Mobile Sensor API Version 1.2

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Control
javax.microedition.sensor.control This Mobile Sensor API package is optional and it enables the control of the sensor. 

Uses of Control in javax.microedition.sensor.control

Subinterfaces of Control in javax.microedition.sensor.control
 interface MeasurementRangeControl
          A MeasurementRangeControl object is an example of a general control used to set the measurement range of the sensor.
 interface SampleRateControl
          A SampleRateControl object is an example of a general control used to set the sample rate of the sensor.
 interface StartControl
          A StartControl object is an example of a general control used to start the sensor by calling its execute() method.
 interface StopControl
          A StopControl object is an example of a general control used to stop the sensor by calling its execute() method.

Methods in javax.microedition.sensor.control that return Control
 Control Controllable.getControl(java.lang.String name)
          The method returns the Control object matching the given name.
 Control[] Controllable.getControls()
          The method returns all available, unique Control objects of the sensor.

Mobile Sensor API Version 1.2

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