Class PopupList

  extended by
      extended by

public class PopupList
extends PopupListItem

This class implements a popup list which can be populated by text of list elements. The list items to be added to the list must be of type PopupListItem. A client only needs to implement the PopupListListener interface in order to receive list events. There is only one type of list:

Contextual menu is the default type and cannot be nested and it doesn't have a header.

Normally the list would be used like so:

PopupList list1 = new PopupList();
PopupListItem item1 = new PopupListItem("Item1");
PopupListItem item2 = new PopupListItem("Item1", image1);

Notes: due to different device UI style implementation, some features might not be supported. e.g. icon or mark may not be shown in popup list item; popuplist may not be nested.

Field Summary
          PopupList type is contextual menu
static int LIST_DIALOG
          PopupList type is list dialog
static int TAIL_LEFT
          PopupList Tail Style indicating that the tail should point to the left action button.
static int TAIL_NONE
          PopupList Tail Style indicating that the list should have no tail.
static int TAIL_PARENT
          PopupList Tail Style indicating that the tail should point to the parent list item.
static int TAIL_RIGHT
          PopupList Tail Style indicating that the tail should point to the right action button.
Constructor Summary
          This constructor instantiates a PopupList instance.
PopupList(java.lang.String itemText)
          This constructor instantiates a PopupList instance with itemText set.
PopupList(java.lang.String itemText, int listType)
          This constructor instantiates a PopupList instance with the itemText set as provided and depending on the listType value it is a contextual menu or a list dialog
Method Summary
 void appendItem(PopupListItem item)
          This method will append an item to the list.
 PopupListItem getItem(int index)
          Returns the item specified by the index from the popuplist.
 void insertItem(PopupListItem item, int index)
          This method will insert an item to the list at the give index.
 void removeItem(PopupListItem item)
          This will remove the item from the popuplist.
 void removeItemAt(int index)
          This will remove the item specified by the index from the popuplist.
 void setItemText(java.lang.String text)
          Deprecated. will be removed soon, use the setText instead of
 void setListener(PopupListListener listener)
          This method sets the PopupListListener for this list.
 void setListYPos(int yPos)
          Sets the y coordinate where the contextual menu should be shown.
 void setTailStyle(int style)
          This sets the tail style for the contextual menu.
 void setText(java.lang.String text)
          This method sets the PopupList item text.
 void setVisible(boolean visible)
          This sets the list visible or hidden.
 int size()
          This will return the size of the popuplist.
Methods inherited from class
getIcon, getText, hasMarking, isMarked, setHasMarking, setIcon, setMarked
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int CONTEXTUAL_MENU
PopupList type is contextual menu

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int LIST_DIALOG
PopupList type is list dialog

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int TAIL_LEFT
PopupList Tail Style indicating that the tail should point to the left action button.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int TAIL_RIGHT
PopupList Tail Style indicating that the tail should point to the right action button.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int TAIL_NONE
PopupList Tail Style indicating that the list should have no tail.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int TAIL_PARENT
PopupList Tail Style indicating that the tail should point to the parent list item.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public PopupList()
This constructor instantiates a PopupList instance. By default it is a contextual menu


public PopupList(java.lang.String itemText)
This constructor instantiates a PopupList instance with itemText set. By default it is a contextual menu

itemText - the itemText to be set


public PopupList(java.lang.String itemText,
                 int listType)
          throws PopupListException
This constructor instantiates a PopupList instance with the itemText set as provided and depending on the listType value it is a contextual menu or a list dialog

itemText - the itemText set for the list
listType - the type of popuplist can be CONTEXTUAL_MENU or LIST_DIALOG
PopupListException - if the type is not one of the allowed constants
Method Detail


public void setListener(PopupListListener listener)
This method sets the PopupListListener for this list. If the listener is null it removes the previous listener

listener - the listener to be set or null to remove the listener


public void appendItem(PopupListItem item)
                throws java.lang.NullPointerException,
This method will append an item to the list. The item is always added at the end of the list. If the item is already added elsewhere, then a PopupListException will be thrown. If the list is visible whilst an item is appended then the list will be updated immediately.

item - The PopupListItem to append to the list.
java.lang.NullPointerException - if item is null
PopupListException - if the item is a PopupList instance which is already attached elsewhere


public void insertItem(PopupListItem item,
                       int index)
                throws java.lang.NullPointerException,
This method will insert an item to the list at the give index. If the item is already added elsewhere, then a PopupListException will be thrown.If the list is visible whilst an item is appended then the list will be updated immediately.

item - The PopupListItem to append to the list.
index - where to insert the item
java.lang.NullPointerException - if item is null
PopupListException - if the item is a PopupList instance which is already attached elsewhere


public void removeItem(PopupListItem item)
This will remove the item from the popuplist. If the list is visible whilst an item is removed then the list will be updated immediately.

item - The PopupListItem to be removed. If the item is not found, nothing happens.


public void removeItemAt(int index)
                  throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
This will remove the item specified by the index from the popuplist. If the list is visible whilst an item is removed then the list will be updated immediately.

index - to be removed
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index is not within limits


public int size()
This will return the size of the popuplist.

size of the popuplist


public PopupListItem getItem(int index)
                      throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
Returns the item specified by the index from the popuplist.

index - to be returned
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index is not within limits


public void setItemText(java.lang.String text)
Deprecated. will be removed soon, use the setText instead of

This method sets the PopupList item text. This text is shown as the item text.

text - The item text to set for the PopupList.


public void setText(java.lang.String text)
This method sets the PopupList item text. This text is shown as the item text.

setText in class PopupListItem
text - The item text to set for the PopupList.
java.lang.NullPointerException - if itemText is null


public void setVisible(boolean visible)
                throws PopupListException,
This sets the list visible or hidden. When the user dismisses a list it is automatically set as visible false When set to visible the popuplist will be bound to the current displayable. When the displayable is replaced by a new one as current. It will dismiss the popuplist too. Currently popuplist is supported on Canvas and Form. On other displayables it might throw an IllegalStateException

visible - true: list is shown, false: list is hidden.
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the list is set to visible, but it is empty


public void setTailStyle(int style)
                  throws PopupListException
This sets the tail style for the contextual menu. The values can be: PopupList.TailStyle. The default TailStyle is TailParent

style - The tail style to set.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if tail style is not valid.


public void setListYPos(int yPos)
                 throws PopupListException
Sets the y coordinate where the contextual menu should be shown. Does nothing for list dialog

yPos - the coordinate where the contextual menu should be shown
PopupListException - if the yPos is negative

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