Interface ToneControl

All Superinterfaces:

public interface ToneControl
extends Control

ToneControl is the interface to enable playback of a user-defined monotonic tone sequence.

A tone sequence is specified as a list of tone-duration pairs and user-defined sequence blocks. The list is packaged as an array of bytes. The setSequence method is used to input the sequence to the ToneControl. In addition, the tone sequence format specified below can also be used as a file format to define tone sequences. A file containing a tone sequence as specified must use ".jts" as the file extension. "audio/x-tone-seq" designates the MIME type for this format.

The syntax of a tone sequence is described in Augmented BNF notations:

 sequence              = version *1tempo_definition *1resolution_definition 
                             *block_definition 1*sequence_event

 version               = VERSION version_number
 VERSION               = byte-value
 version_number        = 1      ; version # 1

 tempo_definition      = TEMPO tempo_modifier
 TEMPO                 = byte-value
 tempo_modifier        = byte-value 
              ; multiply by 4 to get the tempo (in bpm) used 
              ; in the sequence.
 resolution_definition = RESOLUTION resolution_unit
 RESOLUTION            = byte-value
 resolution_unit       = byte-value

 block_definition      = BLOCK_START block_number 
                         BLOCK_END block_number
 BLOCK_START           = byte-value
 BLOCK_END             = byte-value
 block_number          = byte-value 
              ; block_number specified in BLOCK_END has to be the 
              ; same as the one in BLOCK_START 

 sequence_event        = tone_event / block_event / 
                           volume_event / repeat_event
 tone_event            = note duration
 note                  = byte-value ; note to be played
 duration              = byte-value ; duration of the note

 block_event           = PLAY_BLOCK block_number
 PLAY_BLOCK            = byte-value
 block_number          = byte-value 
              ; block_number must be previously defined 
              ; by a full block_definition

 volume_event          = SET_VOLUME volume
 SET_VOLUME            = byte-value
 volume                = byte-value ; new volume

 repeat_event          = REPEAT multiplier tone_event
 REPEAT                = byte-value
 multiplier            = byte-value  
              ; number of times to repeat a tone

 byte-value            = -128 - 127
              ; the value of each constant and additional
              ; constraints on each parameter are specified below.

Following table shows the valid range of the parameters:

Parameter Valid Range Effective Range Default
tempo_modifier 5<= tempo_modifier <= 127 20bpm to 508bpm 120bpm
resolution_unit 1<= resolution_unit <= 127 1/1 note to 1/127 note 1/64 note
block_number 0<= block_number <= 127 - -
note 0<= note <= 127 or SILENCE C-1 to G9 or rest -
duration 1<= duration <= 127 - -
volume 0<= volume <= 100 0% to 100% volume 100%
multiplier 2<= multiplier <= 127 - -

The frequency of the note can be calculated from the following formula:
     SEMITONE_CONST = 17.31234049066755 = 1/(ln(2^(1/12)))
     note = ln(freq/8.176)*SEMITONE_CONST
The musical note A = note 69 (0x45) = 440 Hz.
Middle C (C4) and SILENCE are defined as constants.

The duration of each tone is measured in units of 1/resolution notes and tempo is specified in beats/minute, where 1 beat = 1/4 note. Because the range of positive values of byte is only 1 - 127, the tempo is formed by multiplying the tempo modifier by 4. Very slow tempos are excluded so range of tempo modifiers is 5 - 127 providing an effective range of 20 - 508 bpm.

To compute the effective duration in milliseconds for a tone, the following formula can be used:

     duration * 60 * 1000 * 4 / (resolution * tempo)
The following table lists some common durations in musical notes:
Note Length Duration, Resolution=64 Duration, Resolution=96
1/1 64 96
1/4 16 24
1/4 dotted 24 36
1/8 8 12
1/8 triplets - 8
4/1 REPEAT 4 <note> 64 REPEAT 4 <note> 96


    // "Mary Had A Little Lamb" has "ABAC" structure.
    // Use block to repeat "A" section. 

    byte tempo = 30; // set tempo to 120 bpm 
    byte d = 8;      // eighth-note 

    byte C4 = ToneControl.C4;; 
    byte D4 = (byte)(C4 + 2); // a whole step 
    byte E4 = (byte)(C4 + 4); // a major third 
    byte G4 = (byte)(C4 + 7); // a fifth 
    byte rest = ToneControl.SILENCE; // rest 

    byte[] mySequence = {
        ToneControl.VERSION, 1,   // version 1
        ToneControl.TEMPO, tempo, // set tempo
        ToneControl.BLOCK_START, 0,   // start define "A" section
        E4,d, D4,d, C4,d, E4,d,       // content of "A" section
        E4,d, E4,d, E4,d, rest,d,           
        ToneControl.BLOCK_END, 0,     // end define "A" section
        ToneControl.PLAY_BLOCK, 0,    // play "A" section
        D4,d, D4,d, D4,d, rest,d,     // play "B" section
        E4,d, G4,d, G4,d, rest,d,
        ToneControl.PLAY_BLOCK, 0,    // repeat "A" section
        D4,d, D4,d, E4,d, D4,d, C4,d  // play "C" section

        Player p = Manager.createPlayer(Manager.TONE_DEVICE_LOCATOR); 
        ToneControl c = (ToneControl)p.getControl("ToneControl"); 
    } catch (IOException ioe) { 
    } catch (MediaException me) { }


Field Summary
static byte BLOCK_END
          Defines an ending point for a block.
static byte BLOCK_START
          Defines a starting point for a block.
static byte C4
          Middle C.
static byte PLAY_BLOCK
          Play a defined block.
static byte REPEAT
          The REPEAT event tag.
static byte RESOLUTION
          The RESOLUTION event tag.
static byte SET_VOLUME
          The SET_VOLUME event tag.
static byte SILENCE
static byte TEMPO
          The TEMPO event tag.
static byte VERSION
          The VERSION attribute tag.
Method Summary
 void setSequence(byte[] sequence)
          Sets the tone sequence.

Field Detail


static final byte VERSION
The VERSION attribute tag.

Value -2 is assigned to VERSION.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final byte TEMPO
The TEMPO event tag.

Value -3 is assigned to TEMPO.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final byte RESOLUTION
The RESOLUTION event tag.

Value -4 is assigned to RESOLUTION.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final byte BLOCK_START
Defines a starting point for a block.

Value -5 is assigned to BLOCK_START.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final byte BLOCK_END
Defines an ending point for a block.

Value -6 is assigned to BLOCK_END.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final byte PLAY_BLOCK
Play a defined block.

Value -7 is assigned to PLAY_BLOCK.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final byte SET_VOLUME
The SET_VOLUME event tag.

Value -8 is assigned to SET_VOLUME.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final byte REPEAT
The REPEAT event tag.

Value -9 is assigned to REPEAT.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final byte C4
Middle C.

Value 60 is assigned to C4.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final byte SILENCE

Value -1 is assigned to SILENCE.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


void setSequence(byte[] sequence)
Sets the tone sequence.

sequence - The sequence to set.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - Thrown if the sequence is null or invalid.
java.lang.IllegalStateException - Thrown if the Player that this control belongs to is in the PREFETCHED or STARTED state.


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