M3G 1.1 -- Jun 22, 2005

Uses of Class

Uses of Transform in javax.microedition.m3g

Methods in javax.microedition.m3g with parameters of type Transform
 void Transformable.setTransform(Transform transform)
          Sets the matrix component of this Transformable by copying in the given Transform.
 void Transformable.getTransform(Transform transform)
          Retrieves the matrix component of this Transformable.
 void Transformable.getCompositeTransform(Transform transform)
          Retrieves the composite transformation matrix of this Transformable.
 void Transform.set(Transform transform)
          Sets this transformation by copying the contents of the given Transform.
 void Transform.postMultiply(Transform transform)
          Multiplies this transformation from the right by the given transformation.
 void SkinnedMesh.getBoneTransform(Node bone, Transform transform)
          Returns the at-rest transformation for a bone node.
 boolean Node.getTransformTo(Node target, Transform transform)
          Gets the composite transformation from this node to the given node.
 void Graphics3D.render(Node node, Transform transform)
          Renders the given Sprite3D, Mesh, or Group node with the given transformation from local coordinates to world coordinates.
 void Graphics3D.render(VertexBuffer vertices, IndexBuffer triangles, Appearance appearance, Transform transform, int scope)
          Renders the given submesh with the given scope and the given transformation from local coordinates to world coordinates.
 void Graphics3D.render(VertexBuffer vertices, IndexBuffer triangles, Appearance appearance, Transform transform)
          Renders the given submesh with the given transformation from local coordinates to world coordinates.
 void Graphics3D.setCamera(Camera camera, Transform transform)
          Sets the Camera to use in subsequent immediate mode rendering.
 Camera Graphics3D.getCamera(Transform transform)
          Returns the current camera.
 int Graphics3D.addLight(Light light, Transform transform)
          Binds a Light to use in subsequent immediate mode rendering.
 void Graphics3D.setLight(int index, Light light, Transform transform)
          Replaces or modifies a Light currently bound for immediate mode rendering.
 Light Graphics3D.getLight(int index, Transform transform)
          Returns a light in the current light array.
 void Camera.setGeneric(Transform transform)
          Sets the given 4x4 transformation as the current projection matrix.
 int Camera.getProjection(Transform transform)
          Gets the current projection matrix and type.

Constructors in javax.microedition.m3g with parameters of type Transform
Transform(Transform transform)
          Constructs a new Transform object and initializes it by copying in the contents of the given Transform.

M3G 1.1 -- Jun 22, 2005

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