Mobile Sensor API Version 1.2

Uses of Interface

Packages that use SensorInfo
javax.microedition.sensor This package provides the classes and interfaces of the Mobile Sensor API mandatory part. 

Uses of SensorInfo in javax.microedition.sensor

Methods in javax.microedition.sensor that return SensorInfo
static SensorInfo[] SensorManager.findSensors(java.lang.String url)
          Returns an array of SensorInfo objects of all sensors that match the given sensor URL.
static SensorInfo[] SensorManager.findSensors(java.lang.String quantity, java.lang.String contextType)
          Returns an array of SensorInfo objects of sensors that match the given quantity and context type.
 SensorInfo SensorConnection.getSensorInfo()
          Returns SensorInfo that contains information about the sensor

Methods in javax.microedition.sensor with parameters of type SensorInfo
static void SensorManager.addSensorListener(SensorListener listener, SensorInfo info)
          Registers SensorListener to monitor the availability of the given sensor.
 void SensorListener.sensorAvailable(SensorInfo info)
          The notification called when the sensor becomes available.
 void SensorListener.sensorUnavailable(SensorInfo info)
          The notification called when the sensor becomes unavailable.

Mobile Sensor API Version 1.2

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