Copyright 2008 Motorola Inc. and Nokia Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Specification License

Uses of Interface

Packages that use ProgramEvent
javax.microedition.broadcast.esg This package defines the classes and interfaces to access the Electronic Service Guide (ESG). 
javax.microedition.broadcast.recording This package defines the classes and interfaces to handle scheduled recording. 

Uses of ProgramEvent in javax.microedition.broadcast.esg

Methods in javax.microedition.broadcast.esg that return ProgramEvent
 ProgramEvent[] ServiceGuide.findPrograms(Query query)
          Search for the list of program events with the matching criteria based on the given query.
 ProgramEvent[] ServiceGuide.findPrograms(Query query, Attribute[] sortBy, int startOffset, int length)
          Search for the list of program events with the matching criteria based on the given query.
 ProgramEvent[] Service.getProgramEvents()
          Get the ProgramEvents that this Service carries.

Uses of ProgramEvent in javax.microedition.broadcast.recording

Methods in javax.microedition.broadcast.recording that return ProgramEvent
 ProgramEvent Recording.getProgram()
          Returns the program.

Methods in javax.microedition.broadcast.recording with parameters of type ProgramEvent
static Recording RecordingScheduler.findRecording(ProgramEvent program)
          Gets the first recording matching the given ProgramEvent.

Constructors in javax.microedition.broadcast.recording with parameters of type ProgramEvent
Recording(ProgramEvent program, int startOffset, int endOffset)
          Creates a new recording and selects the default ServiceComponents to it.

Copyright 2008 Motorola Inc. and Nokia Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Specification License