J2ME[tm] Web Services

Class Operation


public class Operation
extends java.lang.Object

The javax.microedition.xml.rpc.Operation class corresponds to a wsdl:operation defined for a target service endpoint.

Field Summary
static java.lang.String SOAPACTION_URI_PROPERTY
          Standard property for SOAPAction.
Constructor Summary
protected Operation()
Method Summary
 java.lang.Object invoke(java.lang.Object inParams)
          Invokes the wsdl:operation defined by this Operation and returns the result.
static Operation newInstance(QName name, Element input, Element output)
          Returns an Operation instance corresponding to the operation that is being performed.
static Operation newInstance(QName name, Element input, Element output, FaultDetailHandler faultDetailHandler)
          Returns an Operation instance corresponding to the operation that is being performed.
 void setProperty(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value)
          Sets the name and value of a configuration property for this Operation instance.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String SOAPACTION_URI_PROPERTY
Standard property for SOAPAction. Indicates the SOAPAction URI.

Type: java.lang.String

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


protected Operation()
Method Detail


public static Operation newInstance(QName name,
                                    Element input,
                                    Element output)
Returns an Operation instance corresponding to the operation that is being performed.

This method does not check the input and output parameters for correctness. If the types that these parameters describe are invalid or inconsistent with respect to the parameter values, any errors that the runtime detects will be reported when the operation is invoked.

See section 8.2.2 and 8.2.3 of the J2ME Web Services 1.0 Specification details and examples.

name - the QName of the operation to be invoked. Generated stubs are required to set this parameter to the QName of the wsdl:operation being invoked. Operation implementations may ignore the the value of this parameter.
input - the Element describing the input parameter to this operation. NULL indicates that the operation with zero input message parts is to be executed.
output - the Element describing the return result to this operation. NULL indicates there is no return value.
a new Operation with the given input and output Type characteristics


public static Operation newInstance(QName name,
                                    Element input,
                                    Element output,
                                    FaultDetailHandler faultDetailHandler)
Returns an Operation instance corresponding to the operation that is being performed. The faultDetailHandler parameter is passed to the runtime and used to map custom SOAP faults.

This method does not check the input and output parameters for correctness. If the types that these parameters describe are invalid or inconsistent with respect to the parameter values, any errors that the runtime detects will be reported when the operation is invoked.

See section 8.2.2 of the J2ME Web Services 1.0 Specification details and examples.

name - the QName of the operation to be invoked. Generated stubs are required to set this parameter to the QName of the wsdl:operation being invoked. Operation implementations may ignore the the value of this parameter.
input - the Element describing the input parameter to this operation. NULL indicates that the operation with zero input message parts is to be executed.
output - the Element describing the return result to this operation. NULL indicates there is no return value.
faultDetailHandler - the FaultDetailHandler to be called to handle custom faults thrown by this Operation.
a new Operation with the given input and output Type characteristics


public void setProperty(java.lang.String name,
                        java.lang.String value)
                 throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Sets the name and value of a configuration property for this Operation instance. If the Operation instance contains a value of the same property, the old value is replaced.

Note that the setProperty method may not perform validity check on a configured property value. An example is the standard property for the target service endpoint address that is not checked for validity in the setProperty method. In this case, Operation configuration errors are detected at the remote method invocation.

See section 8.2.1 of the J2ME Web Services 1.0 Specification for details and examples.

name - the name of the property to be set
value - the value the property is to be set
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException -
  • If an optional standard property name is specified, however the runtime implementation class does not support the configuration of this property.
  • If an invalid or unsupported property name is specified or if a value of mismatched property type is passed.
  • If there is any error in the configuration of a valid property.


public java.lang.Object invoke(java.lang.Object inParams)
                        throws JAXRPCException
Invokes the wsdl:operation defined by this Operation and returns the result.

The input parameters and return value are encoded such that

Any additional elements, beyond those described by the description passed to Operation.newInstance, are ignored. The runtime processes the inParams, constructs the return value, and maps FaultDetailException detail elements based on the description of the datatypes passed to Operation.newInstance.

The invoke method does not alter the input parameter values (inParams) and constructs a new instance of any output parameters (the return value) for each invocation.

The values of the properties of this Operation instance are not checked by the invoke method. Any errors caused by mis-configured or missing properties will be reported as the cause of JAXRPCException.

See Sections 8.2.4, 8.2.5 and 8.2.6 of the J2ME Web Services 1.0 Specification for details and examples.

inParams - an Object representing the input parameter value(s) to this operation.
a Object representing the output value(s) for this operation. Can be null if this operation returns no value.
JAXRPCException -
  • if the runtime detects a type mismatch in input parameters, return value, or detail elemnts of a FaultDetailException
  • if properties required to invoke the operation, including Operation.SOAPACTION_URI_PROPERTY, Stub.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, and Stub.USERNAME_PROPERTY, Stub.PASSWORD_PROPERTY, if required by the service endpoint, have not been set, or have been misconfigured
  • if an error occurs while excuting the operation. Any exception corresponding to the error will be attached, as the cause, to the JAXRPCException and can be retrieved via the method getCause
See Also:

J2ME[tm] Web Services

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