Interface DirectGraphics

public interface DirectGraphics

DirectGraphics contains some graphics extensions to MIDP Graphics: drawing triangles, drawing manipulated images (rotated, flipped) and drawing raw pixel array directly to graphics context. DirectUtils class can be used to convert standard Graphics to proprietary DirectGraphics object:

 DirectGraphics dg = DirectUtils.getDirectGraphics(g);
The operations to DirectGraphics reference will affect also original graphics context, for example, setting color of DirectGraphics will change current painting color of Graphics and vice versa. In fact developer can see DirectGraphics as a new way to do call to Graphics. DirectGraphics doesn't inherit standard Graphics because of API dependency reasons. ARGB values used with some methods of this interface are interpreted with the least significant eight bits giving the blue component, the next eight more significant bits giving the green component, the next eight more significant bits giving the red component and the next eight more significant bits giving the alpha component. That is to say, the color component is specified in the form of 0xAARRGGBB. This correspons to native format specified by { @link DirectGraphics#TYPE_ARGB_8888 }. Manipulation parameters to drawPixels are formed by bitwise ORring FLIP_HORIZONTAL or FLIP_VERTICAL with a degree value: ROTATE_90, ROTATE_180 or ROTATE_270. Currently only these constant defined degree values are supported when rotating images.

Copyright (c) 2001 Nokia Mobile Phones


Field Summary
          Constant for horizontal image flipping.
static int FLIP_VERTICAL
          Constant for vertical image flipping.
          Constant for drawing the Form's Choice element highlight border type.
          Constant for drawing the Form's item border type.
          Constant for drawing the Form's TextField border type.
static int ROTATE_180
          Constant for rotating image 180 degrees counter-clockwise.
static int ROTATE_270
          Constant for rotating image 270 degrees counter-clockwise.
static int ROTATE_90
          Constant for rotating image 90 degrees counter-clockwise.
static int TYPE_BYTE_1_GRAY
          1 bit format, 2 distinct color values (on/off), stored as a byte.
          1 bit format, 2 distinct color values (on/off), stored as a byte.
static int TYPE_BYTE_2_GRAY
          2 bit format, 4 gray scale colors.
static int TYPE_BYTE_332_RGB
          3 bits for red, 3 bits for green, and 2 bits for blue component in a pixel, stored as a byte.
static int TYPE_BYTE_4_GRAY
          4 bit format, 16 gray scale colors.
static int TYPE_BYTE_8_GRAY
          8 bit format, 256 gray scale colors.
static int TYPE_INT_888_RGB
          8 bits for red, green and blue component in a pixel (0x00RRGGBB).
static int TYPE_INT_8888_ARGB
          8 bits for alpha, red, green and blue component in a pixel (0xAARRGGBB).
static int TYPE_USHORT_1555_ARGB
          1 bit for alpha, 5 bits for red, green and blue component in a pixel.
static int TYPE_USHORT_444_RGB
          4 bits for red, green and blue component in a pixel, stored as a short (0x0RGB).
static int TYPE_USHORT_4444_ARGB
          4 bits for alpha, red, green and blue component in a pixel, stored as a short (0xARGB).
static int TYPE_USHORT_555_RGB
          5 bits for red, green and blue component in a pixel.
static int TYPE_USHORT_565_RGB
          5 bits for red, 6 bits for green and 5 bits for blue component in a pixel.
Method Summary
 void drawElementBorder(int x, int y, int w, int h, int borderType, boolean withFocus)
          Draws the specified border type at the specified coordinates.
 void drawImage(javax.microedition.lcdui.Image img, int x, int y, int anchor, int manipulation)
          Draws image to the graphics context.
 void drawPixels(byte[] pixels, byte[] transparencyMask, int offset, int scanlength, int x, int y, int width, int height, int manipulation, int format)
          Copies or draws the pixel data directly to graphics context to specific location.
 void drawPixels(int[] pixels, boolean transparency, int offset, int scanlength, int x, int y, int width, int height, int manipulation, int format)
          Copies or draws the pixel data directly to graphics context to specific location from the array starting from specified offset.
 void drawPixels(short[] pixels, boolean transparency, int offset, int scanlength, int x, int y, int width, int height, int manipulation, int format)
          Copies or draws the pixel data directly to graphics context to specific location.
 void drawPolygon(int[] xPoints, int xOffset, int[] yPoints, int yOffset, int nPoints, int argbColor)
          Draws a closed polygon defined by arrays of x and y coordinates.
 void drawTriangle(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3, int argbColor)
          Draws closed triangle defined by coordinates.
 void fillPolygon(int[] xPoints, int xOffset, int[] yPoints, int yOffset, int nPoints, int argbColor)
          Fills a closed polygon defined by arrays of x and y coordinates.
 void fillTriangle(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3, int argbColor)
          Fills closed triangle defined by coordinates.
 int getAlphaComponent()
          Gets the alpha component of the current color.
 int getNativePixelFormat()
          Returns the native color format used, for example, DirectGraphics#TYPE_BYTE_GRAY_1 or DirectGraphics#TYPE_USHORT_ARGB_4444.
 void getPixels(byte[] pixels, byte[] transparencyMask, int offset, int scanlength, int x, int y, int width, int height, int format)
          Gets the pixel (including any transparency mask) values of an image to an array of byte values from specific screen location.
 void getPixels(int[] pixels, int offset, int scanlength, int x, int y, int width, int height, int format)
          Gets the pixel values of an image to an array of ARGB values.
 void getPixels(short[] pixels, int offset, int scanlength, int x, int y, int width, int height, int format)
          Gets the pixel values of an image to an array of short values from specific screen location.
 void setARGBColor(int argbColor)
          Sets the current color to the specified ARGB value.

Field Detail


static final int FLIP_HORIZONTAL
Constant for horizontal image flipping.

See Also:
drawImage(Image img, int x, int y, int anchor, int manipulation), Constant Field Values


static final int FLIP_VERTICAL
Constant for vertical image flipping.

See Also:
drawImage(Image img, int x, int y, int anchor, int manipulation), Constant Field Values


static final int ROTATE_90
Constant for rotating image 90 degrees counter-clockwise. ROTATE_90 can be multiplied using "(ROTATE_90 + ROTATE_90)". If rotate constant is combined with flip use brackets: "(ROTATE_90 * 2) | FLIP_VERTICAL". (ROTATE_90 * 2) results 180 degree rotate.
(ROTATE_90 * 3) results 270 degree rotate.

See Also:
drawImage(Image img, int x, int y, int anchor, int manipulation), Constant Field Values


static final int ROTATE_180
Constant for rotating image 180 degrees counter-clockwise. ROTATE_180 = (2 * ROTATE_90).

See Also:
drawImage(Image img, int x, int y, int anchor, int manipulation), Constant Field Values


static final int ROTATE_270
Constant for rotating image 270 degrees counter-clockwise. ROTATE_180 = (3 * ROTATE_90).

See Also:
drawImage(Image img, int x, int y, int anchor, int manipulation), Constant Field Values


static final int TYPE_BYTE_1_GRAY_VERTICAL
1 bit format, 2 distinct color values (on/off), stored as a byte. 8 pixel values in a single byte. The pixel data is presented vertically from left to right.
  BYTE   0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

  LSB    + +         + +
         + + +       + +
         + + + +     + +
         + + + + +   + +
         + +   + + + + +
         + +     + + + +
         + +       + + +
  MSB    + +         + +

         byte [] byteArray = new byte[8]
         byteArray[0] = 0xFF // binary 11111111
         byteArray[1] = 0xFF // binary 11111111
         byteArray[2] = 0x0E // binary 00001110
         byteArray[3] = 0x1C // binary 00011100
         byteArray[4] = 0x38 // binary 00111000
         byteArray[5] = 0x70 // binary 01110000
         byteArray[5] = 0xFF // binary 11111111
         byteArray[7] = 0xFF // binary 11111111

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int TYPE_BYTE_1_GRAY
1 bit format, 2 distinct color values (on/off), stored as a byte. 8 pixel values in a single byte. The pixel data is presented horizontally from left to right.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int TYPE_BYTE_2_GRAY
2 bit format, 4 gray scale colors. Stored as a byte, 4 pixel values in a single byte. The pixel data is presented horizontally from left to right.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int TYPE_BYTE_4_GRAY
4 bit format, 16 gray scale colors. Stored as a byte, 2 pixel values in a single byte. The pixel data is presented horizontally from left to right.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int TYPE_BYTE_8_GRAY
8 bit format, 256 gray scale colors. Stored as a byte, 1 pixel value in a single byte. The pixel data is presented horizontally from left to right.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int TYPE_BYTE_332_RGB
3 bits for red, 3 bits for green, and 2 bits for blue component in a pixel, stored as a byte. The pixel data is presented horizontally from left to right.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int TYPE_USHORT_4444_ARGB
4 bits for alpha, red, green and blue component in a pixel, stored as a short (0xARGB).

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int TYPE_USHORT_444_RGB
4 bits for red, green and blue component in a pixel, stored as a short (0x0RGB).

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int TYPE_USHORT_555_RGB
5 bits for red, green and blue component in a pixel.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int TYPE_USHORT_1555_ARGB
1 bit for alpha, 5 bits for red, green and blue component in a pixel.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int TYPE_USHORT_565_RGB
5 bits for red, 6 bits for green and 5 bits for blue component in a pixel.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int TYPE_INT_888_RGB
8 bits for red, green and blue component in a pixel (0x00RRGGBB). The high order byte (alpha) is ignored by the implementation.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int TYPE_INT_8888_ARGB
8 bits for alpha, red, green and blue component in a pixel (0xAARRGGBB).

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int FORM_ITEM_BORDER_TYPE
Constant for drawing the Form's item border type.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


Constant for drawing the Form's TextField border type.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


Constant for drawing the Form's Choice element highlight border type.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


int getAlphaComponent()
Gets the alpha component of the current color.

integer value in range 0-255


void setARGBColor(int argbColor)
Sets the current color to the specified ARGB value. All subsequent rendering operations will use this specified color.

argbColor - the color being set


void drawImage(javax.microedition.lcdui.Image img,
               int x,
               int y,
               int anchor,
               int manipulation)
Draws image to the graphics context. Does common image manipulations during drawing of an image. Manipulation can be 0 if no manipulation is done. Draws the specified image by using the anchor point - the anchor point is applied after the manipulation. The image can be drawn in different positions relative to the anchor point by passing the appropriate position constants.

img - the specified image to be drawn
x - the x coordinate of the anchor point
y - the y coordinate of the anchor point
anchor - the anchor point for positioning the image
manipulation - flip or rotate value or a combination of values, 0 if none
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if anchor is not a legal value or manipulation is not supported
java.lang.NullPointerException - if img is null
See Also:


void drawTriangle(int x1,
                  int y1,
                  int x2,
                  int y2,
                  int x3,
                  int y3,
                  int argbColor)
Draws closed triangle defined by coordinates. Note that the method uses the color passed as a parameter for drawing the triangle and not the current active color of graphics context. This is due to efficiency reasons as it is expected that the method may be called several times in each repaint cycle, thus separate calls to setColor would create unnecessary overhead. The call won't change the current active drawing color of graphics context.

x1 - the x coordinate of first vertex
y1 - the y coordinate of first vertex
x2 - the x coordinate of second vertex
y2 - the y coordinate of second vertex
x3 - the x coordinate of third vertex
y3 - the y coordinate of third vertex
argbColor - the ARGB color value used painting the triangle


void fillTriangle(int x1,
                  int y1,
                  int x2,
                  int y2,
                  int x3,
                  int y3,
                  int argbColor)
Fills closed triangle defined by coordinates. Note that the method uses the color passed as a parameter for drawing the triangle and not the current active color of graphics context. This is due to efficiency reasons as it is expected that the method may be called several times in each repaint cycle, thus separate calls to setColor would create unnecessary overhead. The call won't change the current active drawing color of graphics context.

x1 - the x coordinate of first vertex
y1 - the y coordinate of first vertex
x2 - the x coordinate of second vertex
y2 - the y coordinate of second vertex
x3 - the x coordinate of third vertex
y3 - the y coordinate of third vertex
argbColor - the ARGB color value used painting the triangle


void drawPolygon(int[] xPoints,
                 int xOffset,
                 int[] yPoints,
                 int yOffset,
                 int nPoints,
                 int argbColor)
Draws a closed polygon defined by arrays of x and y coordinates. Each pair of (x, y) coordinates defines a point. This method draws the polygon defined by nPoint line segments, where the first nPoint - 1 line segments are line segments from (xPoints[xOffset + i - 1], yPoints[yOffset + i - 1]) to (xPoints[xOffset + i], yPoints[yOffset + i]), for 1 <= i <= nPoints. The figure is automatically closed by drawing a line connecting the final point to the first point, if those points are different.

xPoints - an array of x coordinates
xOffset - an offset to first x point in xPoints
yPoints - an array of y coordinates
yOffset - an offset to first y point in yPoints
nPoints - the total number of points
argbColor - the ARGB color value used painting the polygon


void fillPolygon(int[] xPoints,
                 int xOffset,
                 int[] yPoints,
                 int yOffset,
                 int nPoints,
                 int argbColor)
Fills a closed polygon defined by arrays of x and y coordinates. This method draws the polygon defined by nPoint line segments, where the first nPoint - 1 line segments are line segments from (xPoints[xOffset + i - 1], yPoints[yOffset + i - 1]) to (xPoints[xOffset + i], yPoints[yOffset + i]), for 1 <= i <= nPoints. The figure is automatically closed by drawing a line connecting the final point to the first point, if those points are different. The area inside the polygon is defined using an even-odd fill rule, also known as the alternating rule.

xPoints - an array of x coordinates
xOffset - an offset to first x point in xPoints
yPoints - an array of y coordinates
yOffset - an offset to first y point in yPoints
nPoints - the total number of points
argbColor - the ARGB color value used painting the polygon


void drawPixels(int[] pixels,
                boolean transparency,
                int offset,
                int scanlength,
                int x,
                int y,
                int width,
                int height,
                int manipulation,
                int format)
Copies or draws the pixel data directly to graphics context to specific location from the array starting from specified offset. Integers in array object are passed as ARGB values. Implementation does any necessary color conversions if the color model of the graphics context does not match the TYPE_INT_ARGB_8888. The boolean value transparency will indicate whether the pixel's transparency value will be checked. If the transparency argument is false the pixels are set to the graphics context without comparing the transparency values. If transparency argument is true pixel's transparency value is checked and it will affect the drawing of a pixel.

pixels - an array of pixel values (0xAARRGGBB)
transparency - true if the pixel's transparency value will be checked
offset - the index of the first pixel value
scanlength - the relative array offset between the corresponding pixels in consecutive rows
x - the horizontal rendering location on graphics context
y - the vertical rendering location on graphics context
width - the width of the region to the rendered
height - the height of the region to the rendered
manipulation - the manipulation done to the image before the draw, 0 means none.
format - the display format used
java.lang.NullPointerException - if pixels is null
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - if requested to access
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if foramt is not supported pixels beyond the length of array or with negative index


void getPixels(int[] pixels,
               int offset,
               int scanlength,
               int x,
               int y,
               int width,
               int height,
               int format)
Gets the pixel values of an image to an array of ARGB values. Getting the pixels will result a conversion if the color model of graphics context doesn't match the TYPE_INT_ARGB_8888. Throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if array size is too small for image pixels.

pixels - an array in which the image pixel information will be stored
offset - the index into the array where the first pixel value will be stored
scanlength - the relative offset in the array between corresponding pixels in consecutive rows
x - the x-coordinate of the upper left corner of the region
y - the y-coordinate of the upper left corner of the region
width - the width of the region
height - the height of the region
format - the display format used
java.lang.NullPointerException - if pixels is null
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - if array size is too small
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if foramt is not supported for the image pixels or negative index access is attempted, contents of the array remain unchanged


void getPixels(byte[] pixels,
               byte[] transparencyMask,
               int offset,
               int scanlength,
               int x,
               int y,
               int width,
               int height,
               int format)
Gets the pixel (including any transparency mask) values of an image to an array of byte values from specific screen location. Throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if array size is too small for image pixels or transparency mask. The argument transparencyMask can be null if caller is not interested in getting the mask. This method is used getting pixel data from the graphics context in native formats. Pixels are returned in format defined by getNativePixelFormat() method. If the native format is not byte based then this method converts the pixel data to TYPE_BYTE_GRAY_1 format and returns that.

pixels - an array in which the image pixel information will be stored
transparencyMask - an array in which the transparency mask will be stored
offset - the index into the array where the first pixel and mask value will be stored
scanlength - the relative offset in the array between corresponding pixels and mask value in consecutive rows
x - the x-coordinate of the upper left corner of the region
y - the y-coordinate of the upper left corner of the region
width - the width of the region
height - the height of the region
format - the display format used
java.lang.NullPointerException - if pixels is null
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - if array size is too small
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if foramt is not supported for the image pixels or negative index access is attempted, contents of the array remain unchanged


void getPixels(short[] pixels,
               int offset,
               int scanlength,
               int x,
               int y,
               int width,
               int height,
               int format)
Gets the pixel values of an image to an array of short values from specific screen location. Throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if array size is too small for image pixels. This method is used getting pixel data from the graphics context in native formats. Pixels are returned in format defined by getNativePixelFormat() method. If the native format is not short based then this method converts the pixel data to TYPE_USHORT_ARGB_4444 format and returns that.

pixels - an array in which the image pixel information will be stored
offset - the index into the array where the first pixel value will be stored
scanlength - the relative offset in the array between corresponding pixels in consecutive rows
x - the x-coordinate of the upper left corner of the region
y - the y-coordinate of the upper left corner of the region
width - the width of the region
height - the height of the region
format - the display format used
java.lang.NullPointerException - if pixels is null
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - if array size is too small
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if foramt is not supported for the image pixels or negative index access is attempted, contents of the array remain unchanged


void drawPixels(byte[] pixels,
                byte[] transparencyMask,
                int offset,
                int scanlength,
                int x,
                int y,
                int width,
                int height,
                int manipulation,
                int format)
Copies or draws the pixel data directly to graphics context to specific location. Bytes in pixels and transparencyMask arrays will be passed in native format defined by getNativePixelFormat() method. If native format is not byte based then the implementation expects TYPE_BYTE_GRAY_1 format and does necessary conversions to actual native format. The transparencyMask can be null.

pixels - an array of pixel values
transparencyMask - an array defining transparency mask
offset - the index of the first pixel and mask value
scanlength - the relative array offset between the corresponding pixels and mask value in consecutive rows
x - the horizontal rendering location on graphics context
y - the vertical rendering location on graphics context
width - the width of the region to the rendered
height - the height of the region to the rendered
manipulation - the manipulation done to the image before the draw, 0 means none.
format - the display format used
java.lang.NullPointerException - if pixels is null
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - if requested to access
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if foramt is not supported beyond the length of array or with negative index


void drawPixels(short[] pixels,
                boolean transparency,
                int offset,
                int scanlength,
                int x,
                int y,
                int width,
                int height,
                int manipulation,
                int format)
Copies or draws the pixel data directly to graphics context to specific location. Shorts in array object are passed in native format defined by getNativePixelFormat() method. If native format is not short based then the implementation expects TYPE_USHORT_ARGB_4444 format and does necessary conversions to actual native format. The boolean value transparency will indicate whether the pixel's transparency value will be checked if any. If the transparency argument is false the pixels are set to the graphics context without comparing the transparency values. If transparency argument is true pixel's transparency value is checked and it will affect the drawing of a pixel.

pixels - an array of pixel values
transparency - true if the pixel's transparency value will be checked
offset - the index of the first pixel value
scanlength - the relative array offset between the corresponding pixels in consecutive rows
x - the horizontal rendering location on graphics context
y - the vertical rendering location on graphics context
width - the width of the region to the rendered
height - the height of the region to the rendered
manipulation - the manipulation done to the image before the draw, 0 means none.
format - the display format used
java.lang.NullPointerException - if pixels is null
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - if requested to access
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if foramt is not supported beyond the length of array or with negative index


int getNativePixelFormat()
Returns the native color format used, for example, DirectGraphics#TYPE_BYTE_GRAY_1 or DirectGraphics#TYPE_USHORT_ARGB_4444. Application can check the expected by drawPixels and returned from getPixels methods of this interface.

the native format used in drawPixels and getPixels array methods.


void drawElementBorder(int x,
                       int y,
                       int w,
                       int h,
                       int borderType,
                       boolean withFocus)
Draws the specified border type at the specified coordinates. It will draw a border area in the colour and style determined by the specified border type corroborated with the current theme. For some UI style, this API may be a blank implementation.

x - the x coordinate of the border to be drawn
y - the y coordinate of the border to be drawn
w - the width of the border to be drawn
h - the height of the border to be drawn
borderType - the border type to draw.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the specified border type is invalid.

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