          Returns a string that describes the data area type, address and size.
 void write(MFKey key, byte[] src, int dstOffset)
          Writes the given byte array src to this data area starting from dstOffset.
 void write(MFKey key, byte[] src, int srcOffset, int length, int dstOffset)
          Writes the given data to the data area starting at the byte offset dstOffset.

Method Detail


int size()
Returns the size or length of this data-area in bytes.

the size of this data area.


int read(MFKey key,
         byte[] dst,
         int dstOffset,
         int srcOffset,
         int length)
         throws MFStandardException,

Reads a region of bytes from this data area and stores the read result in the dst array starting at offset dstOffset.

If the reading is only partially succesful then no exception will be thrown. For example if the first 16 bytes is read successfully but then access conditions deny further reading, the reading stops. If reading fails right from the start then an MFStandardException is thrown. The amount of data read successfully is returned as the return value.

key - the authentication key. If null then the device's default keys are used.
dst - the destination array.
dstOffset - start position in the destination array.
srcOffset - the byte offset within this data area.
length - the amount of bytes to read.
amount of data read in bytes.
MFStandardException - if authentication fails. - if a connection error occurs.
java.lang.NullPointerException - if dst is null.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if either the source or destination byte range is out of bounds.


void write(MFKey key,
           byte[] src,
           int srcOffset,
           int length,
           int dstOffset)
           throws MFStandardException,

Writes the given data to the data area starting at the byte offset dstOffset. The data to be written is read from the source array src starting at offset srcOffset.

If the dstOffset doesn't hit a block boundary and the length isn't a multiple of the block size (16) then the implementation will first read the missing bytes and use those to fill the write data to the block boundary. However if writing sector trailers and the amount of data isn't a multiple of the block size then an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown since trailers cannot be read fully and thus the trailer might get corrupted.

key - the authentication key. If null then the device's default keys are used.
src - the source array.
srcOffset - the offset in the source array.
length - the number of bytes to read from the source array.
dstOffset - the offset in this data area.
MFStandardException - if authentication fails. - if a connection error occurs.
java.lang.NullPointerException - if src is null.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if either the source or destination byte range is out of bounds.


void write(MFKey key,
           byte[] src,
           int dstOffset)
           throws MFStandardException,

Writes the given byte array src to this data area starting from dstOffset.

If necessary data is first read as described in write(MFKey, byte[], int, int, int).

key - the authentication key. If null then the device's default keys are used.
src - the data to write.
dstOffset - the offset in this data area.
MFStandardException - if authentication fails. - if a connection error occurs.
java.lang.NullPointerException - if src is null.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the destination byte range is out of bounds.


java.lang.String toString()
Returns a string that describes the data area type, address and size. The syntax of returned string is:
  returnvalue := [type]:[index]:[sizeInBytes]
         type := [cardtype] | "Sector" | "Manufacturer Block" | "Data Block" | "Sector Trailer"
     cardtype := "1k" | "4k"
        index := index of the sector or block, 0 if the data area represents the entire card
  sizeInBytes := positive integer

toString in class java.lang.Object
a string that describes the data area. Never null.

Nokia Extensions for JSR-257

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