J2ME[tm] Web Services | ||||||||||
Packages that use SAXException | |
javax.xml.parsers | |
org.xml.sax | |
org.xml.sax.helpers |
Uses of SAXException in javax.xml.parsers |
Methods in javax.xml.parsers that throw SAXException | |
abstract SAXParser |
Creates a new instance of a SAXParser using the currently configured factory parameters. |
abstract void |
SAXParser.parse(java.io.InputStream is,
DefaultHandler dh)
Parse the content of the given InputStream
instance as XML using the specified
DefaultHandler . |
abstract void |
SAXParser.parse(InputSource is,
DefaultHandler dh)
Parse the content given InputSource
as XML using the specified
DefaultHandler . |
Uses of SAXException in org.xml.sax |
Subclasses of SAXException in org.xml.sax | |
class |
Exception class for an unrecognized identifier. |
class |
Exception class for an unsupported operation. |
class |
Encapsulate an XML parse error or warning. |
Uses of SAXException in org.xml.sax.helpers |
Methods in org.xml.sax.helpers that throw SAXException | |
InputSource |
DefaultHandler.resolveEntity(java.lang.String publicId,
java.lang.String systemId)
Resolve an external entity. |
void |
DefaultHandler.notationDecl(java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String publicId,
java.lang.String systemId)
Receive notification of a notation declaration. |
void |
DefaultHandler.unparsedEntityDecl(java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String publicId,
java.lang.String systemId,
java.lang.String notationName)
Receive notification of an unparsed entity declaration. |
void |
Receive notification of the beginning of the document. |
void |
Receive notification of the end of the document. |
void |
DefaultHandler.startPrefixMapping(java.lang.String prefix,
java.lang.String uri)
Receive notification of the start of a Namespace mapping. |
void |
DefaultHandler.endPrefixMapping(java.lang.String prefix)
Receive notification of the end of a Namespace mapping. |
void |
DefaultHandler.startElement(java.lang.String uri,
java.lang.String localName,
java.lang.String qName,
Attributes attributes)
Receive notification of the start of an element. |
void |
DefaultHandler.endElement(java.lang.String uri,
java.lang.String localName,
java.lang.String qName)
Receive notification of the end of an element. |
void |
DefaultHandler.characters(char[] ch,
int start,
int length)
Receive notification of character data inside an element. |
void |
DefaultHandler.ignorableWhitespace(char[] ch,
int start,
int length)
Receive notification of ignorable whitespace in element content. |
void |
DefaultHandler.processingInstruction(java.lang.String target,
java.lang.String data)
Receive notification of a processing instruction. |
void |
DefaultHandler.skippedEntity(java.lang.String name)
Receive notification of a skipped entity. |
void |
DefaultHandler.warning(SAXParseException e)
Receive notification of a parser warning. |
void |
DefaultHandler.error(SAXParseException e)
Receive notification of a recoverable parser error. |
void |
DefaultHandler.fatalError(SAXParseException e)
Report a fatal XML parsing error. |
J2ME[tm] Web Services | ||||||||||