Example: Blog Writer MIDlet

The Blog Writer MIDlet shows you how TextEditor and CanvasGraphicsItem can be used in a MIDlet.

When the split view input is opened, the MIDlet resizes the focused TextEditor to almost fill the visible area and positions the editing state indicator above the TextEditor. When the split view input is closed, the TextEditor is resized to its original size and the editing state indicator is set to default.

To use the example MIDlet:

  1. Ensure that your device supports Nokia UI API 1.4.

  2. Install and launch the MIDlet.

  3. At application launch you are presented with a login screen. Touch or click the Login field to open TextEditor and enter the text. Enter text also to the Password field.

    As this is a demo application, the login and password are entered for example purposes, no information is saved.

    Figure: Login screen

  4. Press the Log in button.

  5. You are presented with a screen where you can write a blog post. Enter text into the Title and Post fields similarly to step 3.

    Figure: Posting screen

  6. Press Publish. In this demo application nothing is published and the application terminates.