Copyright 2008 Motorola Inc. and Nokia Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Specification License

Class ServiceGuide

  extended by javax.microedition.broadcast.esg.ServiceGuide

public class ServiceGuide
extends java.lang.Object

The ServiceGuide class allows applications to query information on the Electronic Service Guide (ESG).

Electronic Service Guide

An Electronic Service (or Program) Guide is basically a program events listing with metadata associated with each event. Different broadcast specifications specify different languages/syntax and schemas for defining the ESG. In order to provide a useful abstraction for applications to inter-operate across different ESG specifications, the current proposal makes the following basic assumptions:

Basic API Constructs

The Service interface abstracts a service, or broadcast channel. ProgramEvent is the abstraction of a program event -- a basic unit of broadcast programming. The ServiceComponent interface describes the media components within a program event. Attributes and values describing a service, program and a component can be retrieved from these interfaces.

Attributes applicable to a broadcast specification are defined as MetadataSet classes. CommonMetadataSet defines the basic attributes that are common to most broadcast specifications. Other specifications can extend from this class to add custom attributes.

Attributes are "typed"; i.e., it specifies the type of values associated with each attribute.

ServiceGuide provides a single access point to query for services and program events. Queries are composed of attributes, values and some logical operations on them. QueryComposer serves as the "factory" to compose these queries. Applications can use findPrograms(javax.microedition.broadcast.esg.Query) and findServices(javax.microedition.broadcast.esg.Query) to search for Services and ProgramEvents. findPrograms and findServices will search for the program and service information that are currently available in the database. The result is a list of ProgramEvent or Service objects matching the search queries.

ServiceGuide is considered to be valid when the underlying data storage it is accessing is in place. isValid() can be used to check the validness any time. When ServiceGuide turns from valid to not valid ServiceGuideListener.SERVICE_GUIDE_DELETED event is posted to listeners. After that ServiceGuide removes all listeners from itself, and isValid() returns false and all the other non-static methods throw IllegalStateException when called.

Query rules

Rules to create valid queries to query ProgramEvents and Services from ServiceGuide are as follows:

  • A program or service will match a simple query if it carries the attribute specified in the query and the value of the attribute matches the condition of the query.
  • A program or service will match a compound not query if it carries the attribute specified in the query and the value of the attribute matches the negated condition of the query.
  • A program or service will match a compound and query if it matches both queries given in the compound query.
  • A program or service will match a compound or query if it matches either one or both of the queries given in the compound query.
  • Queries that are invalid may be composed. An invalid query will cause a QueryException when used with the service guide.
  • If an attribute is not defined in the service guide specification, a simple query formed by it will be considered invalid.
  • A compound query, composed with not, and, or, which contains one or more invalid queries is considered an invalid query.
  • A valid query will not match a program or service if the attribute specified in the query is not defined in the program or service. For example, the query:
    Query q1 = equivalent(CommonMetadata.PROGRAM_CONTENT_GENRE, "something");
    will not match a program if that program does not specify any genre at all.
  • The previous case is true even if the query is negated with the not operator. So:
    Query q2 = not(q1);
    will not match a program if that program does not specify any genre.
  • Methods findServices(Query) and findServices(Query, Attribute[], int, int ) take attributes defined in the MetadataSets supported by the ServiceGuide. Attributes producing a match in the query can be queried from the returned services.
  • Methods findPrograms(Query) and findPrograms(Query, Attribute[], int, int) take attributes defined in the MetadataSets supported by the ServiceGuide. Attributes producing a match in the query can be queried from the returned programs.
  • All attributes applicable to programs can be used in the same query.
  • All attributes applicable to services can be used in the same query.
  • For string attributes, the match is not case-sensitive.
  • Sorting the results

    findPrograms(Query, Attribute[], int, int) and findServices(Query, Attribute[], int, int ) allow the results to be sorted. Attributes to be used in sorting are given in an array of Attributes. If more than one attributes are specified, the first attribute will be used as the primary sorting key, second attribute as the secondary sorting key; and so on. The sorting order is always in numeric or lexical ascending order. For boolean attributes, a false value will be sorted before a true value. Sorting order of ObjectAttributes is unspecified.

    If value for the given attribute for a particular program is unspecified, the program will be sorted last. If the given attribute maps multiple values, the default value as returned from ServiceGuideData.getStringValue() will be used as the value to be sort.

    Any attribute that is applicable in the query is applicable as a sorting attribute as well.


    Below is an image showing a fragment of ServiceGuide data.

    Here are some sample queries to show queries and sorting works. For simplicity the possible exceptions are not caught.

    ServiceGuide guide = ServiceGuide.getDefaultServiceGuide();
    Query q1 = QueryComposer.equivalent(CommonMetadataSet.SERVICE_COMPONENT_AUD_LANG, "fin");
    Service[] finnishServices = guide.findServices(q1); // returns service YLE1
    Query q2 = QueryComposer.equivalent(CommonMetadataSet.SERVICE_COMPONENT_AUD_LANG, "eng");
    Service[] englishServices = guide.findServices(q2); // returns YLE1 and RTL
    Query q3 = QueryComposer.equivalent(CommonMetadataSet.SERVICE_COMPONENT_AUD_LANG, "deu");
    Qyery q4 = QueryComposer.or(q2, q3); // "eng" OR "deu"
    // this returns programs "News", "Frasier" and "Ben Hur" but the order can be anything
    ProgramEvent[] englishOrDeutchPrograms = guide.findPrograms(q4);
    // this returns the same programs ordered by name: "Ben Hur", "Frasier", "News"
    Attribute[] sortArray = {CommonMetadataSet.PROGRAM_NAME};
    englishOrDeutchPrograms = guide.findPrograms(q4, sortArray, 0, 100);
    // sorting first by service and then by program returns "Ben Hur", "News" and "Frasier" as "RTL" comes before "YLE1"
    sortArray = {CommonMetadataSet.SERVICE_NAME, CommonMetadataSet.PROGRAM_NAME};
    englishOrDeutchPrograms = guide.findPrograms(q4, sortArray, 0, 100);


    Some program and service information may not be immediately available in the database however. At any given time, some of that data may not be available possibly because the data has not yet arrived to the receiver. In that case, it's up to the applications to monitor any subsequent updates to that program via the ServiceGuideListener. This can be done by setting a ServiceGuideListener via the addListener(javax.microedition.broadcast.esg.ServiceGuideListener, javax.microedition.broadcast.esg.Query) method. All listeners will be automatically removed when the ServiceGuide becomes invalid.

    It's possible to query which underlying bearer or ESG (Electronic Service Guide) specification(s) is used for the implementation by querying for the Metadata spec via getSupportedMetadataSets().

    See ESG Examples.

    Method Summary
     void addListener(ServiceGuideListener listener, Query filter)
              Add a ServiceGuideListener to listen for any updates to the programs.
     ProgramEvent[] findPrograms(Query query)
              Search for the list of program events with the matching criteria based on the given query.
     ProgramEvent[] findPrograms(Query query, Attribute[] sortBy, int startOffset, int length)
              Search for the list of program events with the matching criteria based on the given query.
     Service[] findServices(Query query)
              Search for the list of services with the matching criteria based on the given query.
     Service[] findServices(Query query, Attribute[] sortBy, int startOffset, int length)
              Search for the list of services with the matching criteria based on the given query.
     boolean forceUpdate()
              Forces an ESG update.
    static ServiceGuide[] getAllServiceGuides()
              List all the ServiceGuide available by the currently selected PlatformProvider.
     java.lang.Object[] getAllUniqueValues(Attribute attribute)
              Get the list of unique values for the given attribute.
    static ServiceGuide getDefaultServiceGuide()
              Get the default ServiceGuide supported by the currently selected PlatformProvider.
     java.util.Date getLastUpdatedTime()
              Get the time when the service guide that the database contains is last updated.
     java.lang.String getServiceProvider()
              Get the name of the service guide provider.
     MetadataSet[] getSupportedMetadataSets()
              Get the list of MetadataSet specs supported by the database implementation.
     boolean isValid()
              Tells if the ServiceGuide is valid.
     void removeListener(ServiceGuideListener listener)
              Remove a ServiceGuideListener.
    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

    Method Detail


    public void addListener(ServiceGuideListener listener,
                            Query filter)
                     throws QueryException
    Add a ServiceGuideListener to listen for any updates to the programs.

    listener - The ServiceGuideListener to be used. If null is given the method is silently ignored. If the given listener is already added the method is ignored as well unless the filter is different in which case the used filter will be updated to filter.
    filter - A filter specified as a database query to filter all programs that are of interest to the applications. The application will only receive updates to the programs that matches the criteria specified by the filter. If null, no filter is specified and all programs will get through. If a listener is added for a second time but with a different filter argument, the previous filter will be ignored and the new filter will be used for that listener.

    Filtering can only block NEW_PROGRAM_LISTED, PROGRAM_CHANGED and PROGRAM_DELETED events. Other events specified in ServiceGuideListener will not be blocked by any filtering.

    java.lang.IllegalStateException - Thrown if a new PlatformProvider has been selected and the current ServiceGuide is no longer valid. See
    QueryException - Thrown if the given filter is not a valid query


    public ProgramEvent[] findPrograms(Query query)
                                throws QueryException
    Search for the list of program events with the matching criteria based on the given query. See query rules for detailed information on how the query is evaluated.

    query - The query to be used for the search. If null, no matching criteria is specified and all programs will be considered a match.
    The list of matching programs. If no match can be found, a zero-length array will be returned.
    java.lang.IllegalStateException - Thrown if a new PlatformProvider has been selected and the current ServiceGuide is no longer valid. See
    QueryException - Thrown if the given query is not valid.


    public ProgramEvent[] findPrograms(Query query,
                                       Attribute[] sortBy,
                                       int startOffset,
                                       int length)
                                throws QueryException
    Search for the list of program events with the matching criteria based on the given query. See query rules for detailed information on how the query is evaluated.

    This version of findPrograms also allows 2 additional features:

    For example, the following (incomplete) code fragment sorts all the programs according to their start time. The query is done in chunks (of 50) to avoid handling a huge data set in one pass:
     ProgramEvent p[];
     Attribute[] sortBy = new Attribute[] { CommonMetadataSet.PROGRAM_START_TIME };
     int i = 0;
     ServiceGuide esg = ServiceGuide.getDefaultServiceGuide();
     do {
         p = esg.findPrograms(null, softBy, i, 50);
         // Do something with p ...
         i += 50;
     } while (p.length > 0);

    query - The query to be used for the search. If null, no matching criteria is specified and all programs will be considered a match.
    sortBy - An array of attributes that will be used to sort the resulting list of programs. Detailed rules are in Sorting the results section. If null, the list of programs will not be sorted. If a given attribute is invalid (not specified in the service guide), a QueryException will be thrown.
    startOffset - From the ordered list of all the programs that match the given query, startOffset marks the starting index of the first program to be returned as a result. For example, if there are a total of 100 programs matching the given query, a startOffset of 9 will return an array of programs starting from the 10th program in the ordered list of 100 programs. If startOffset is 0 or less, it will be ignored.
    length - The maximum number of programs returned as the result. If length is 0 or less, it will be ignored.
    The list of matching programs. If no match can be found, a zero-length array will be returned.
    java.lang.IllegalStateException - Thrown if a new PlatformProvider has been selected and the current ServiceGuide is no longer valid. See
    QueryException - Thrown if the given query or any attribute used in the sortBy list is invalid.


    public Service[] findServices(Query query)
                           throws QueryException
    Search for the list of services with the matching criteria based on the given query. See query rules for detailed information on how the query is evaluated.

    query - The query to be used for the search. If null, no matching criteria is specified and all services will be considered a match.
    The list of matching services. If no match can be found, a zero-length array will be returned.
    java.lang.IllegalStateException - Thrown if a new PlatformProvider has been selected and the current ServiceGuide is no longer valid. See
    QueryException - Thrown if the given query is not valid.


    public Service[] findServices(Query query,
                                  Attribute[] sortBy,
                                  int startOffset,
                                  int length)
                           throws QueryException
    Search for the list of services with the matching criteria based on the given query. See query rules for detail information on how the query is evaluated.

    This version of findServices also allows 2 additional features:

    query - The query to be used for the search. If null, no matching criteria is specified and all services will be considered a match.
    sortBy - An array of attributes that will be used to sort the resulting list of services. Detailed rules are in Sorting the results section. If null, the list of services will not be sorted. If a given attribute is invalid (not specified in the service guide), a QueryException will be thrown.
    startOffset - From the ordered list of all the services that match the given query, startOffset marks the starting index of the first service to be returned as a result. For example, if there are a total of 100 services matching the given query, a startOffset of 9 will return an array of services starting from the 10th service in the ordered list of 100 services. If startOffset is 0 or less, it will be ignored.
    length - The maximum number of services returned as the result. If length is 0 or less, it will be ignored.
    The list of matching services. If no match can be found, a zero-length array will be returned.
    java.lang.IllegalStateException - Thrown if a new PlatformProvider has been selected and the current ServiceGuide is no longer valid. See
    QueryException - Thrown if the given query or any attribute used in the sortBy list is invalid.


    public boolean forceUpdate()
    Forces an ESG update. Forcing the ESG update may consume plenty of resources; therefore, it is recommended that the end user of the application triggers this call from the user interface.

    Typically the ESG is kept automatically up-to-date, for example, by periodical updates. But the end user may want to force the update to be sure that the ESG contains the very latest information.

    This method is asynchronous. A ServiceGuideListener.SERVICE_GUIDE_UPDATE_STARTED event will be received when forceUpdate is initiated. A ServiceGuideListener.SERVICE_GUIDE_UPDATE_COMPLETED will be received when the update is successfully completed; a ServiceGuideListener.SERVICE_GUIDE_UPDATE_FAILED will be received if the update failed.

    Calling forceUpdate again when another forceUpdate is in progress or an automatic update is going on is a no-op (and true is returned).

    true if an update is already running; false otherwise.
    java.lang.IllegalStateException - Thrown if a new PlatformProvider has been selected and the current ServiceGuide is no longer valid. See


    public static ServiceGuide[] getAllServiceGuides()
    List all the ServiceGuide available by the currently selected PlatformProvider. At least one ServiceGuide (the default) and potentially more will be returned.

    java.lang.IllegalStateException - Thrown if no PlatformProvider has been selected. See PlatformProviderSelector.
    java.lang.SecurityException - if user has no rights to access service guides.


    public java.lang.Object[] getAllUniqueValues(Attribute attribute)
                                          throws QueryException
    Get the list of unique values for the given attribute. For example, if the given attribute is CommonMetadataSet.SERVICE_ID, this method will return all the unique service id's in the database.

    For some implementations and for some attributes, it may not be feasible to support this feature. An UnsupportedOperationException will be thrown in those cases before conditions for other Exceptions are checked.

    The unique values returned is an array of Objects. Each object corresponds to one value. If the value is of int, double, or boolean types, the type of the object will be Integer, Double or Boolean respectively.

    attribute - The given attribute to query for the unique values.
    All the unique values for the given attribute. If the given attribute is valid but there are no matching values, a zero-length array will be returned.
    java.lang.IllegalStateException - Thrown if a new PlatformProvider has been selected and the current ServiceGuide is no longer valid. See
    QueryException - Thrown if the given attribute is null or invalid.
    UnsupportedOperationException - Thrown if this function is not supported.


    public static ServiceGuide getDefaultServiceGuide()
    Get the default ServiceGuide supported by the currently selected PlatformProvider. The return value must not be null. A different ServiceGuide may be returned only if the PlatformProvider is changed.

    java.lang.IllegalStateException - Thrown if no PlatformProvider has been selected. See PlatformProviderSelector.
    java.lang.SecurityException - if user has no rights to access service guide.


    public java.util.Date getLastUpdatedTime()
    Get the time when the service guide that the database contains is last updated.

    The time when the service guide that the database contains is last updated. The return value must not be null.
    java.lang.IllegalStateException - Thrown if a new PlatformProvider has been selected and the current ServiceGuide is no longer valid. See


    public java.lang.String getServiceProvider()
    Get the name of the service guide provider. The name returned identifies the name of the service provider supplying the service guide information.

    The name of the service provider. The return value must not be null or an empty string.
    java.lang.IllegalStateException - Thrown if no PlatformProvider has been selected. See PlatformProviderSelector.


    public MetadataSet[] getSupportedMetadataSets()
    Get the list of MetadataSet specs supported by the database implementation. At a minimum, CommonMetadataSet will be returned.

    An array of MetadataSet supported by this database implementation.
    java.lang.IllegalStateException - Thrown if a new PlatformProvider has been selected and the current ServiceGuide is no longer valid. See


    public boolean isValid()
    Tells if the ServiceGuide is valid.

    true if valid, false otherwise.


    public void removeListener(ServiceGuideListener listener)
    Remove a ServiceGuideListener. If the given listener is already removed, the operation will be ignored.

    listener - The listener to be removed. If null is given or if the given listener is already removed, the method is silently ignored.
    java.lang.IllegalStateException - Thrown if a new PlatformProvider has been selected and the current ServiceGuide is no longer valid. See

    Copyright 2008 Motorola Inc. and Nokia Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
    Specification License