JSR-234 1.1

Package javax.microedition.amms

This package introduces four new concepts: GlobalManager, Spectator, Module and MediaProcessor.


Interface Summary
EffectModule EffectModule is a logical group of Players and/or MIDI channels to which a common sequence of effects can be applied.
MediaProcessor MediaProcessor is an interface designed to post-process different media types.
MediaProcessorListener MediaProcessorListener is an interface that may be used to receive events generated by a MediaProcessor.
Module Module is a logical group of Players and/or MIDI channels.
SoundSource3D SoundSource3D represents a sound source in a virtual acoustical space.

Class Summary
GlobalManager The GlobalManager handles the creation of EffectModules, SoundSource3Ds and MediaProcessors.
Spectator Spectator represents the listener in the virtual acoustical space.

Package javax.microedition.amms Description

This package introduces four new concepts: GlobalManager, Spectator, Module and MediaProcessor. GlobalManager contains methods for fetching the others. Spectator can be fetched from GlobalManager and adds virtual acoustics' listener properties. Typically, Module as such cannot be fetched from anywhere but the GlobalManager contains methods for fetching Module's subinterfaces EffectModule and SoundSource3D. MediaProcessorListener supports MediaProcessor.

JSR-234 1.1

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