To utilise Nokia Notifications Client API in your MIDlet, you need to know following:
How your MIDlet can check and update the latest Notification Enabler
How your MIDlet should handle incoming notification state changes
How your MIDlet should control notification audio settings for your notifications
How your MIDlet can identify which notification launched it (supported through JSR-211)
To achieve this, Nokia Notifications Client API provides the following interfaces and classes:
This interface is meant for checking Notification Enabler availability and for handling downloading, installation and launching of the Enabler, if an update is required.
Factory for creating Notification Enabler Installer.
Listener interface for receiving installation result.
Retrieves notification messages from a service.
Retrieves notification payload from a service.
The main Interface which communicates with the Notification Enabler.
Informs when a message or a notification info is received, or when the notification status changes.
Determines the state of notification session — whether the MIDlet is not connected, connecting, or connected to receive notifications.
Informs which Notification Server environment your Notification Enabler is pointing to currently.
Determine errors related to the Notification Enabler and exceptions.
Creates a notification session to communicate with the Notification Enabler.
Handles Nokia Notifications API related exceptions.
A MIDlet can create only one notification session at a time to communicate with the Notification Enabler, and the notification session should remain open for the lifetime of the MIDlet to receive notification callbacks.