MIDP 2.0

Uses of Class

Packages that use RecordStoreNotFoundException
javax.microedition.rms The Mobile Information Device Profile provides a mechanism for MIDlets to persistently store data and later retrieve it. 

Uses of RecordStoreNotFoundException in javax.microedition.rms

Methods in javax.microedition.rms that throw RecordStoreNotFoundException
static void RecordStore.deleteRecordStore(java.lang.String recordStoreName)
          Deletes the named record store.
static RecordStore RecordStore.openRecordStore(java.lang.String recordStoreName, boolean createIfNecessary)
          Open (and possibly create) a record store associated with the given MIDlet suite.
static RecordStore RecordStore.openRecordStore(java.lang.String recordStoreName, boolean createIfNecessary, int authmode, boolean writable)
          Open (and possibly create) a record store that can be shared with other MIDlet suites.
static RecordStore RecordStore.openRecordStore(java.lang.String recordStoreName, java.lang.String vendorName, java.lang.String suiteName)
          Open a record store associated with the named MIDlet suite.

MIDP 2.0

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