Interface NotificationSession

public interface NotificationSession

NotificationMessage is the interface for communicating with the Notification Enabler.

The session is created when the MIDlet calls NotificationSessionFactory#openSession(javax.microedition.midlet.MIDlet, String, String, NotificationSessionListener) and destroyed when the MIDlet exits.

See Also:
NotificationSessionFactory, NotificationSessionListener

Method Summary
 void close()
           Frees resources allocated for this session.
 int getEnvironment()
           Check which domain Notification Enabler is connected.
 void getNotificationInformation()
           Asynchronous function to retrieve Notification ID used by Notification Enabler.
 int getReceiveAtLatest()
           Returns the MIDlet's receive at latest -value.
 boolean isAudioAlertEnabled()
           Returns audio alert setting of the MIDlet.
 boolean isWakeUp()
          Deprecated. This API is not supported in Nokia Asha OS 1.0. NNA registered MIDlet will always have wake-up as true.
 void registerApplication()
          Calls registerApplication(boolean) with parameter requireUserAuthentication set to false.
 void registerApplication(boolean requireUserAuthentication)
           Asynchronous call to register the MIDlet to receive notifications.
 void setAudioAlertEnabled(boolean enabled)
           Turns audio alert on or off for the MIDlet.
 void setReceiveAtLatest(int receiveAtLatest)
          Sets the MIDlet's receive at latest -value.
 void setWakeUp(boolean wakeUp)
          Deprecated. This API is not supported in Nokia Asha OS 1.0. NNA registered MIDlet cannot set or unset the wake-up setting. If the MIDlet wants to disable NNA, it should use #unregisterApplication(). Calling this API does not do anything with NNA.
 void unregisterApplication()
           Asynchronous call to unregister the MIDlet.

Method Detail


void registerApplication(boolean requireUserAuthentication)
                         throws NotificationException

Asynchronous call to register the MIDlet to receive notifications.

It is mandatory to call this method before notifications can be received for the MIDlet.

If the network connection is not already open, Notification Enabler will open the connection.

NotificationSessionListener.stateChanged(NotificationState) is called with


void registerApplication()
                         throws NotificationException
Calls registerApplication(boolean) with parameter requireUserAuthentication set to false.

NotificationException - With reason value NotificationError.ERROR_SESSION_CLOSED if session is not open.


void unregisterApplication()
                           throws NotificationException

Asynchronous call to unregister the MIDlet.

This API unregisters MIDlet from the Notification Server and removes MIDlet's Notification Enabler settings from the device.

NotificationSessionListener.stateChanged(NotificationState) callback function is called with one of the following error codes after the unregister operation is finished

Notice, the Notification Enabler handles the unregistering automatically behind the scenes when the MIDlet is uninstalled.

NotificationException - With reason value NotificationError.ERROR_SESSION_CLOSED if session is not open.
See Also:
NotificationSessionListener.stateChanged(NotificationState), registerApplication()


void getNotificationInformation()
                                throws NotificationException

Asynchronous function to retrieve Notification ID used by Notification Enabler.

Requested information is returned through the callback function NotificationSessionListener.infoReceived(NotificationInfo). The information contains device indentifier used by MIDlet. This value can be empty if the service is not available or the request has timed out.

NotificationException - With reason value NotificationError.ERROR_NOT_ALLOWED if session state is not NotificationState.STATE_ONLINE. With reason value NotificationError.ERROR_SESSION_CLOSED if session is not open.


boolean isWakeUp()
                 throws NotificationException
Deprecated. This API is not supported in Nokia Asha OS 1.0. NNA registered MIDlet will always have wake-up as true.

This API returns the wake-up setting for the MIDlet.

It always true.
NotificationException - No exception is thrown.


void setWakeUp(boolean wakeUp)
               throws NotificationException
Deprecated. This API is not supported in Nokia Asha OS 1.0. NNA registered MIDlet cannot set or unset the wake-up setting. If the MIDlet wants to disable NNA, it should use #unregisterApplication(). Calling this API does not do anything with NNA.

This API can set or unset wake-up settings for the MIDlet.

NotificationException - No exception is thrown.


void close()

Frees resources allocated for this session. The session should always be closed before the MIDlet exits.

After the session is closed, the notification session listener does not get any calls to its callback functions.

The network connection is closed if there is not at least one session open between a registered MIDlet and the Notification Enabler and no MIDlets are registered for the MIDlet wake-up.

See Also:
NotificationSessionFactory.openSession(MIDlet, String, String, NotificationSessionListener)


void setReceiveAtLatest(int receiveAtLatest)
                        throws NotificationException
Sets the MIDlet's receive at latest -value.

receiveAtLatest - the receive at latest -value in seconds.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the value is less than 0.
NotificationException - With reason value NotificationError.ERROR_SESSION_CLOSED if session is not open. NotificationError.ERROR_NOT_REGISTERED if it called before register API.
See Also:


int getReceiveAtLatest()
                       throws NotificationException

Returns the MIDlet's receive at latest -value. If it has not been set, then the default value (0 second) will be returned.

The Notification Enabler stores this value for each registered MIDlet. The smallest of the values is used to define how fast the Notification Enabler should reconnect in case the connection has been lost. The delay is also applied when the Notification Enabler starts.

the receive at latest value in seconds.
NotificationException - With reason value NotificationError.ERROR_SESSION_CLOSED if session is not open. NotificationError.ERROR_NOT_REGISTERED if it called before register API.


void setAudioAlertEnabled(boolean enabled)
                          throws NotificationException

Turns audio alert on or off for the MIDlet. The audio alert will be played when a notification is received while MIDlet is not running. The default value for audio alert is off. In addition, the audio alert has to be set when sending the notification, using the Service API.

enabled - If true then an audio alert will be played in the event of notifications.
NotificationException - With reason value NotificationError.ERROR_SESSION_CLOSED if session is not open. NotificationError.ERROR_NOT_REGISTERED if it called before register API.


boolean isAudioAlertEnabled()
                            throws NotificationException

Returns audio alert setting of the MIDlet. The audio alert will be played when a notification is received while MIDlet is not running.

true if alert enabled, else alert disabled. Error codes. ERROR_SESSION_CLOSED, ERROR_NOT_REGISTERED
NotificationException - With reason value NotificationError.ERROR_SESSION_CLOSED if session is not open. NotificationError.ERROR_NOT_REGISTERED if it called before register API.


int getEnvironment()
                   throws NotificationException

Check which domain Notification Enabler is connected.

The environment is one of the values constants defined in NotificationEnvironment.
NotificationException - With reason value NotificationError.ERROR_SESSION_CLOSED if session is not open. NotificationError.ERROR_NOT_REGISTERED if it called before register API.