Class IAPClientPaymentManager

  extended by

public final class IAPClientPaymentManager
extends java.lang.Object

This is the main class for initiating and managing the purchase process for the purchaseable items in an application. Its methods are asynchronous with responses received from the underlying implementation callbacks All API methods except getProductData() will initiate the user authentication by Single-Sign On (SSO).The IAPClientPaymentManager class handles a single API function call at a time. If a second request is made while response is pending from a previous function call, a failure value is returned indicating that this request shall not be processed and no callback can be expected for this request.

 sample code snippet
 package sample;

 import javax.microedition.midlet.*;
 import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;

 public class SampleMIDlet extends MIDlet implements CommandListener, IAPClientPaymentListener
     private Display display;     // The display for this MIDlet
     private IAPClientPaymentManager manager;  //Singleton instance of IAPClientPaymentManager() class

     public SampleMIDlet()
         display = Display.getDisplay(this);

     public void startApp()
         int status = 0;

         try {
             // set IAPClientPaymentListener
             manager = IAPClientPaymentManager.getIAPClientPaymentManager();

             // request metadata for product "game_level_3"
             status = manager.getProductData("123456");
             if (status != IAPClientPaymentManager.SUCCESS) {
                 // Do not expect a productDataReceived() callback with the requested metadata, handle the fail case
         } catch (IAPClientPaymentException e) {
             // handle IAPClientPaymentException from getIAPClientPaymentManager()

         status = manager.purchaseProduct("123456", IAPClientPaymentManager.FORCED_AUTOMATIC_RESTORATION);

         if(status != IAPClientPaymentManager.SUCCESS)
             // Do not expect a purchaseCompleted() asynchronous callback, handle the fail case

         // restore product "game_level_5"
         status = manager.restoreProduct("112233", IAPClientPaymentManager.ONLY_IN_SILENT_AUTHENTICATION);
         if(status != IAPClientPaymentManager.SUCCESS)
             // Do not expect a restoreCompleted() asynchronous callback, handle the fail case

     public void pauseApp()

     public void destroyApp(boolean unconditional)

     public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable s)

     public void productDataReceived(int status, IAPClientProductData pd)
         if(status == OK)
              String title = pd.getTitle();
              String price = pd.getPrice();

         //Update UI with information

     public void purchaseCompleted(int status, String purchaseTicket)
         if(status == OK)
              InputStream input = manager.getDRMResourceAsStream("/res/drm/data/ResourceId_123456");
              // Unlock game level 3, allow to be used

     public  void restorableProductsReceived(int status, IAPClientProductData[] productDataList)
         if(status == OK)
              for (int i = 0; i < productDataList.length; i++) {
                  // Access each product data:productDataList[i] 

     public void restorationCompleted(int status, String purchaseTicket)
         if(status == OK)
              InputStream input = manager.getDRMResourceAsStream("/res/drm/data/ResourceId_112233");
              // Restore game level 5, allow to be used

     public void userAndDeviceDataReceived(int status, IAPClientUserAndDeviceData ud)
         if(status == OK)
              // Access client user and device data

Field Summary
          The operation is executed as a normal one.
static int FAIL
          The purchase request is automatically transformed to a restoration if item restoration is available.
static int GENERAL_FAIL
          The operation has failed, do not expect an asynchronous callback later.
          The purchase request does not restore the item.
static int NORMAL
static int OUT_OF_MEMORY
static int PURCHASE
static int RESTORE
static int SIMULATION
static int SUCCESS
          The operation is successful, expect an asynchronous callback at a later time when requested information is available.
static int TEST_SERVER
Method Summary getDRMResourceAsStream(java.lang.String name)
          This provides the client application access to DRM encrypted resource files inside JAR.
static IAPClientPaymentManager getIAPClientPaymentManager()
          Retrieve the singleton IAPClientPaymentManager instance
 int getProductData(java.lang.String productId)
          Provides information about purchasable items for the publisher application for building a catalog list.
 int getProductData(java.lang.String[] productIdList)
          Provides information about purchasable items for the publisher application for building a catalog list.
 int getRestorableProducts(int authenticationMode)
          Provides a list of Nokia Store items related to the given application ID that are restorable via IAPClient API.
 int getUserAndDeviceId(int authenticationMode)
          Provides all necessary information about the current user and the device for the publisher service to restore non-Nokia DRM encrypted data to the device.
 int purchaseProduct(java.lang.String productId, int forceRestorationFlag)
          Initiates the purchase flow.
 int restoreProduct(java.lang.String productId, int authenticationMode)
          Initiates the restoration flow.
static void setIAPClientPaymentListener(IAPClientPaymentListener iapListener)
          Set up a listener for IAP related events from the observed class IAPClientPaymentManager.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATION
The operation is executed as a normal one. The user authentication is requested when necessary.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ONLY_IN_SILENT_AUTHENTICATION
. The operation is executed silently without the user authentication. If this is not possible, the operation is aborted If the user must enter account credentials, for example an account password, while ONLY_IN_SILENT_AUTHENTICATION is passed, the operation is aborted. Otherwise the operation continues regardless of whether the user has to enter account credentials or not.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int NO_FORCED_RESTORATION
The purchase request does not restore the item.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int FORCED_AUTOMATIC_RESTORATION
The purchase request is automatically transformed to a restoration if item restoration is available.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SUCCESS
The operation is successful, expect an asynchronous callback at a later time when requested information is available.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int GENERAL_FAIL
The operation has failed, do not expect an asynchronous callback later.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int PENDING_REQUEST
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int NULL_INPUT_PARAMETER
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int KNI_INTERNAL_FAIL
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int OUT_OF_MEMORY
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int TEST_SERVER
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SIMULATION
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int PURCHASE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RESTORE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int FAIL
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int NORMAL
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


public static IAPClientPaymentManager getIAPClientPaymentManager()
                                                          throws IAPClientPaymentException
Retrieve the singleton IAPClientPaymentManager instance

The return is the instance of IAPClientPaymentManager singleton: The value is null if the singleton has already been initialized
IAPClientPaymentException - if the Application ID can't be read out from JAR package
java.lang.SecurityException - if the caller does not have security permission to use In-App Purchase API


public static void setIAPClientPaymentListener(IAPClientPaymentListener iapListener)
Set up a listener for IAP related events from the observed class IAPClientPaymentManager.

iapListener - of type IAPClientPaymentListener


public int getProductData(java.lang.String productId)
Provides information about purchasable items for the publisher application for building a catalog list. The productDataReceived() callback returns a ProductData structure for each of the productIDs. The callback is sent only if the return value is SUCCESS. Upon success the method schedules a callback which is dispatched to the application at some suitable time instance in future.

productId - The productId of the purchaseable items. Publishers register sub-products(IAP) with Nokia store to receive product IDs
The return is an integer value. The value is one of the following:
  • SUCCESS: The method call succeeded. IAP API sends the productDataReceived() callback to the publisher application. .
  • FAIL: The method call failed. IAP API does not send the productDataReceived() callback to the publisher application.

  • getProductData

    public int getProductData(java.lang.String[] productIdList)
    Provides information about purchasable items for the publisher application for building a catalog list. The productDataListReceived() callback returns ProductData structure for a list of requested productIDs. The callback is sent only if the return value is SUCCESS. Upon success the method schedules a callback which is dispatched to the application at some suitable time instance in future.

    productIdList - The productIds of a list of purchaseable items. Publishers register sub-products(IAP) with Nokia store to receive product IDs
    The return is an integer value. The value is one of the following:
  • SUCCESS: The method call succeeded. IAP API sends the productDataListReceived() callback to the publisher application. .
  • FAIL: The method call failed. IAP API does not send the productDataListReceived() callback to the publisher application.

  • purchaseProduct

    public int purchaseProduct(java.lang.String productId,
                               int forceRestorationFlag)

    Initiates the purchase flow. If forceRestorationFlag is set and the item to be purchased is restorable, the purchase flow is automatically transformed to a restoration flow. Only Nokia DRM encrypted items can be restored using IAPClient API.

    The function call results in the purchaseCompleted() callback during execution if the return value is positive: This provides the purchase result, when the Nokia Store back end has completed the purchase and the purchase data is available for the client application. Upon success the method schedules a callback which is dispatched to the application at some suitable time instance in future.

    productId - The ID of the product to be purchased. Publishers register sub-products(IAP) with Nokia store to receive product IDs
    forceRestorationFlag - the flag for selecting forcedRestoration when available Possible values are one of the constants defined in this class, NO_FORCED_RESTORATION or FORCED_AUTOMATIC_RESTORATION
    The return is an integer value. The value is one of the following:
  • SUCCESS: The method call succeeded. IAP API sends the purchaseCompleted() callback to the publisher application.
  • FAIL: The method call failed. IAP API does not send the purchaseCompleted() callback to the publisher application.

  • restoreProduct

    public int restoreProduct(java.lang.String productId,
                              int authenticationMode)
    Initiates the restoration flow. Only Nokia DRM encrypted items can be restored using IAPClient API. The function call results in the restorationCompleted() callback during the execution if the return value is positive This provides the result of the restoration, when it is completed by the Nokia Store back end and the restoration data is available for the client application. Upon success the method schedules a callback which is dispatched to the application at some suitable time instance in future.

    productId - The ID of the product to be restored. Publishers register sub-products(IAP) with Nokia store to receive product IDs
    authenticationMode - Defines whether product is being restored silently without asking the user authentication or not Possible values are one of the constants defined in this class, DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATION or ONLY_IN_SILENT_AUTHENTICATION
    The return is an integer value. The value is one of the following:
  • SUCCESS: The method call succeeded. IAP API sends the restorationCompleted() callback to the publisher application.
  • FAIL: The method call failed. IAP API does not send the restorationCompleted() callback to the publisher application.

  • getRestorableProducts

    public int getRestorableProducts(int authenticationMode)
    Provides a list of Nokia Store items related to the given application ID that are restorable via IAPClient API. The restorableProductsReceived() callback function returns the list of restorable products. The callback function is called only if the return value is positive. Upon success the method schedules a callback which is dispatched to the application at some suitable time instance in future.

    authenticationMode - Defines whether restorable products are fetched silently without asking the user authentication or not
    The return is an integer value. The value is one of the following:
  • SUCCESS: The method call succeeded. IAP API sends the restorableProductsReceived() callback to the publisher application. .
  • FAIL: The method call failed. IAP API does not send the restorableProductsReceived() callback to the publisher application.

  • getUserAndDeviceId

    public int getUserAndDeviceId(int authenticationMode)
    Provides all necessary information about the current user and the device for the publisher service to restore non-Nokia DRM encrypted data to the device. The userAndDeviceDataReceived() callback returns the data in hashed form. The callback is sent only if the return value is positive. Upon success the method schedules a callback which is dispatched to the application at some suitable time instance in future.

    authenticationMode - Defines whether the user and the device data are fetched silently without asking user authentication or not Possible values are one of the constants defined in this class, DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATION or ONLY_IN_SILENT_AUTHENTICATION
    The return is an integer value. The value is one of the following:
  • SUCCESS: The method call succeeded. IAP API sends the userAndDeviceDataReceived() callback to the publisher application. .
  • FAIL: The method call failed. IAP API does not send the userAndDeviceDataReceived() callback to the publisher application.

  • getDRMResourceAsStream

    public getDRMResourceAsStream(java.lang.String name)
    This provides the client application access to DRM encrypted resource files inside JAR. eg. Possible location Jar-root/res/drm/data/level_1 /level_2 This is used after receiving the PurchaseTicket from a successful purchase flow or restoration flow. Finds a drm resource with a given name inside the application's JAR file. This method returns null if no resource with this name is found in the application's JAR file.

    The resource names can be represented in two different formats: absolute or relative.

    Absolute format:

    Relative format:

    In the absolute format, the programmer provides a fully qualified name that includes both the full path and the name of the resource inside the JAR file. In the path names, the character "/" is used as the separator.

    In the relative format, the programmer provides only the name of the actual resource. Relative names are converted to absolute names by the system by prepending the resource name with the fully qualified package name of class upon which the geDRMResourceAsStream method was called.

    name - name of the desired resource
    a object.

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