Actual check boxes do not exist; a highlight on the entire item is shown instead. Multiple selection can be done with ChoiceGroup type MULTIPLE or List.MULTIPLE.Zero; one or more values can be selected. Ensure that there is a way to confirm the selection.
ChoiceGroup type MULTIPLE
- Appears in Forms only.
- Label is optional but highly recommended.
- Pressing the item toggles the state; selected items are highlighted.
- Zero, one, or more values can be selected.
- Label and items can have additional icons (placed on the left side of the label).
- Ensure that there is a way to confirm the selection (and other changes on the Form) when changing the Screen, e.g. with an 'Ok' or 'Done' Command.
- Appears in its own view.
- Possible icon appears on the left.
- Only one row items are supported (truncated and wrapped text is possible).
- Displayable title is mandatory; shows as a header bar.
- Pressing the item toggles the state.
- Zero, one or more values can be selected.
- Ensure that there is a way to confirm the selection, e.g. with a 'Done' Command.
- Ensure that there is a way to cancel the selection; pressing Back should discard the changes.
- In some cases it is good to add a confirmation Alert for exiting the Screen to avoid unwanted loss of changes.