Class VirtualKeyboard


public class VirtualKeyboard
extends java.lang.Object

Some touch devices can use a virtual keyboard as a replacement for the physical keyboard and thus allow client to use keypad in Canvas, GameCanvas and CustomItem. Key presses are handled in Canvas' and CustomItems keyPressed method.

VirtualKeyboard is an interface that provides access to CustomKeyboardControl which allows MIDlets to control visibility, type and mode of the CUSTOM_KEYBOARD. VirtualKeyboard also allows MIDlets to register keyboard visibility listener which will notify clients when SYSTEM_KEYBOARD or CUSTOM_KEYBOARD keyboard visibility changes.

Field Summary
          Constant for custom keyboard type that is controlled by CustomKeyboardControl.
          Constant for system keyboard type that is controlled by the Java platform editors for example TextBox keyboard.
          Input Mode: ALPHA_LOWER_CASE - Keypad appearance has lower case alphabetic characters.
          Input Mode: ALPHA_UPPER_CASE - Keypad appearance has upper case alphabetic characters.
          Input Mode: ALPHA_UPPER_CASE_LOCKED - Keypad appearance has upper case alphabetic characters and shift icon shown as locked.
          Input Mode: DEFAULT.
          Input Mode: NUMERIC - Keypad appearance has numeric characters only
static int VKB_TYPE_GAME
          Keyboard Type: GAME - not currently supported by Virtual Keyboard component.
static int VKB_TYPE_ITUT
          Keyboard Type: ITUT.
Method Summary
static CustomKeyboardControl getCustomKeyboardControl()
          Gets singleton instance of CustomKeyboardControl Custom keyboard control is used for controlling custom virtual keyboard in touch devices that can be used when physical keypad is not available.
static int getHeight()
          Gets the height of visible virtual keyboard.
static int getWidth()
          Gets the width of visible virtual keyboard.
static int getXPosition()
          Gets the x rendering position of visible virtual keyboard.
static int getYPosition()
          Gets the y rendering position of visible virtual keyboard.
static void hideOpenKeypadCommand(boolean hide)
          Called by the MIDlet to disable/enable the state of the default platform open keypad command in Canvas and/or CustomItem menus.
static boolean isVisible()
          Gets current visibility state of the virtual keyboard
static void setVisibilityListener(KeyboardVisibilityListener listener)
          Sets virtual keyboard visibility listener.
static void suppressSizeChanged(boolean suppressSizeChange)
          Suppresses sizeChanged events when virtual keyboard visibility changes.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int CUSTOM_KEYBOARD
Constant for custom keyboard type that is controlled by CustomKeyboardControl. This constant is used in KeyboardVisibilityListener to indicate which keyboard type had visibility change

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SYSTEM_KEYBOARD
Constant for system keyboard type that is controlled by the Java platform editors for example TextBox keyboard. This constant is used in KeyboardVisibilityListener to indicate which keyboard type had visibility change

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int VKB_TYPE_ITUT
Keyboard Type: ITUT.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int VKB_TYPE_GAME
Keyboard Type: GAME - not currently supported by Virtual Keyboard component.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int VKB_MODE_DEFAULT
Input Mode: DEFAULT. Keypad appearance will have both numeric and alphabetic characters shown

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int VKB_MODE_NUMERIC
Input Mode: NUMERIC - Keypad appearance has numeric characters only

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int VKB_MODE_ALPHA_LOWER_CASE
Input Mode: ALPHA_LOWER_CASE - Keypad appearance has lower case alphabetic characters.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int VKB_MODE_ALPHA_UPPER_CASE
Input Mode: ALPHA_UPPER_CASE - Keypad appearance has upper case alphabetic characters.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int VKB_MODE_ALPHA_UPPER_CASE_LOCKED
Input Mode: ALPHA_UPPER_CASE_LOCKED - Keypad appearance has upper case alphabetic characters and shift icon shown as locked.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


public static void hideOpenKeypadCommand(boolean hide)
Called by the MIDlet to disable/enable the state of the default platform open keypad command in Canvas and/or CustomItem menus. After setting this to hidden the open keypad command will not appear in any Canvas or CustomItem menu.

Note: By default, in some touch devices, the open keypad command is always added to Canvases and CustomItem instances.

hide - the new visibility state of the open keypad command: true if MIDlet needs this command to be hidden/removed from the menu or false otherwise.


public static int getXPosition()
Gets the x rendering position of visible virtual keyboard. Visible keyboard can be either SYSTEM_KEYBOARD or CUSTOM_KEYBOARD

the x-position of the keyboard
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if keyboard data cannot be read


public static int getYPosition()
Gets the y rendering position of visible virtual keyboard. Visible keyboard can be either SYSTEM_KEYBOARD or CUSTOM_KEYBOARD

the y-position of the keyboard
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if keyboard data cannot be read


public static int getWidth()
Gets the width of visible virtual keyboard. Keyboard can be either SYSTEM_KEYBOARD or CUSTOM_KEYBOARD

the width in pixels of the keyboard
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if keyboard data cannot be read


public static int getHeight()
Gets the height of visible virtual keyboard. Keyboard can be either SYSTEM_KEYBOARD or CUSTOM_KEYBOARD

the height in pixels of the keyboard
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if keyboard data cannot be read


public static void setVisibilityListener(KeyboardVisibilityListener listener)
Sets virtual keyboard visibility listener. Visibility listener is called when visibility of the virtual keyboard changes. Virtual keyboard visibility changes are followed for both SYSTEM_KEYBOARD and CUSTOM_KEYBOARD

java.lang.IllegalStateException - if visibility listener cannot be set


public static CustomKeyboardControl getCustomKeyboardControl()
Gets singleton instance of CustomKeyboardControl Custom keyboard control is used for controlling custom virtual keyboard in touch devices that can be used when physical keypad is not available. CustomKeyboardControl will only control custom keyboard and does not affect system keyboards.

singleton instance of CustomKeyboardControl
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if KeyboardControl is not yet instantiated


public static boolean isVisible()
Gets current visibility state of the virtual keyboard

true if any virtual keyboard is visible
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if visibility state cannot be read


public static void suppressSizeChanged(boolean suppressSizeChange)
Suppresses sizeChanged events when virtual keyboard visibility changes. If sizeChanged is suppressed for virtual keyboard, virtual keyboard visibility changes will not cause sizeChanged(int, int). This setting will affect all system and custom virtual keyboards.

suppressSizeChange - If true, virtual keyboard visibility changes will not cause sizeChanged. If false, virtual keyboard visibility change causes sizeChanged.
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if java platform cannot save setting

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