This section suggests possible new sources of information that could be useful for new developers.
For information on the basic structure of a MIDlet, see the following:
Start familiarizing yourself with the different APIs. The easiest and most logical place to start is the Mobile Information Device 2.0 (JSR-118) specification.
The developer's guide sections of the Java Developer's Library, for example section UI and graphics, contain example applications and step-by-step- instructions for creating them. The most basic example tutorials, which allow you to familiarize yourself with basic Java programming, include:
LCDUI. This example MIDlet allows developers to see an implementation of a high-level API class (the Gauge class in this case) and of a low-level implementation of the Canvas class.
Creating a file access system. The purpose of the example is to demonstrate how to access files and navigate the file system.
MIDP 2.0 Games. The example included in this document is a simple game.
Multimedia applications. This MIDP application demonstrates the usage of the Mobile Media API (JSR-135) by playing audio and video clips.
The Implementation Notes list the differences between an implementation of an API and a Java™ specification. They also give essential information about changes in the implementation between platform releases.
For information on Java technology in general, see:
The Nokia Developer website contain a wealth of information about developing MIDlets. For example: