Interface SipClientConnection

All Superinterfaces:

public interface SipClientConnection
extends SipConnection

SipClientConnection represents a SIP client transaction. Applications can create a new SipClientConnection with Connector or SipDialog object.

The SipClientConnection has following state diagram: Client State Diagram

Note: The state diagram of SipClientConnection differs from the state diagram of SIP client transaction, which can be found in RFC 3261 [1] p.128-133

Following methods are restricted to a certain state. The table shows the list of restricted methods allowed in each state.

Following methods can be called in every state. The functionality is defined by the method depending on the information availability.

Code examples

The example below illustrates the usage of SIP client connection: opening, sending one request (MESSAGE) and receiving response:

 public void sendTextMessage(String msg) {
    SipClientConnection sc = null;
    try {
       sc = (SipClientConnection)
                     ("sip:[email protected]:5060");
       sc.initRequest("MESSAGE", null);
       sc.setHeader("From", "sip:[email protected]");
       sc.setHeader("Subject", "testing...");

       // write message body
       sc.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain");
       sc.setHeader("Content-Length", Integer.toString(msg.length()));
       OutputStream os = sc.openContentOutputStream();
       os.close(); // close stream and send the message

       // wait maximum 15 seconds for response
       boolean ok = sc.receive(15000);

       if(ok) {  // response received
           if(sc.getStatusCode() == 200) {
              // handle 200 OK response
           } else {
              // handle possible error responses
     } catch(Exception ex) {
          // handle Exceptions

Following class shows the same example using callback listener interface:

 public class SipClient implements SipClientConnectionListener {
    public void sendTextMessage(String msg) {
       SipClientConnection sc = null;
       try {
          sc = (SipClientConnection)
                        ("sip:[email protected]:5060");
          sc.initRequest("MESSAGE", null);
          sc.setHeader("From", "sip:[email protected]");
          sc.setHeader("Subject", "testing...");
          sc.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain");
          sc.setHeader("Content-Length", Integer.toString(msg.length()));
          OutputStream os = sc.openContentOutputStream();
          os.close(); // close stream and send message
       } catch(Exception ex) {
         // handle Exceptions
    public void notifyResponse(SipClientConnection scn) {
       try {
          // retrieve the response received
          sc.receive(0); // does not block response is there
          if(sc.getStatusCode() == 200) {
             // handle 200 OK response
          } else {
             // handle possible error responses
       } catch(Exception ex) {
             // handle Exceptions

See Also:
SipClientConnectionListener, SipConnectionNotifier, SipServerConnection, SipDialog.getNewClientConnection(String)

Method Summary
 int enableRefresh(SipRefreshListener srl)
          Enables the refresh for the request to be sent.
 void initAck()
          Convenience method to initialize SipClientConnection with SIP request method ACK.
 SipClientConnection initCancel()
          Convenience method to initialize SipClientConnection with SIP request method CANCEL.
 void initRequest(java.lang.String method, SipConnectionNotifier scn)
          Initializes SipClientConnection to a specific SIP request method (REGISTER, INVITE, MESSAGE, REFER, ...).
 boolean receive(long timeout)
          Receives SIP response message.
 void setCredentials(java.lang.String[] usernames, java.lang.String[] passwords, java.lang.String[] realms)
          Sets multiple credential triplets for possible digest authentication.
 void setCredentials(java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password, java.lang.String realm)
          Sets credentials for possible digest authentication.
 void setListener(SipClientConnectionListener sccl)
          Sets the listener for incoming responses.
 void setRequestURI(java.lang.String URI)
          Sets Request-URI explicitly.
Methods inherited from interface javax.microedition.sip.SipConnection
addHeader, getDialog, getHeader, getHeaders, getMethod, getReasonPhrase, getRequestURI, getStatusCode, openContentInputStream, openContentOutputStream, removeHeader, send, setErrorListener, setHeader

Method Detail


void initRequest(java.lang.String method,
                 SipConnectionNotifier scn)
                 throws SipException

Initializes SipClientConnection to a specific SIP request method (REGISTER, INVITE, MESSAGE, REFER, ...). The methods are defined in the RFC 3261 [1] and extension specifications from SIP WG and SIMPLE WG [2][3][4][5][6]. Methods belonging to an already established dialog (BYE, NOTIFY, PRACK, UPDATE) should be created using SipDialog.getNewClientConnection() instead of this method.

The default RequestURI and headers will be initialized automatically. After this the SipClientConnection is in Initialized state.

The initialized request can be associated with an opened SipConnectionNotifier. Initialization of some headers depends on how the associated SipConnectionNotifier is initialized.

See also chapter "SipConnection: Opening new server connection" for more details.

Headers that will be initialized are as follows:

    To           // To address constructed from SIP URI given in 
    From         // Set by the system. If SipConnectionNotifier is 
                    given and it is in shared mode the value will 
                    be set according the terminal SIP settings 
                    (see Opening new server connection for more details). 
                    If the SipConnectionNotifier is not given 
                    (= null) or it is in dedicated mode the From 
                    header MUST be set to a default value 
                    e.g. anonymous URI (see RFC 3261 [1], 
                    chapter From).
    CSeq         // Set by the system
    Call-ID      // Set by the system
    Max-Forwards // Set by the system
    Via          // Set by the system
    Contact      // If SipConnectionNotifier is given the value is
                    set by the system for REGISTER, INVITE, 
                    SUBSCRIBE and REFER. The value will be set 
                    according to the terminal IP settings and the 
                    SipConnectionNotifier properties. So the new 
                    request is associated with the 
                    SipConnectionNotifier. If the associated
                    SipConnectionNotifier is in the dedicated mode 
                    the user part  is set to some default value 
                    e.g. user.
                    Example (dedicated mode),
                      Contact: sip:[email protected]:5060
                    Example (shared mode),
                      Contact: "Mr X" <sip:[email protected]:5060>

These headers will be set on behalf of the user by the implementation the latest when sending the request. It implies that the header values may not be available for reading right after the initRequest method returns. The user may also set (overwrite) these headers, in this case the values set by the user take precedence over the values set by the implementation.

If the application is using shared connections then it must set the Accept-Contact header to all outgoing request except CANCEL and ACK. For more details on how the message routing is handled based on the Accept-Contact header see "SipConnection: SIP Identity" and "SipConnection: Routing the incoming request".

Reference RFC 3261 [1] p.35 (8.1.1 Generating the Request) and p.159 (20 Header Fields)

method - Name of the method
scn - SipConnectionNotifier to which the request will be associated. If scn is null the request will not be associated to any user defined listening point.
java.lang.NullPointerException - if method is null
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the method is invalid
SipException - INVALID_STATE if the request can not be set, because of wrong state in SipClientConnection.Furthermore, ACK and CANCEL methods can not be initialized in Created state.
SipException - INVALID_OPERATION if the method argument is one of {BYE, NOTIFY, PRACK, UPDATE}.
See Also:


void setRequestURI(java.lang.String URI)
                   throws SipException

Sets Request-URI explicitly. If this operation is supported, Request-URI can be set only in Initialized state. Empty or null argument removes Request-URI if set previously.

It is not mandated that this operation be supported, an implementation may throw SipException.INVALID_OPERATION in any state.

URI - Request-URI
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - MAY be thrown if the URI is invalid
SipException - INVALID_STATE if the Request-URI can not be set, because of wrong state, INVALID_OPERATION if the Request-URI is not allowed to be set.


void initAck()
             throws SipException

Convenience method to initialize SipClientConnection with SIP request method ACK. ACK can be applied only to INVITE request. The method is available when a successful final response (2xx) has been received.The header fields of the ACK are constructed in the same way as for any request sent within a dialog with the exception of the CSeq and the header fields related to authentication (RFC 3261 [1], p.82). The Request-URI and headers will be initialized automatically. After this the SipClientConnection is in Initialized state.

At least Request-URI and following headers will be set by the method (RFC 3261 [1] Generating the Request p.73 and 8.1.1 Generating the Request p.35). See also RFC 3261 [1] 2xx Responses (p.82)

    Request-URI  // system uses the remote target and route set to
                    build the Request-URI
    To           // remote URI from the dialog state + remote tag 
                    of the dialog ID
    From         // local URI from the dialog state + local tag of 
                    the dialog ID
    CSeq         // the sequence number of the CSeq header field 
                    MUST be the same as the INVITE being 
                    acknowledged, but the CSeq method MUST be ACK.
    Call-ID      // Call-ID of the dialog
    Via          // Via header field indicates the transport used 
                    for the transaction and identifies the location
                    where the response is to be sent
    Route        // system uses the remote target and route set 
                    (if present) to build the Route header
    Contact      // SHOULD include a Contact header field in any 
                    target refresh requests within a dialog, and 
                    unless there is a need to change it, the URI 
                    SHOULD be the same as used in previous 
                    requests within the dialog
    Max-Forwards // header field serves to limit the number of 
                    hops a request can transit on the way to its 

These headers will be set on behalf of the user by the implementation the latest when sending the request. It implies that the header values may not be available for reading right after the initAck method returns. The user may also set (overwrite) these headers, in this case the values set by the user take precedence over the values set by the implementation.

The following rules also apply:

For error responses (3xx-6xx) the ACK is sent automatically by the system in transaction level. If the user initializes an ACK which has already been sent an Exception will be thrown.

The SipClientConnection remains in Completed state if sending ACK fails and there is forking case. It allows trying to send ACK again, wait for more 2xx responses or close the connection. If the application (after investigating the error code) finds out that the error is irrevocable, it can close the connection.

SipException - INVALID_STATE if the request can not be set, because of wrong state, INVALID_OPERATION if the ACK request can not be initialized for other reason (already sent or the original request is non-INVITE).


SipClientConnection initCancel()
                               throws SipException

Convenience method to initialize SipClientConnection with SIP request method CANCEL. The method is available when a provisional response has been received. The CANCEL request starts a new transaction,that is why the method returns a new SipClientConnection. The CANCEL request will be built according to the original INVITE request within this connection. The RequestURI and headers will be initialized automatically. After this the SipClientConnection is in Initialized state. The message is ready to be sent.

The following information will be set by the method:

    Request-URI  // copy from original request
    To           // copy from original request
    From         // copy from original request
    CSeq         // same value for the sequence number as was 
                    present in the original request, but the 
                    method parameter MUST be equal to "CANCEL"
    Call-ID      // copy from original request
    Via          // single value equal to the top Via header field 
                    of the request being cancelled
    Route        // If the request being cancelled contains a Route 
                    header field, the CANCEL request MUST include 
                    that Route header field's values
    Max-Forwards // header field serves to limit the number of hops 
                    a request can transit on the way to its 

These headers will be set on behalf of the user by the implementation the latest when sending the request. It implies that the header values may not be available for reading right after the initCancel method returns. The user may also set (overwrite) these headers, in this case the values set by the user take precedence over the values set by the implementation. Reference RFC 3261 [1] p.53-54

Note: CANCEL request SHOULD NOT be sent to cancel a request other than INVITE.

A new SipClientConnection with preinitialized CANCEL request.
SipException - INVALID_STATE if the request can not be set, because of wrong state (in SipClientConnection) or the system has already got a final response (even if not read with receive() method). INVALID_OPERATION if CANCEL method can not be applied to the current request method.


boolean receive(long timeout)
                throws SipException,

Receives SIP response message. The receive method will update the SipClientConnection with the last new received response. The implementation places the responses in a FIFO queue and when this method is called it fetches the least recently arrived response which has not been fetched already. If no message is received the method will block until something is received or the specified amount of time has elapsed.

The SipClientConnection is always associated with the latest response received successfully by calling the receive() method.

100 (Trying) responses for Non-INVITE transactions are not passed up to the application level in receive() as these responses are not explicitly required/expected by RFC 3261 and they are only useful information for the transaction layer which takes care of request resends.

timeout - the maximum time to wait in milliseconds. 0 = do not wait, just poll
Returns true if response was received. Returns false if the given timeout elapsed and no response was received.
Throws: - if the message could not be received or because of network failure. When an IOException is thrown the connection moves to Terminated state. This exception is thrown regardless of there is a SipErrorListener set or not for the connection.
SipException - INVALID_STATE if the receive can not be called because of wrong state.
See Also:


void setListener(SipClientConnectionListener sccl)

Sets the listener for incoming responses. If a listener is already set it will be overwritten. Setting listener to null will remove the current listener.

sccl - reference to the listener object. Value null will remove the existing listener.
Throws: - if the connection is closed


int enableRefresh(SipRefreshListener srl)
                  throws SipException

Enables the refresh for the request to be sent. The method return a refresh ID, which can be used to update or stop the refresh. Passing null as listener does not clear a previously set listener and does not stop a refresh. Refreshing should be stopped by calling stop. Calling enableRefresh for the second time with a non-null value does not overwrite the previously set listener. In this case the previously set listener remains valid, and the method throws SipException.INVALID_STATE.

srl - callback interface for refresh events, if this is null the method returns 0 and refresh is not enabled.
refresh ID. If the request is not refreshable returns 0.
SipException - INVALID_STATE if the refresh can not be enabled in this state.
See Also:


void setCredentials(java.lang.String username,
                    java.lang.String password,
                    java.lang.String realm)
                    throws SipException

Sets credentials for possible digest authentication. The username and password are specified for certain protection domain, which is defined by the realm parameter.

The credentials can be set:

Implementations of this specification must support setting the credentials in both states described above.

See also SipClientConnection state diagram.

See Authentication requirements for the authentication methods supported. * The application can set multiple credential triplets (username, password, realm) for one SipClientConnection in the Initialized state, however it can not set mulitple triplets in the Unauthorized state using this method, as in this case the request would be automatically resent after the first execution of this method. For setting multiple credentials in the Unauthorized state the application should use the SetCredentials(String[], String[], String[]) method.

When setting the credentials in the Unautorized state the request is automatically resent which implies that the application is unable to further modify the request headers before sending. Calling getHeader immediately after setCredentials returns the value of the authentication headers as they were set by the user before sending the original request. The updated value of the authentication headers set by the API implementation are not available at this point and can be examined after a response is received to the reoriginated request.

Example 1

The following simplified example shows how the credentials are set before sending the original request.

  1. Initialize the original REGISTER request.
  2. Set credentials username, password for some realm. The credentials are saved by the system.
  3. Application calls send()
  4. The API implementation sends REGISTER request to the SIP server.
  5. Application calls receive() to wait for the next response.
  6. SIP server responds with the "401 Unauthorized". The response is not passed up to the application, since the API implementation either prompts for the credentials (ask them with a dialog) or uses the previously saved credentials set by the application.
  7. The API implementation calculates the authorization headers and resends the REGISTER.
  8. Now the server accepts the REGISTER and responds with 200 OK. The response is passed to the application.
  9. The receive() returns and the application calls getStatusCode(), which returns 200.
  10. Application ends the connection by calling close().
Set Credentials 1

Example 2

The following example shows how the credentials are set when the authentication response is received by the application.

  1. The application initializes the original REGISTER request.
  2. Application calls send()
  3. The API implementation sends REGISTER request to the SIP server.
  4. Application calls receive() to wait for the next response.
  5. SIP server responds with the "401 Unauthorized". The response is passed up to the application, since the API implementation does not have the credentials or it is not able to collect them from the user.
  6. The application calls getStatusCode(), which returns now 401.
  7. The application gathers the credentials and calls setCredentials().
  8. The API implementation calculates the authorization headers and resends the REGISTER.
  9. Application calls receive() to wait for the next response.
  10. The server accepts the REGISTER and responds with 200 OK. The response is passed to the application.
  11. The receive() returns and the application calls getStatusCode(), which returns now 200.
  12. Application ends the connection by calling close().
Set Credentials 2

The following example code shows an outline how the application could send the REGISTER and handle the authentication responses as shown in the Example 2.

 public void doRegister(String username, String password, String realm) {
  SipClientConnection scc = null;
  SipConnectionNotifier scn = null;
  String contact = null;
  try {
      // open listener in application specific port 5080
      scn = (SipConnectionNotifier)"sip:5080");
      // build the contact URI
      contact = new String("sip:user@"+scn.getLocalAddress()+
      // open client connection to the SIP registrar 
      // in this case ""           
      scc = (SipClientConnection)"");
      // initialize REGISTER with appropriate headers
      scc.initRequest("REGISTER", scn);
      scc.setHeader("From", "sip:[email protected]");
      scc.setHeader("To", "sip:[email protected]");
      scc.setHeader("Contact", contact);
      boolean handled = false;
      int scode = 0;
      while(!handled) {
          SipHeader sh;
          // wait max 30 secs for response
          scode = scc.getStatusCode();
              case 401:
                  sh = new SipHeader("WWW-Authenticate",
                  realm = sh.getParameter("realm");
                  // strip the quotation marks
                  realm = realm.substring(1, realm.length()-1);                
                  // here for example, prompt user for password 
                  // for this realm
                  // set credentials to initiate re-REGISTER
                  scc.setCredentials(username, password, realm);
              case 407:
                  sh = new SipHeader("Proxy-Authenticate", 
                  realm = sh.getParameter("realm");                
                  // strip the quotation marks
                  realm = realm.substring(1, realm.length()-1);                
                  // here for example, prompt user for password 
                  // for this realm
                  // set credentials to initiate re-REGISTER
                  scc.setCredentials(username, password, realm);
              case 200:
                  // handle OK response
                  handled = true;
                  // handle other responses
                  handled = true;
  } catch(Exception ex) {
      // handle Exceptions

username - username (for this protection domain)
password - user password (for this protection domain)
realm - defines the protection domain
java.lang.NullPointerException - if the username, password or realm is null
SipException - INVALID_STATE if the credentials can not be set in this state.


void setCredentials(java.lang.String[] usernames,
                    java.lang.String[] passwords,
                    java.lang.String[] realms)
                    throws SipException

Sets multiple credential triplets for possible digest authentication. The username and password are specified for certain protection domain, which is defined by the realm parameter. The parameters of this method are 3 parallel arrays where usernames[i] and passwords[i] are interpreted as belonging to the protection domain in realms[i].

The credentials can be set:

Implementations of this specification must support setting the credentials in both states described above.

See also SipClientConnection state diagram.

See Authentication requirements for the authentication methods supported. This method was added to the API in version 1.1.0. This is necessary in the forking case when the received 401/407 error response may contain multiple authentication headers. For this case proper reauthentication was not possible in the Unauthorized state using the other form of this method which allows setting only a single triplet at a time.

When setting the credentials in the Unautorized state the request is automatically resent which implies that the application is unable to further modify the request headers before sending. Calling getHeader immediately after setCredentials returns the value of the authentication headers as they were set by the user before sending the original request. The updated value of the authentication headers set by the API implementation are not available at this point and can be examined after a response is received to the reoriginated request.

usernames - array of user names. The array element username[i] is for the protection domain realm[i].
passwords - array of user passwords. The array element passwords[i] is for the protection domain realm[i].
realms - array of protection domains
java.lang.NullPointerException - if the usernames, passwords or realms array is null or any of their elements is null
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the length of the parameter arrays are not equal or the length of at least one of them is 0.
SipException - INVALID_STATE if the credentials can not be set in this state.

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