Class BrowserAdapter

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:

public abstract class BrowserAdapter
extends java.lang.Object
implements BrowserListener

Abstract adapter class for receiving BrowserItem events

Field Summary
protected  BrowserItem item
Constructor Summary
BrowserAdapter(BrowserItem item)
          Creates a new BrowserAdapter and sets it as the listener of the BrowserItem
Method Summary
 void onConfirmDialog(java.lang.String message, java.lang.String leftText, java.lang.String rightText)
          This function will be called when the browser widget needs to display a confirm dialog By default confirmDialogDone(true) is called
 void onFileSelectDialog()
          This function will be called when the browser widget needs to display a file select dialog By default fileSelectDialogDone("") is called
 void onHttpStatusCode(int statusCode)
          This method is called when an http status code is received Codes: 1 - no error happened 2 - error happened, but don't care Other http error codes like 100, 101, 201, 202, etc.
 void onItemSelected(java.lang.String name, int dataSize, java.lang.String mimeType)
          This function will be called when the user tries to interact with an item It passes in the properties of the item, currently it works with images only and the image can be saved by calling saveSelectedImage on the BrowserItem
 void onNoteDialog(java.lang.String message)
          This function will be called when the browser widget needs to display a note dialog By default noteDialogDone will be called
 void onPageChanged()
          This method is called when the browser has loaded a new page It is not necessarily called at the same time as onProgressEnd.
 void onPageInteraction()
          This method is called when the user interacts with the page
 void onProgressChanged(int progress)
          This method is called to inform about page loading progress
 void onProgressEnd()
          This method is called when the browser is finished loading the page
 void onProgressStart()
          This method is called when the browser starts downloading
 void onSecurityChanged(boolean securePage)
          This method is called when moving into or away from secure page
 void onSelectListDialog(java.lang.String title, boolean multiSelect, int[] idList, boolean[] selectedList, java.lang.String[] textList)
          This function will be called when the browser widget needs to display a select list dialog By default selectListDialogDone(null) is called
 void onUploadEnd()
          This method is called when the browser has finished uploading data
 void onUploadStart()
          This method is called when the browser is uploading data like when posting form data
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected BrowserItem item
Constructor Detail


public BrowserAdapter(BrowserItem item)
Creates a new BrowserAdapter and sets it as the listener of the BrowserItem

item - the item this adapter is associated with
Method Detail


public void onProgressStart()
This method is called when the browser starts downloading

Specified by:
onProgressStart in interface BrowserListener


public void onProgressChanged(int progress)
This method is called to inform about page loading progress

Specified by:
onProgressChanged in interface BrowserListener
progress - the progress in %


public void onProgressEnd()
This method is called when the browser is finished loading the page

Specified by:
onProgressEnd in interface BrowserListener


public void onUploadStart()
This method is called when the browser is uploading data like when posting form data

Specified by:
onUploadStart in interface BrowserListener


public void onUploadEnd()
This method is called when the browser has finished uploading data

Specified by:
onUploadEnd in interface BrowserListener


public void onSecurityChanged(boolean securePage)
This method is called when moving into or away from secure page

Specified by:
onSecurityChanged in interface BrowserListener
securePage - true if the current page is a secure page, false if not.


public void onPageChanged()
This method is called when the browser has loaded a new page It is not necessarily called at the same time as onProgressEnd. If the browser supports progressive rendering, then this method might be called before the page is finished loading.

Specified by:
onPageChanged in interface BrowserListener


public void onPageInteraction()
This method is called when the user interacts with the page

Specified by:
onPageInteraction in interface BrowserListener


public void onHttpStatusCode(int statusCode)
This method is called when an http status code is received Codes: 1 - no error happened 2 - error happened, but don't care Other http error codes like 100, 101, 201, 202, etc.

Specified by:
onHttpStatusCode in interface BrowserListener
statusCode - the http status code of the request


public void onNoteDialog(java.lang.String message)
This function will be called when the browser widget needs to display a note dialog By default noteDialogDone will be called

Specified by:
onNoteDialog in interface BrowserListener
message - the message to be displayed


public void onConfirmDialog(java.lang.String message,
                            java.lang.String leftText,
                            java.lang.String rightText)
This function will be called when the browser widget needs to display a confirm dialog By default confirmDialogDone(true) is called

Specified by:
onConfirmDialog in interface BrowserListener
message - to be displayed
leftText - the left button's text to be displayed
rightText - the right button's text to be displayed


public void onFileSelectDialog()
This function will be called when the browser widget needs to display a file select dialog By default fileSelectDialogDone("") is called

Specified by:
onFileSelectDialog in interface BrowserListener


public void onSelectListDialog(java.lang.String title,
                               boolean multiSelect,
                               int[] idList,
                               boolean[] selectedList,
                               java.lang.String[] textList)
This function will be called when the browser widget needs to display a select list dialog By default selectListDialogDone(null) is called

Specified by:
onSelectListDialog in interface BrowserListener
title - the title of the dialog
multiSelect - if multiple items can be selected
idList - the ids of the items
selectedList - the statuses of the items weather they are selected
textList - the texts of the items


public void onItemSelected(java.lang.String name,
                           int dataSize,
                           java.lang.String mimeType)
This function will be called when the user tries to interact with an item It passes in the properties of the item, currently it works with images only and the image can be saved by calling saveSelectedImage on the BrowserItem

Specified by:
onItemSelected in interface BrowserListener
name - the name of the item file
dataSize - the size of the item
mimeType - the Mime-Type of the item

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