This is a simple MIDlet application that uses OAuth 2.0 authentication in order to retrieve an access token. Access tokens can be used for authorization purposes when interacting with a number of popular online services and APIs. The focus of the example is to demonstrate the retrieval of the access token with a Live Connect account. Any further interaction with the service is beyond the scope of this MIDlet.
Figure: Authentication taking place on the browser
You need the following to develop and test this MIDlet:
Nokia IDE for Java ME (Eclipse) or NetBeans with Java ME support
Nokia Asha SDK 1.1
Nokia Asha software platform 1.1 device. The MIDlet has been tested on Nokia Asha 501
For instructions on how to get started with Java ME, see section Getting started.
For more information about the MIDlet, see:
Design for information about the design and functionality of the MIDlet
Implementation for information about implementing the MIDlet
You can download the project files for the MIDlet from the download page.