Copyright 2008 Motorola Inc. and Nokia Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Specification License

Uses of Class

Packages that use StringAttribute
javax.microedition.broadcast.esg This package defines the classes and interfaces to access the Electronic Service Guide (ESG). 

Uses of StringAttribute in javax.microedition.broadcast.esg

Fields in javax.microedition.broadcast.esg declared as StringAttribute
static StringAttribute CommonMetadataSet.PROGRAM_CONTENT_AUX_CLIP
          Reports the content's clip data defined as a URI reference.
static StringAttribute CommonMetadataSet.PROGRAM_CONTENT_AUX_LOGO
          Reports the Content's logo data defined as a URI reference.
static StringAttribute CommonMetadataSet.PROGRAM_CONTENT_AUX_SOUND
          Reports the Content's sound data defined as a URI reference.
static StringAttribute CommonMetadataSet.PROGRAM_CONTENT_DESCRIPTION
          Reports the content description.
static StringAttribute CommonMetadataSet.PROGRAM_CONTENT_GENRE
          Reports the content name.
static StringAttribute CommonMetadataSet.PROGRAM_CONTENT_ID
          Reports the content id as a URI reference.
static StringAttribute CommonMetadataSet.PROGRAM_CONTENT_LOCATION
          Reports the URIs for filecast services.
static StringAttribute CommonMetadataSet.PROGRAM_CONTENT_NAME
          Reports the content name.
static StringAttribute CommonMetadataSet.PROGRAM_CONTENT_PARENTAL_RATING
          Reports the content's parental rating.
static StringAttribute CommonMetadataSet.PROGRAM_CONTENT_TYPE
          Reports the content type as conformed to the MIME types defined in RFC 2046.
static StringAttribute CommonMetadataSet.PROGRAM_DESCRIPTION
          Reports the program description.
static StringAttribute CommonMetadataSet.PROGRAM_ID
          Reports the Program ID represented as an URI.
static StringAttribute CommonMetadataSet.PROGRAM_NAME
          Reports the name of the ProgramEvent
static StringAttribute CommonMetadataSet.PROGRAM_REL_MATERIAL
          Reports the URI reference to the Program's related material.
static StringAttribute CommonMetadataSet.PURCHASE_AUX_CLIP
          Reports the purchase clip data defined as a URI reference.
static StringAttribute CommonMetadataSet.PURCHASE_AUX_LOGO
          Reports the purchase logo data defined as a URI reference.
static StringAttribute CommonMetadataSet.PURCHASE_AUX_SOUND
          Reports the purchase sound data defined as a URI reference.
static StringAttribute CommonMetadataSet.PURCHASE_CHANNEL_CONTACT
          Reports the URI of the purchase channel contact.
static StringAttribute CommonMetadataSet.PURCHASE_CHANNEL_DESCRIPTION
          Reports the purchase channel description.
static StringAttribute CommonMetadataSet.PURCHASE_CHANNEL_ID
          Reports the purchase channel ID.
static StringAttribute CommonMetadataSet.PURCHASE_CHANNEL_NAME
          Reports the purchase channel name.
static StringAttribute CommonMetadataSet.PURCHASE_CHANNEL_PORTAL
          Reports the URI of the purchase channel portal.
static StringAttribute CommonMetadataSet.PURCHASE_CURRENCY
          Reports the purchase currency.
static StringAttribute CommonMetadataSet.PURCHASE_DESCRIPTION
          Reports the purchase description.
static StringAttribute CommonMetadataSet.PURCHASE_ID
          Reports the purchase ID.
static StringAttribute CommonMetadataSet.PURCHASE_ITEM_DESCRIPTION
          Reports the description of the purchase item.
static StringAttribute CommonMetadataSet.PURCHASE_ITEM_ID
          Reports the purchase item ID.
static StringAttribute CommonMetadataSet.PURCHASE_ITEM_NAME
          The name of the PurchaseItem or service bundle
static StringAttribute CommonMetadataSet.PURCHASE_ITEM_PARENTAL_RATING
          Reports the purchase item's parental rating.
static StringAttribute CommonMetadataSet.PURCHASE_ITEM_REL_MATERIAL
          Reports the URI reference to the purchase item's related material.
static StringAttribute CommonMetadataSet.PURCHASE_PRICE
          Reports the purchase price.
static StringAttribute CommonMetadataSet.SERVICE_AUX_CLIP
          Reports the Service's media data that are embedded inside the ESG.
static StringAttribute CommonMetadataSet.SERVICE_AUX_LOGO
          Reports the Service's auxiliary logo data defined as an URI reference.
static StringAttribute CommonMetadataSet.SERVICE_AUX_SOUND
          Reports the reference to Service's auxiliary sound data.
static StringAttribute CommonMetadataSet.SERVICE_COMPONENT_ACCESS_APP_TYPE
          Specifies the content type from which the terminal can determine the consuming application of the service.
static StringAttribute CommonMetadataSet.SERVICE_COMPONENT_ACCESS_ID
          Reports the acquisition ID defined as a URI reference.
static StringAttribute CommonMetadataSet.SERVICE_COMPONENT_AUD_LANG
          Reports the language of service component for audio track.
static StringAttribute CommonMetadataSet.SERVICE_COMPONENT_CLOSED_CAPTIONS_LANG
          Reports the language of service component for closed captions subtitles.
static StringAttribute CommonMetadataSet.SERVICE_COMPONENT_DOWNLOAD_FILE_FORMAT
          Reports the mime type of the download file .
static StringAttribute CommonMetadataSet.SERVICE_COMPONENT_KEY_MANAG_SYS
          Reports the name of the key management system.
static StringAttribute CommonMetadataSet.SERVICE_COMPONENT_LANGUAGE
          Reports the language used for a service component.
static StringAttribute CommonMetadataSet.SERVICE_COMPONENT_MIME_TYPE
          Reports the MIME type of a service component.
static StringAttribute CommonMetadataSet.SERVICE_COMPONENT_SDP_REF
          Reports the URI to the SDP file.
static StringAttribute CommonMetadataSet.SERVICE_COMPONENT_SDP_STREAM
          Reports the session parameters to access a SDP stream.
static StringAttribute CommonMetadataSet.SERVICE_COMPONENT_SDP_STRING
          Reports the SDP data defined inlined in the ESG.
static StringAttribute CommonMetadataSet.SERVICE_COMPONENT_VID_OPEN_CAPTIONS_LANG
          Reports the language of service component for open captions subtitles.
static StringAttribute CommonMetadataSet.SERVICE_COMPONENT_VID_SIGN_LANG
          Reports the language of service component for signed video language.
static StringAttribute CommonMetadataSet.SERVICE_DESCRIPTION
          Reports the Service Description.
static StringAttribute CommonMetadataSet.SERVICE_GENRE
          Reports the Service's genre.
static StringAttribute CommonMetadataSet.SERVICE_ID
          Reports the Service ID represented as a URI.
static StringAttribute CommonMetadataSet.SERVICE_NAME
          Reports the Service/Channel Name.
static StringAttribute CommonMetadataSet.SERVICE_PARENTAL_RATING
          Reports the Service's parental rating.
static StringAttribute CommonMetadataSet.SERVICE_REL_MATERIAL
          Reports the Service related material.
static StringAttribute CommonMetadataSet.SERVICE_TYPE
          Reports the Service's type.
static StringAttribute CommonMetadataSet.SERVICE_TYPE_NAME
          Reports the common name for the Service type.

Methods in javax.microedition.broadcast.esg with parameters of type StringAttribute
static Query QueryComposer.contains(StringAttribute attribute, java.lang.String value)
          Generate a query to test if the value of a string attribute contains a given substring.
 java.lang.String ServiceGuideData.getStringValue(StringAttribute attribute)
          Get the value of a string attribute.
 java.lang.String[] ServiceGuideData.getStringValues(StringAttribute attribute)
          Get one or more values of a string attribute.

Copyright 2008 Motorola Inc. and Nokia Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Specification License