PIM Optional Package 1.0
Final Release

Interface PIMList

All Known Subinterfaces:
ContactList, EventList, ToDoList

public interface PIMList

Represents the common functionality of a PIM list. PIMLists contain zero or more PIMItems (represented by the class PIMItem . A PIMList allows retrieval of all or some of the PIMItems contained in the list.

PIMList maintain categories and fields. Categories are logical groupings for the PIMItems contained in the list. Each PIMList can support zero or more categories. Categories are represented by unique String names.

Each PIMList also defines what fields are included in the items that get stored in the list. While the definition of all possible fields reside in PIMItem, each PIMList dictates which fields are supported for storage and retrieval in the list's items at runtime.

PIM 1.0

Field Summary
static java.lang.String UNCATEGORIZED
          Constant for the itemsByCategory(java.lang.String) method to indicate to search for uncategorized items.
Method Summary
 void addCategory(java.lang.String category)
          Adds the provided category to the PIM list.
 void close()
          Closes the list, releasing any resources for this list.
 void deleteCategory(java.lang.String category, boolean deleteUnassignedItems)
          Deletes the indicated category from the PIM list.
 java.lang.String getArrayElementLabel(int stringArrayField, int arrayElement)
          Returns a String label associated with the given array element.
 java.lang.String getAttributeLabel(int attribute)
          Returns a String label associated with the given attribute.
 java.lang.String[] getCategories()
          Returns the categories defined for the PIM list.
 int getFieldDataType(int field)
          Returns an int representing the data type of the data associated with the given field.
 java.lang.String getFieldLabel(int field)
          Returns a String label associated with the given field.
 java.lang.String getName()
          Provides the name of the list.
 int[] getSupportedArrayElements(int stringArrayField)
          Returns an integer array containing all of the supported elements of a string array for the given field.
 int[] getSupportedAttributes(int field)
          Returns an integer array containing all of the supported attributes for the given field.
 int[] getSupportedFields()
          Gets all fields that are supported in this list.
 boolean isCategory(java.lang.String category)
          Returns indication of whether the given category is a valid existing category for this list.
 boolean isSupportedArrayElement(int stringArrayField, int arrayElement)
          Indicates whether or not the given element in a array is supported for the indicated field in this PIM list.
 boolean isSupportedAttribute(int field, int attribute)
          Indicates whether or not the given attribute is supported in this PIM list for the indicated field.
 boolean isSupportedField(int field)
          Indicates whether or not the given field is supported in this PIM list.
 java.util.Enumeration items()
          Return an Enumeration of all items in the list.
 java.util.Enumeration items(PIMItem matchingItem)
          Return an Enumeration of all items in the list that contain fields that match all of those fields specified in the given matching item.
 java.util.Enumeration items(java.lang.String matchingValue)
          Return an Enumeration of all items in the list that contain at least one String field data value that matches the string value provided.
 java.util.Enumeration itemsByCategory(java.lang.String category)
          Returns an enumeration of all items in the PIM list that match the provided category.
 int maxCategories()
          Returns the maximum number of categories that this list can have.
 int maxValues(int field)
          Indicates the total number of data values that a particular field supports in this list.
 void renameCategory(java.lang.String currentCategory, java.lang.String newCategory)
          Renames a category from an old name to a new name.
 int stringArraySize(int stringArrayField)
          Returns the size of the array for the given string array field.

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String UNCATEGORIZED
Constant for the itemsByCategory(java.lang.String) method to indicate to search for uncategorized items. The value null is assigned to the string UNCATEGORIZED.

Method Detail


public java.lang.String getName()
Provides the name of the list. All PIMLists have a non-null name associated with it.

a String representation of the list name.


public void close()
           throws PIMException
Closes the list, releasing any resources for this list. A PIMException is thrown for any subsequent method invocations for the class instance.

PIMException - If the list is no longer accessible.


public java.util.Enumeration items()
                            throws PIMException
Return an Enumeration of all items in the list. The order is undefined.

an Enumeration of all items.
PIMException - If an error occurs or the list is no longer accessible or closed.
java.lang.SecurityException - if the application is not given permission to read the PIM list or the list is opened WRITE_ONLY.


public java.util.Enumeration items(PIMItem matchingItem)
                            throws PIMException
Return an Enumeration of all items in the list that contain fields that match all of those fields specified in the given matching item. An item that matches may have more data than is specified in the matching item, but must at least match all fields specified in the matching item. Only fields that have values set within the matching item are used for matching comparisons (i.e. fields returned by PIMItem.getFields() for the matching item).

Matching is done with the following rules and may be locale dependent:

matchingItem - the item whose set fields are used for finding matching items. This item must have been created using this same list.
an enumeration of all items that contains fields that match all of the fields of the item parameter.
PIMException - If an error occurs or the list is no longer accessible or closed.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the item provided did not originate from this list.
java.lang.NullPointerException - if matching is null.
java.lang.SecurityException - if the application is not given permission to read the PIM list or the list is opened WRITE_ONLY.


public java.util.Enumeration items(java.lang.String matchingValue)
                            throws PIMException
Return an Enumeration of all items in the list that contain at least one String field data value that matches the string value provided. Only fields that have values set within the matching item are used for matching comparisons (i.e. fields returned by PIMItem.getFields() for the matching item). NOTE: this method may not be as optimized as items(PIMItem) so that method should be used instead of this one if applicable.

Matching is done with the following rules and may be locale dependent:

matchingValue - a string value to which all set String field values are compared.
an enumeration of all items that contain at least one field that matches the string parameter.
PIMException - If an error occurs or the list is no longer accessible or closed.
java.lang.NullPointerException - if matching is null.
java.lang.SecurityException - if the application is not given permission to read the PIM list or the list is opened WRITE_ONLY.


public java.util.Enumeration itemsByCategory(java.lang.String category)
                                      throws PIMException
Returns an enumeration of all items in the PIM list that match the provided category.

Category matching rules:

category - A string category to find matching items with.
An enumeration of all items in the PIM list that match the category.
PIMException - If an error occurs or the list is no longer accessible or closed.
java.lang.SecurityException - If the application is not given permission to read the PIM list or the list is opened WRITE_ONLY.


public java.lang.String[] getCategories()
                                 throws PIMException
Returns the categories defined for the PIM list. If there are no categories defined for the PIM list or categories are unsupported for the list, then a zero length array is returned.

A string array containing the categories defined for the PIM list.
PIMException - If an error occurs or the list is no longer accessible or closed.


public boolean isCategory(java.lang.String category)
                   throws PIMException
Returns indication of whether the given category is a valid existing category for this list.

category - a String representing the category to query for.
true if the category indicated is a valid existing category for this list, false otherwise.
java.lang.NullPointerException - if category is null.
PIMException - If an error occurs or the list is no longer accessible or closed.


public void addCategory(java.lang.String category)
                 throws PIMException
Adds the provided category to the PIM list. If the given category already exists for the list, the method does not add another category and considers that this method call is successful and returns.

The category names are case sensitive in this API, but not necessarily in the underlying implementation. For example, "Work" and "WORK" map to the same underlying category if the platform's implementation of categories is case-insensitive; adding both separately would result in only one category being created in this case.

A string with no characters ("") may or may not be a valid category on a particular platform. If the string is not a valid category as defined by the platform, a PIMException is thrown when trying to add it.

category - a String representing a category to add.
PIMException - If categories are unsupported, an error occurs, or the list is no longer accessible or closed. Also returned if the max number of categories for this list is exceeded, or if the category name is invalid.
java.lang.SecurityException - if the application is not given permission to write to the PIM list or the list is opened READ_ONLY.
java.lang.NullPointerException - if category is null.


public void deleteCategory(java.lang.String category,
                           boolean deleteUnassignedItems)
                    throws PIMException
Deletes the indicated category from the PIM list. If the indicated category is not in the PIM list, this method is treated as successfully completing.

The category names are case sensitive in this API, but not necessarily in the underlying implementation. For example, "Work" and "WORK" map to the same underlying category if the platform's implementation of categories is case-insensitive; removing both separately would result in only one category being removed in this case.

category - a String category.
deleteUnassignedItems - boolean flag where true indicates to delete items that no longer have any categories assigned to them as a result of this method, and where false indicates that no items are deleted as a result of this method.
PIMException - If categories are unsupported, an error occurs, or the list is no longer accessible or closed.
java.lang.SecurityException - if the application is not given permission to write to the PIM list or the list is opened READ_ONLY.
java.lang.NullPointerException - if category is null.


public void renameCategory(java.lang.String currentCategory,
                           java.lang.String newCategory)
                    throws PIMException
Renames a category from an old name to a new name. All items associated with the old category name are changed to reference the new category name after this method is invoked. If the new category name is already an existing category, then the items associated with the old category name are associated with the existing category.

A string with no characters ("") may or may not be a valid category on a particular platform. If the string is not a category on a platform, a PIMException is thrown when trying to rename a category to it.

currentCategory - String representing the current category name.
newCategory - String representing the new category name to use.
PIMException - If categories are unsupported, an error occurs, the list is no longer accessible or closed, or the category name is invalid.
java.lang.SecurityException - if the application is not given permission to write to the PIM list or the list is opened READ_ONLY.
java.lang.NullPointerException - if currentCategory or newCategory is null.


public int maxCategories()
Returns the maximum number of categories that this list can have.

int the number of categories supported by this list. 0 indicates no category support and -1 indicates there is no limit the the number of categories that this list can have.


public boolean isSupportedField(int field)
Indicates whether or not the given field is supported in this PIM list.

field - The field to check, as defined by in the class implementing the PIMItem.
true if supported in this list, false otherwise. Invalid fields return false.


public int[] getSupportedFields()
Gets all fields that are supported in this list. All fields supported by this list, including both standard and extended, are returned in this array.

an int array containing all fields supported by this list. The order of the fields returned is unspecified. If there are no supported fields, a zero-length array is returned.


public boolean isSupportedAttribute(int field,
                                    int attribute)
Indicates whether or not the given attribute is supported in this PIM list for the indicated field.

field - The field against which the attribute is checked.
attribute - The single attribute to check
true if supported, false otherwise. Invalid fields and invalid attributes return false.


public int[] getSupportedAttributes(int field)
Returns an integer array containing all of the supported attributes for the given field. All attributes supported by this list, including both standard and extended, are returned in this array. The attributes are provided one attribute per entry in the returned integer array.

field - the field to check
an int array of the supported attributes, one attribute per entry in the array. If there are no supported fields, a zero-length array is returned.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if field is not a valid field (i.e. not a standard field and not an extended field). IllegalArgumentException takes precedence over UnsupportedFieldException when checking the provided field.
UnsupportedFieldException - if the field is not supported in the implementing instance of the class.


public boolean isSupportedArrayElement(int stringArrayField,
                                       int arrayElement)
Indicates whether or not the given element in a array is supported for the indicated field in this PIM list.

stringArrayField - The field which has a STRING_ARRAY data type, as defined by classes implementing the PIMItem interface.
arrayElement - The element in the array to check, as defined in the classes implementing the PIMItem interface.
true if supported in this list, false otherwise. Invalid fields and invalid array elements return false.


public int[] getSupportedArrayElements(int stringArrayField)
Returns an integer array containing all of the supported elements of a string array for the given field. The array elements are provided one element per entry in the returned integer array.

stringArrayField - the field to check
an int array representing the supported array elements, one array element per entry in the array. If there are no supported array elements, a zero-length array is returned.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if field is not a valid StringArray field (i.e. not a standard field and not an extended field that has a data type of StringArray). IllegalArgumentException takes precedence over UnsupportedFieldException when checking the provided field.
UnsupportedFieldException - if the field is not supported in the implementing instance of the class.


public int getFieldDataType(int field)
Returns an int representing the data type of the data associated with the given field. This method is useful for platform extended fields. isSupportedField(int) should be used to verify the field validity for this item prior to invoking this method.

field - The field for which the data type is being queried.
int representing the type of the data associated with the field.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the field is not valid for the implementing class. IllegalArgumentException takes precedence over UnsupportedFieldException when checking the provided field.
UnsupportedFieldException - if the field is not supported in the implementing instance of the class.


public java.lang.String getFieldLabel(int field)
Returns a String label associated with the given field. Field labels are provided by the platform and are not changeable by the application.

isSupportedField(int) should be used to verify the field validity for this item prior to invoking this method.

field - The field for which the label is being queried.
String label for the field. The label is locale specific (see the microedition.locale system property).
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the field is not valid for the implementing class. IllegalArgumentException takes precedence over UnsupportedFieldException when checking the provided field.
UnsupportedFieldException - if the field is not supported in the implementing instance of the class.


public java.lang.String getAttributeLabel(int attribute)
Returns a String label associated with the given attribute. Attribute labels are provided by the platform and are not changeable by the application.

isSupportedAttribute(int, int) should be used to verify the attribute's validity for this item prior to invoking this method.

attribute - The attribute for which the label is being queried.
String label for the attribute. The label is locale specific (see the microedition.locale system property).
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the attribute is not valid for the implementing class. IllegalArgumentException takes precedence over UnsupportedFieldException when checking the provided field.
UnsupportedFieldException - if the attribute is not supported in the implementing instance of the class.


public java.lang.String getArrayElementLabel(int stringArrayField,
                                             int arrayElement)
Returns a String label associated with the given array element. Array element labels are provided by the platform and are not changeable by the application.

isSupportedArrayElement(int, int) should be used to verify the array elements's validity for this item prior to invoking this method.

stringArrayField - The field which has a STRING_ARRAY data type, as defined by classes implementing the PIMItem interface.
arrayElement - The element in the array, as defined in the classes implementing the PIMItem interface.
String label for the array element. The label is locale specific (see the microedition.locale system property).
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the array element or the field is not valid for the implementing class. IllegalArgumentException takes precedence over UnsupportedFieldException when checking the provided parameters.
UnsupportedFieldException - if the field or array element is not supported in the implementing instance of the class.


public int maxValues(int field)
Indicates the total number of data values that a particular field supports in this list.

field - The field to check for multiple value support.
int indicating the number of values that can be stored in the field. Additionally, -1 indicates this field supports having an unlimited number of added values in it, and 0 indicates the field is not supported by this list.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the field is not valid for the implementing class.


public int stringArraySize(int stringArrayField)
Returns the size of the array for the given string array field. Used for creating arrays for the string array field.

stringArrayField - The string array field for which its array size is returned.
int the size of the array of a single data instance of a string array field.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the field is not valid for the implementing class or not a string array field.

Final Release
Rev. 1.00

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