PIM Optional Package 1.0
Final Release

Class RepeatRule


public class RepeatRule
extends java.lang.Object

Represents a description for a repeating pattern for an Event item. The fields are a subset of the capabilities of the RRULE field in VEVENT defined by the vCalendar 1.0 specification from the Internet Mail Consortium (http://www.imc.org). It is use to determine how often an associated Event occurs.

The fields of a Repeat Rule can conceptually be grouped into two categories:

This means that a Repeat Rule's calculation of applicable dates start with a repeating frequency (such as weekly, daily, yearly, or monthly) and then other fields refine or modify the repeat characteristics according to the field (e.g. the COUNT field specifies that only X repeat occurrences happen at the given frequency). The first category contains only FREQUENCY, while all other repeat rule fields are classified in the second category. This classification of the fields aids in understanding of the relationship of the fields and allows for a method to query for supported fields (see EventList.getSupportedRepeatRuleFields(int) ).

A repeat rule typically needs to have its frequency set first and foremost. The following table shows the valid values for the frequency fields that can be set in RepeatRule:

Fields Set Method Valid Values

The following table shows the valid values for the fields that modify or refine the frequency of a RepeatRule:

Fields Set Method Valid Values
COUNT setInt any positive int
INTERVAL setInt any positive int
END setDate any valid Date
MONTH_IN_YEAR setInt JANUARY, FEBRUARY, MARCH, APRIL, MAY, JUNE, JULY, AUGUST, SEPTEMBER, OCTOBER, NOVEMBER, DECEMBER (Note: that these are constants defined in the RepeatRule class and are not the same as those in the Calendar class)
DAY_IN_WEEK setInt SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY (Note: that these are constants defined in the RepeatRule class and are not the same as those in the Calendar class)
DAY_IN_MONTH setInt 1-31
DAY_IN_YEAR setInt 1-366


The following examples demonstrate some possible repeat values.

To specify the associated event occurs every day:

      setInt(RepeatRule.FREQUENCY, RepeatRule.DAILY);
To specify the associated event occurs every day for the next five days:

      setInt(RepeatRule.FREQUENCY, RepeatRule.DAILY);
      setInt(RepeatRule.COUNT, 5);
To specify this event occurs every week on Monday and Tuesday:

      setInt(RepeatRule.FREQUENCY, RepeatRule.WEEKLY);
      setInt(RepeatRule.DAY_IN_WEEK, RepeatRule.MONDAY | RepeatRule.TUESDAY);
To specify the associated event occurs every third week on Friday:

      setInt(RepeatRule.FREQUENCY, RepeatRule.WEEKLY);
      setInt(RepeatRule.INTERVAL, 3);
      setInt(RepeatRule.DAY_IN_WEEK, RepeatRule.FRIDAY);
To specify the associated event occurs every month on the Wednesday of the second week until the end of the current year:

      setInt(RepeatRule.FREQUENCY, RepeatRule.MONTHLY);
      setInt(RepeatRule.WEEK_IN_MONTH, RepeatRule.SECOND);
      setInt(RepeatRule.DAY_IN_WEEK, RepeatRule.WEDNESDAY);
      java.util.Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
      cal.set(Calendar.MONTH, Calendar.DECEMBER);
      cal.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 31);
      cal.set(Calendar.AM_PM, Calendar.PM);
      cal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 23);
      cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 59);
      setDate(RepeatRule.END, cal.getTime().getTime());
To specify the associated event occurs every year on the Sunday of the second week in May:

      setInt(RepeatRule.FREQUENCY, RepeatRule.YEARLY);
      setInt(RepeatRule.MONTH_IN_YEAR, RepeatRule.MAY);
      setInt(RepeatRule.WEEK_IN_MONTH, RepeatRule.SECOND);
      setInt(RepeatRule.DAY_IN_WEEK, RepeatRule.SUNDAY);
To specify the associated event occurs every year on the 4th of July:

      setInt(RepeatRule.FREQUENCY, RepeatRule.YEARLY);
      setInt(RepeatRule.MONTH_IN_YEAR, RepeatRule.JULY);
      setInt(RepeatRule.DAY_IN_MONTH, 4);
To specify the associated event occurs every year on the first day:
      setInt(RepeatRule.FREQUENCY, RepeatRule.YEARLY);
      setInt(RepeatRule.DAY_IN_YEAR, 1);
To check if a particular Repeat Rule frquency value is supported for events for a certain event list:

      // Check if RepeatRule.DAILY is supported in the default event list
      EventList el = PIM.openPIMList(PIM.EVENT_LIST, PIM.READ_WRITE);
      int[] supported_fields = el.getSupportedRepeatRuleFields(RepeatRule.DAILY);
      if (supported_fields.length > 0) {
          System.out.println("RepeatRule.DAILY is supported in default event list");
To check if a particular Repeat Rule field is supported for events for a certain event list:

      // Check if RepeatRule.INTERVAL is supported for DAILY frequency events
      EventList el = PIM.openPIMList(PIM.EVENT_LIST, PIM.READ_WRITE);
      int[] supported_fields = el.getSupportedRepeatRuleFields(RepeatRule.DAILY);
      int i = 0;
      while (i < supported_fields.length)
      if (supported_fields[i] & RepeatRule.INTERVAL != 0) {
          System.out.println("INTERVAL supported in default event list");

PIM 1.0

Field Summary
static int APRIL
          Constant for the month of April used with MONTH_IN_YEAR field.
static int AUGUST
          Constant for the month of August used with MONTH_IN_YEAR field.
static int COUNT
          Field specifying the number of times this event repeats including the first time, starting from the first time the event starts (derived from Event.START) and continuing to the last date of the repeat (defined by RepeatRule.END).
static int DAILY
          Used for frequency when the Event happens every day.
static int DAY_IN_MONTH
          Field specifying the day of the month an Event occurs; for example, 15.
static int DAY_IN_WEEK
          Field specifying the days of the week an Event occurs.
static int DAY_IN_YEAR
          Field specifying the day of the year an Event occurs; for example, 134.
static int DECEMBER
          Constant for the month of December used with MONTH_IN_YEAR field.
static int END
          Field specifying the ending date of the repeating event.
static int FEBRUARY
          Constant for the month of February used with MONTH_IN_YEAR field.
static int FIFTH
          Constant for the fifth week of the month used with WEEK_OF_MONTH field.
static int FIFTHLAST
          Constant for the fifth to last week of the month used with WEEK_OF_MONTH field.
static int FIRST
          Constant for the first week of the month used with WEEK_OF_MONTH field.
static int FOURTH
          Constant for the fourth week of the month used with WEEK_OF_MONTH field.
static int FOURTHLAST
          Constant for the fourth to last week of the month used with WEEK_OF_MONTH field.
static int FREQUENCY
          Field specifying the frequency of the Repeat.
static int FRIDAY
          Constant for the day of week Friday used with DAY_IN_WEEK field.
static int INTERVAL
          Field specifying the number of iterations of the frequency between occurring dates, or how often the frequency repeats.
static int JANUARY
          Constant for the month of January used with MONTH_IN_YEAR field.
static int JULY
          Constant for the month of July used with MONTH_IN_YEAR field.
static int JUNE
          Constant for the month of June used with MONTH_IN_YEAR field.
static int LAST
          Constant for the last week of the month used with WEEK_OF_MONTH field.
static int MARCH
          Constant for the month of March used with MONTH_IN_YEAR field.
static int MAY
          Constant for the month of May used with MONTH_IN_YEAR field.
static int MONDAY
          Constant for the day of week Monday used with DAY_IN_WEEK field.
static int MONTH_IN_YEAR
          Field specifying the month in which an event occurs.
static int MONTHLY
          Used for frequency when the Event happens every month.
static int NOVEMBER
          Constant for the month of November used with MONTH_IN_YEAR field.
static int OCTOBER
          Constant for the month of October used with MONTH_IN_YEAR field.
static int SATURDAY
          Constant for the day of week Saturday used with DAY_IN_WEEK field.
static int SECOND
          Constant for the second week of the month used with WEEK_OF_MONTH field.
static int SECONDLAST
          Constant for the second to last week of the month used with WEEK_OF_MONTH field.
static int SEPTEMBER
          Constant for the month of September used with MONTH_IN_YEAR field.
static int SUNDAY
          Constant for the day of week Sunday used with DAY_IN_WEEK field.
static int THIRD
          Constant for the third week of the month used with WEEK_OF_MONTH field.
static int THIRDLAST
          Constant for the third to last week of the month used with WEEK_OF_MONTH field.
static int THURSDAY
          Constant for the day of week Thursday used with DAY_IN_WEEK field.
static int TUESDAY
          Constant for the day of week Tuesday used with DAY_IN_WEEK field.
static int WEDNESDAY
          Constant for the day of week Wednesday used with DAY_IN_WEEK field.
static int WEEK_IN_MONTH
          Field specifying which week in a month a particular event occurs.
static int WEEKLY
          Used for frequency when the Event happens every week.
static int YEARLY
          Used for frequency when the Event happens every year.
Constructor Summary
          Default constructor.
Method Summary
 void addExceptDate(long date)
          Add a Date for which this RepeatRule should not occur.
 java.util.Enumeration dates(long startDate, long subsetBeginning, long subsetEnding)
          Returns an Enumeration of dates on which an Event would occur.
 boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)
          Compares this RepeatRule with a given RepeatRule for content equality.
 long getDate(int field)
          Retrieves a Date field.
 java.util.Enumeration getExceptDates()
          Returns the Dates for which this RepeatRule should not occur.
 int[] getFields()
          Returns a list of fields that currently have values assigned to it.
 int getInt(int field)
          Retrieves an integer field.
 void removeExceptDate(long date)
          Remove a Date for which this RepeatRule should not occur.
 void setDate(int field, long value)
          Sets a Date field.
 void setInt(int field, int value)
          Sets an integer field.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int FREQUENCY
Field specifying the frequency of the Repeat. This field has a value of either DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY or YEARLY. The default data value associated with this field in RepeatRule is DAILY. This field can be checked for support by EventList.getSupportedRepeatRuleFields(int).

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int DAY_IN_MONTH
Field specifying the day of the month an Event occurs; for example, 15. This value is 1 based from the first day of the month. This field can be checked for support in the bit array values returned by EventList.getSupportedRepeatRuleFields(int).

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int DAY_IN_WEEK
Field specifying the days of the week an Event occurs. To set multiple days, OR the values together (e.g. MONDAY | THURSDAY). Retrieval of data for this field can contain multiple days OR'd together in the same manner as setting the value. This field can be checked for support in the bit array values returned by EventList.getSupportedRepeatRuleFields(int).

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int DAY_IN_YEAR
Field specifying the day of the year an Event occurs; for example, 134. This value is 1 based from the first day of the beginning of the year. This field can be checked for support in the bit array values returned by EventList.getSupportedRepeatRuleFields(int).

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int MONTH_IN_YEAR
Field specifying the month in which an event occurs. To set multiple months, OR the values together (e.g. RepeatRule.JANUARY | RepeatRule.FEBRUARY ). Retrieval of data for this field can contain multiple months OR'd together in the same manner as setting the value. This field can be checked for support in the bit array values returned by EventList.getSupportedRepeatRuleFields(int).

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int WEEK_IN_MONTH
Field specifying which week in a month a particular event occurs. To set multiple weeks, OR the values together (e.g. FIRST | LAST | SECOND | SECONDLAST). Retrieval of data for this field can contain multiple weeks OR'd together in the same manner as setting the value. This field can be checked for support in the bit array values returned by EventList.getSupportedRepeatRuleFields(int).

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int COUNT
Field specifying the number of times this event repeats including the first time, starting from the first time the event starts (derived from Event.START) and continuing to the last date of the repeat (defined by RepeatRule.END). COUNT controls the number of times the event occurs during the period and is used with RepeatRule interval and the frequency to calculate when the event occurs. RepeatRule.END overrides this data if the end is reached prior to the count finishing. If COUNT is 0 and END is null, the event repeats forever. This field can be checked for support in the bit array values returned by EventList.getSupportedRepeatRuleFields(int).

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int END
Field specifying the ending date of the repeating event. Data for this field is expressed in the same long value format as java.util.Date, which is milliseconds since the epoch (00:00:00 GMT, January 1, 1970). This field can be checked for support in the bit array values returned by EventList.getSupportedRepeatRuleFields(int).

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int INTERVAL
Field specifying the number of iterations of the frequency between occurring dates, or how often the frequency repeats. For example, for every other day the FREQUENCY is DAILY and INTERVAL is 2. The default value for data associated with this field is 1. This field can be checked for support in the bit array values returned by EventList.getSupportedRepeatRuleFields(int).

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int DAILY
Used for frequency when the Event happens every day.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int WEEKLY
Used for frequency when the Event happens every week.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int MONTHLY
Used for frequency when the Event happens every month.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int YEARLY
Used for frequency when the Event happens every year.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int FIRST
Constant for the first week of the month used with WEEK_OF_MONTH field.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SECOND
Constant for the second week of the month used with WEEK_OF_MONTH field.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int THIRD
Constant for the third week of the month used with WEEK_OF_MONTH field.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int FOURTH
Constant for the fourth week of the month used with WEEK_OF_MONTH field.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int FIFTH
Constant for the fifth week of the month used with WEEK_OF_MONTH field.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int LAST
Constant for the last week of the month used with WEEK_OF_MONTH field.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SECONDLAST
Constant for the second to last week of the month used with WEEK_OF_MONTH field.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int THIRDLAST
Constant for the third to last week of the month used with WEEK_OF_MONTH field.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int FOURTHLAST
Constant for the fourth to last week of the month used with WEEK_OF_MONTH field.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int FIFTHLAST
Constant for the fifth to last week of the month used with WEEK_OF_MONTH field.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SATURDAY
Constant for the day of week Saturday used with DAY_IN_WEEK field.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int FRIDAY
Constant for the day of week Friday used with DAY_IN_WEEK field.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int THURSDAY
Constant for the day of week Thursday used with DAY_IN_WEEK field.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int WEDNESDAY
Constant for the day of week Wednesday used with DAY_IN_WEEK field.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int TUESDAY
Constant for the day of week Tuesday used with DAY_IN_WEEK field.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int MONDAY
Constant for the day of week Monday used with DAY_IN_WEEK field.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SUNDAY
Constant for the day of week Sunday used with DAY_IN_WEEK field.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int JANUARY
Constant for the month of January used with MONTH_IN_YEAR field.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int FEBRUARY
Constant for the month of February used with MONTH_IN_YEAR field.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int MARCH
Constant for the month of March used with MONTH_IN_YEAR field.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int APRIL
Constant for the month of April used with MONTH_IN_YEAR field.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int MAY
Constant for the month of May used with MONTH_IN_YEAR field.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int JUNE
Constant for the month of June used with MONTH_IN_YEAR field.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int JULY
Constant for the month of July used with MONTH_IN_YEAR field.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int AUGUST
Constant for the month of August used with MONTH_IN_YEAR field.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SEPTEMBER
Constant for the month of September used with MONTH_IN_YEAR field.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int OCTOBER
Constant for the month of October used with MONTH_IN_YEAR field.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int NOVEMBER
Constant for the month of November used with MONTH_IN_YEAR field.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int DECEMBER
Constant for the month of December used with MONTH_IN_YEAR field.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public RepeatRule()
Default constructor.

Method Detail


public java.util.Enumeration dates(long startDate,
                                   long subsetBeginning,
                                   long subsetEnding)
Returns an Enumeration of dates on which an Event would occur. A start date is specified form which the repeating rule is applied to generate dates. Then a beginning date and a start date is also provided to return only a subset of all possible occurrences of an Event within the given timeframe. The sequence of the items is by date. Exceptional dates are not included in the returned Enumeration.
For example, an Event may happen every Monday during a year starting on January 1st. However, one wants to know occurrences of the Event during the month of June only. The startDate parameter specifies the anchor point for the Event from which it begins repeating, and the subsetBeginning and subsetEnding parameters would limit the Events returned to those only in June in this example.

startDate - the start date for the sequence, from which the repeat rule is applied to generate possible occurrence dates. This value must be expressed in the same long value format as java.util.Date, which is milliseconds since the epoch (00:00:00 GMT, January 1, 1970).
subsetBeginning - the beginning date of the period for which events should be returned. This value must be expressed in the same long value format as java.util.Date, which is milliseconds since the epoch (00:00:00 GMT, January 1, 1970).
subsetEnding - the end date of the period for which events should be returned. This value must be expressed in the same long value format as java.util.Date, which is milliseconds since the epoch (00:00:00 GMT, January 1, 1970).
an Enumeration of dates for the given parameters, with the Enumeration containing java.util.Date instances.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if beginning is greater than ending.


public void addExceptDate(long date)
Add a Date for which this RepeatRule should not occur. This value may be rounded off to the date only from a date time stamp if the underlying platform implementation only supports date fields with dates only and not date time stamps.

date - the date to add to the list of except dates, expressed in the same long value format as java.util.Date, which is milliseconds since the epoch (00:00:00 GMT, January 1, 1970).


public void removeExceptDate(long date)
Remove a Date for which this RepeatRule should not occur. If the date was in the list of except dates, it is removed.

date - the date to remove from the list of except dates expressed in the same long value format as java.util.Date, which is milliseconds since the epoch (00:00:00 GMT, January 1, 1970).


public java.util.Enumeration getExceptDates()
Returns the Dates for which this RepeatRule should not occur.

an Enumeration of dates for which this RepeatRule should not occur, with the Enumeration containing java.util.Date instances.


public int getInt(int field)
Retrieves an integer field. The field values can be one of COUNT, DAY_IN_MONTH, FREQUENCY, INTERVAL, MONTH_IN_YEAR, WEEK_IN_MONTH, DAY_IN_WEEK, DAY_IN_YEAR. getFields() should be checked prior to invoking the method to ensure the field has a value associated with it.

field - The field to get, for example COUNT.
an int representing the value of the field.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if field is not one of the the valid RepeatRule fields for this method.
FieldEmptyException - if the field does is a valid integer field but does not have any data values assigned to it.


public void setInt(int field,
                   int value)
Sets an integer field. The field value can be one of COUNT, DAYNUMBER, FREQUENCY, INTERVAL, MONTH_IN_YEAR, WEEK_IN_MONTH, DAY_IN_WEEK, DAY_IN_YEAR.

field - The field to set, for example COUNT.
value - The value to set the field to.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if field is not one of the the valid RepeatRule fields for this method, or the value provided is not a valid value for the given field.


public long getDate(int field)
Retrieves a Date field. The field value is currently limited to END. getFields() should be checked prior to invoking the method to ensure the field has a value associated with it.

field - The field to get.
a Date representing the value of the field, expressed in the same long value format as java.util.Date, which is milliseconds since the epoch (00:00:00 GMT, January 1, 1970).
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if field is not one of the the valid RepeatRule fields for this method.
FieldEmptyException - if the field does is a valid date field but does not have any data values assigned to it.


public void setDate(int field,
                    long value)
Sets a Date field. The field value is currently limited to END. This field may be rounded off to the date only from a date time stamp if the underlying platform implementation only supports date fields with dates only and not date time stamps.

field - The field to set.
value - The value to set the field to, expressed in the same long value format as java.util.Date, which is milliseconds since the epoch (00:00:00 GMT, January 1, 1970).
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if field is not one of the the valid RepeatRule fields for this method.


public int[] getFields()
Returns a list of fields that currently have values assigned to it. If a field is not "set", the field is not included in the return value.

an array of fields that have values currently assigned to them. If no fields have values set, an array of zero length is returned.


public boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)
Compares this RepeatRule with a given RepeatRule for content equality. For RepeatRules, dates are considered equal if one or both of the dates compared contains a date only with no timestamp and the date values are equal regardless of the time qualifier. This rule accounts for platform dependent rounding off of dates from date time stamps to dates only. For example, a date value of 3/14/03 with no time stamp is considered equal to a date value of 3/14/03 with a time stamp. If the application requires that dates be exactly equal, comparisons should be made explicitly outside of this method.

equals in class java.lang.Object
obj - another RepeatRule object to compare against
true if the contents of the RepeatRules are equivalent, false otherwise.

Final Release
Rev. 1.00

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