Interface VoipSettings

public interface VoipSettings

Represents an interface to VoIP Settings

Applications cannot instantiate VoIP Settings directly. Instead, VoipManager is used to obtain VoIP Settings instance.

After obtaining a reference to a VoIP Settings using VoipManager, applications can use method writeVoipSettings to write its own settings to device and method deleteVoipSettings to delete its own settings from device

Method setVoipSettingsStateListener should be used to get state change updates of VoIP Settings.

An example:

import; import; import; import; import; ... public void writeSettings( String xml_doc ){ VoipSettings mySettings = VoipManager.createVoipSettingsInstance(); // Create listener for settings VoipSettingsStateListener settingsListener = new VoipSettingsStateListener(){ public void voipSettingsUpdated( int state, int cause ) { switch(state) { case VoipStates.SETTINGS_ERROR: // Writing the settings failed settingsError( cause ); break; case VoipStates.SETTINGS_ONLINE: // Settings are online. Now we can create and receive calls! settingsOnline(); break; case VoipStates.SETTINGS_OFFLINE: // Settings are offline settingsOffline( cause ); break; } } }; // Set settings state listener mySettings.setVoipSettingsStateListener( settingsListener ); // Write our service provisioning settings to phone mySettings.writeVoipSettings( xml_doc );

Method Summary
 void deleteVoipSettings()
          Deletes VoIP settings from the device.
 void setVoipSettingsStateListener(VoipSettingsStateListener settingsListener)
          Associates VoipSettingsStateListener with the VoipSettings.
 boolean writeVoipSettings(java.lang.String voip_xml)
          Writes VoIP settings to the device.

Method Detail


boolean writeVoipSettings(java.lang.String voip_xml)

Writes VoIP settings to the device.

In order to detect success of the writing and subsequently state changes of settings states, the state listener should be set first via setVoipSettingsStateListener.

If writeVoipSettings method returns false, there are already settings written for this midlet. If new settings are needed to write, the midlet must delete earlier settings first.

The final success of writing settings is indicated via state listener.

voip_xml - voip settings to be written in XML format
true if writing is successful, false if MIDlet already has settings written


void deleteVoipSettings()

Deletes VoIP settings from the device.

Application can delete only its own settings.


void setVoipSettingsStateListener(VoipSettingsStateListener settingsListener)
Associates VoipSettingsStateListener with the VoipSettings. The listener should be activated to listen needed states of the VoIP settings. Setting a listener replaces any existing listener (i.e. only one listener can be registered to each VoipSettings instance). To remove the currently active listener, a null parameter must be given.

settingsListener - an instance of VoipSettingsStateListener, or null to remove the currently-active listener.

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