Uses of Class

Packages that use Rectangle This package contains classes which are suitable for mobile devices. SWT graphics classes. 
org.eclipse.swt.widgets Optional Expanded eSWT Widgets 

Uses of Rectangle in

Methods in that return Rectangle
 Rectangle Screen.getBounds()
          Returns the bounds of the screen.

Uses of Rectangle in

Methods in that return Rectangle
 Rectangle Image.getBounds()
          Returns the bounds of the receiver.
 Rectangle GC.getClipping()
          Returns the bounding rectangle of the receiver's clipping region.
 Rectangle Device.getBounds()
          Returns a rectangle describing the receiver's size and location.
 Rectangle Device.getClientArea()
          Returns a rectangle which describes the area of the receiver which is capable of displaying data.
 Rectangle Rectangle.intersection(Rectangle rect)
          Returns a new rectangle which represents the intersection of the receiver and the given rectangle.
 Rectangle Rectangle.union(Rectangle rect)
          Returns a new rectangle which represents the union of the receiver and the given rectangle.

Methods in with parameters of type Rectangle
 void GC.drawRectangle(Rectangle rect)
          Draws the outline of the specified rectangle, using the receiver's foreground color.
 void GC.fillRectangle(Rectangle rect)
          Fills the interior of the specified rectangle, using the receiver's background color.
 void GC.setClipping(Rectangle rect)
          Sets the area of the receiver which can be changed by drawing operations to the rectangular area specified by the argument.
 void Rectangle.add(Rectangle rect)
          Destructively replaces the x, y, width and height values in the receiver with ones which represent the union of the rectangles specified by the receiver and the given rectangle.
 void Rectangle.intersect(Rectangle rect)
          Destructively replaces the x, y, width and height values in the receiver with ones which represent the intersection of the rectangles specified by the receiver and the given rectangle.
 Rectangle Rectangle.intersection(Rectangle rect)
          Returns a new rectangle which represents the intersection of the receiver and the given rectangle.
 boolean Rectangle.intersects(Rectangle rect)
          Returns true if the given rectangle intersects with the receiver and false otherwise.
 Rectangle Rectangle.union(Rectangle rect)
          Returns a new rectangle which represents the union of the receiver and the given rectangle.

Constructors in with parameters of type Rectangle
Image(Device device, Rectangle bounds)
          Constructs an empty instance of this class with the width and height of the specified rectangle.

Uses of Rectangle in org.eclipse.swt.widgets

Methods in org.eclipse.swt.widgets that return Rectangle
 Rectangle TreeItem.getBounds()
          Returns a rectangle describing the receiver's size and location relative to its parent.
 Rectangle TableItem.getBounds(int index)
          Returns a rectangle describing the receiver's size and location relative to its parent at a column in the table.
 Rectangle TableItem.getImageBounds(int index)
          Returns a rectangle describing the size and location relative to its parent of an image at a column in the table.
 Rectangle Scrollable.computeTrim(int x, int y, int width, int height)
          Given a desired client area for the receiver (as described by the arguments), returns the bounding rectangle which would be required to produce that client area.
 Rectangle Scrollable.getClientArea()
          Returns a rectangle which describes the area of the receiver which is capable of displaying data (that is, not covered by the "trimmings").
 Rectangle Display.getBounds()
          Returns a rectangle describing the receiver's size and location.
 Rectangle Display.getClientArea()
          Returns a rectangle which describes the area of the receiver which is capable of displaying data.
 Rectangle from, Control to, Rectangle rectangle)
          Maps a point from one coordinate system to another.
 Rectangle from, Control to, int x, int y, int width, int height)
          Maps a point from one coordinate system to another.
 Rectangle Control.getBounds()
          Returns a rectangle describing the receiver's size and location relative to its parent (or its display if its parent is null), unless the receiver is a shell.
 Rectangle Event.getBounds()
          Gets the bounds.

Methods in org.eclipse.swt.widgets with parameters of type Rectangle
 Rectangle from, Control to, Rectangle rectangle)
          Maps a point from one coordinate system to another.
 void Control.setBounds(Rectangle rect)
          Sets the receiver's size and location to the rectangular area specified by the argument.
 void Event.setBounds(Rectangle rect)
          Sets the bounds.