Class ImageScaler

  extended by

public class ImageScaler
extends java.lang.Object

ImageScaler provide the capability of scaling image. Upscaling is not completely supported due to uncontrollable memory use. See the method definition for details. Considering security, file path might be limited. File read and write permission should be checked as well.

There are two ways to scale image:

ImageScaler Event

To receive events, an object must implement the ImageScalerListener interface and use the addListener method to register.

Simple ImageScaler Example


scale image per width, height will follow width

ImageScaler is = new ImageScaler("file:///Phone/big.jpg", "file:///Phone/small.jpg"); is.setJpegQuality(70); is.scaleImage(480, -1, true);

scale image per height, width will follow height

ImageScaler is = new ImageScaler("file:///Phone/big.jpg", "file:///Phone/small.jpg"); is.scaleImage(-1, 480, true);

scale image per width and height, not keep aspect ratio

ImageScaler is = new ImageScaler("file:///Phone/big.jpg", "file:///Phone/small.jpg"); is.scaleImage(320, 480, false);

scale image per width and height, height will keep original value, not keep aspect ratio

ImageScaler is = new ImageScaler("file:///Phone/big.jpg", "file:///Phone/small.jpg"); is.scaleImage(320, 0, false);

scale image per file size which is less than or equals to 100k

ImageScaler is = new ImageScaler("file:///Phone/big.jpg", "file:///Phone/small.jpg"); is.scaleImage(100);

Constructor Summary
ImageScaler(java.lang.String srcPath, java.lang.String destPath)
Method Summary
 void addListener(ImageScalerListener listener)
          add a image scaler listener to be notified when scaling operation is finished.
 void cancel(int requestId)
          cancel scale request.
 void removeDestFile()
          the dest file is not used any more and can be removed.
 void removeListener(ImageScalerListener listener)
          remove a image scaler listener to be notified when scaling operation is finished.
 int scaleImage(int maxFileSize)
          Scale source image file into dest image file per file size.
 int scaleImage(int width, int height, boolean keepAspectRatio)
          Scale source image file into dest image file per width and height pixels.
 void setAutoOrientation(boolean autoOrientation)
          set flag for handling orientation info automatically.
 void setJpegQuality(int qual)
          set quality for jpeg image.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ImageScaler(java.lang.String srcPath,
                   java.lang.String destPath)

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if either the source or dest path is invalid.
java.lang.SecurityException - if either the source or dest path can not be accessed.
Method Detail


public void setJpegQuality(int qual)
set quality for jpeg image. Be sure to call it before calling scaleImage. Otherwise, it does not make sense.

qual - Value 0-100, 0 for keeping the original quality.


public void setAutoOrientation(boolean autoOrientation)
set flag for handling orientation info automatically. Its default value is false. Be sure to call it before calling scaleImage. Otherwise, it does not make sense. After it is set to true, scaleImage will handle orientation info automatically.

autoOrientation - whether handle orientation info automatically or not.


public int scaleImage(int width,
                      int height,
                      boolean keepAspectRatio)
               throws ImageScalerException
Scale source image file into dest image file per width and height pixels. Dest width/height can be set larger than source width/height, but due to system performance limitation, they can not be set too big. Any width/height value larger than 10000 will cause exception. It is an asynchronous operation. Scaling finish or error will notify the caller by registered listener.

width - width pixels, 0 for the original width, -1: not given
height - height pixels, 0 for the original height, -1: not given
keepAspectRatio - Whether keep aspect radio or not. if keepAspectRatio is true then the other resolution will follow the given resolution. If keepAspectRatio is false, leave the not given resolution to its original value If both resolutions are given and keepAspectRatio is true, the scaler will reduce the shorter dimension to maintain aspect ratio.
the image scale request id, 0 for error.
ImageScalerException - if some basic errors occur such as the source file cannot be found, or dest file is in use, or file type can not be supported, or width/height is minus but not -1, or width/height is larger than 10000, etc
java.lang.SecurityException - if the application does not have read access to the source file or does not have write access to the dest file directory


public int scaleImage(int maxFileSize)
               throws ImageScalerException
Scale source image file into dest image file per file size. Attention: The method does not support upscaling. It is an asynchronous operation. Scaling finish or error will notify the caller by registered listener.

maxFileSize - Max file size in kilobytes, 100%-70% of requested size can be accepted.
the image scale request id, 0 for error.
ImageScalerException - if some direct errors occur such as the source file cannot be found, or dest file is in use, or file type can not be supported, etc
java.lang.SecurityException - if the application does not have read access to the source file or does not have write access to the dest file directory


public void cancel(int requestId)
cancel scale request.


public void removeDestFile()
the dest file is not used any more and can be removed. It is recommended to call the method to save space. Or the application can delete the file by itself. If the dest file is not removed, then it will be removed when the instance releases.

Throws: - if the dest file cannot be removed.
java.lang.SecurityException - if the application does not have write access to the dest file directory


public void addListener(ImageScalerListener listener)
add a image scaler listener to be notified when scaling operation is finished.

listener - the listener to add. If null is used, the request will be ignored.


public void removeListener(ImageScalerListener listener)
remove a image scaler listener to be notified when scaling operation is finished.

listener - the listener to remove. If null is used, the request will be ignored.