Mobile Sensor API Version 1.2


addCondition(ConditionListener, Condition) - Method in interface javax.microedition.sensor.Channel
Sets a Condition object to be monitored.
addSensorListener(SensorListener, SensorInfo) - Static method in class javax.microedition.sensor.SensorManager
Registers SensorListener to monitor the availability of the given sensor.
addSensorListener(SensorListener, String) - Static method in class javax.microedition.sensor.SensorManager
Registers a SensorListener to monitor changes in the availability of any sensor that is measuring the defined quantity.


Channel - Interface in javax.microedition.sensor
Objects implementing the Channel interface provide information about the channel and maintain conditions for monitoring the data.
ChannelInfo - Interface in javax.microedition.sensor
The object implementing this interface provides information about the data properties of the channel.
Condition - Interface in javax.microedition.sensor
An application can set conditions to have the data monitored and receive a notification when the data meets the defined condition.
ConditionListener - Interface in javax.microedition.sensor
An interface implemented by the application to receive notifications when the monitored data meets the condition defined by the application.
conditionMet(SensorConnection, Data, Condition) - Method in interface javax.microedition.sensor.ConditionListener
Notifies the application that a measured value from a sensor has met the defined Condition.
CONN_EMBEDDED - Static variable in interface javax.microedition.sensor.SensorInfo
A sensor is embedded into the mobile device.
CONN_REMOTE - Static variable in interface javax.microedition.sensor.SensorInfo
A remote sensor is connected to the device, for example, via GPRS or HTTP.
CONN_SHORT_RANGE_WIRELESS - Static variable in interface javax.microedition.sensor.SensorInfo
A short-range wireless sensor.
CONN_WIRED - Static variable in interface javax.microedition.sensor.SensorInfo
A sensor is plugged into a device with a wire, for example, into a serial or USB port.
CONTEXT_TYPE_AMBIENT - Static variable in interface javax.microedition.sensor.SensorInfo
This context type defines ambient, environmental sensors.
CONTEXT_TYPE_DEVICE - Static variable in interface javax.microedition.sensor.SensorInfo
This context type defines device-related sensors.
CONTEXT_TYPE_USER - Static variable in interface javax.microedition.sensor.SensorInfo
This context type defines user-related sensors.
CONTEXT_TYPE_VEHICLE - Static variable in interface javax.microedition.sensor.SensorInfo
This context type defines sensors, which gives information of a vehicle.
Control - Interface in javax.microedition.sensor.control
A Control object represents a sensor control enabling the sensor's control.
Controllable - Interface in javax.microedition.sensor.control
The Controllable represents a sensor which can be controlled with the controls provided.


Data - Interface in javax.microedition.sensor
This interface represents data values retrieved from one channel of a sensor.
DataAndErrorListener - Interface in javax.microedition.sensor
The DataAndErrorListener interface is implemented by the application to receive data and errors from the sensor.
DataListener - Interface in javax.microedition.sensor
The DataListener interface is implemented by the application to receive data from the sensor.
dataReceived(SensorConnection, Data[], boolean) - Method in interface javax.microedition.sensor.DataListener
Notification of the received sensor data.


errorReceived(SensorConnection, int, long) - Method in interface javax.microedition.sensor.DataAndErrorListener
This method notifies of the occured error during the data fetching from a sensor.
execute() - Method in interface javax.microedition.sensor.control.Control
The method executes the control.


findSensors(String, String) - Static method in class javax.microedition.sensor.SensorManager
Returns an array of SensorInfo objects of sensors that match the given quantity and context type.
findSensors(String) - Static method in class javax.microedition.sensor.SensorManager
Returns an array of SensorInfo objects of all sensors that match the given sensor URL.


getAccuracy() - Method in interface javax.microedition.sensor.ChannelInfo
Returns the accuracy of this channel of the sensor as a percentage of reading (=data value).
getChannel(ChannelInfo) - Method in interface javax.microedition.sensor.SensorConnection
This method returns the Channel object that maintains Condition objects attached to the corresponding channel of the sensor.
getChannelInfo() - Method in interface javax.microedition.sensor.Channel
Returns the ChannelInfo object associated with the Channel.
getChannelInfo() - Method in interface javax.microedition.sensor.Data
Returns the ChannelInfo that tells the data properties of the channel from where the data values were retrieved.
getChannelInfos() - Method in interface javax.microedition.sensor.SensorInfo
This method returns the ChannelInfo array representing channels of the sensor.
getChannelUrl() - Method in interface javax.microedition.sensor.Channel
This method returns a string identifying the channel and listing all its unique conditions.
getConditions(ConditionListener) - Method in interface javax.microedition.sensor.Channel
Returns the Condition objects set for the given listener
getConnectionType() - Method in interface javax.microedition.sensor.SensorInfo
Return the connection type of the sensor.
getContextType() - Method in interface javax.microedition.sensor.SensorInfo
Returns the context type of the sensor.
getControl(String) - Method in interface javax.microedition.sensor.control.Controllable
The method returns the Control object matching the given name.
getControls() - Method in interface javax.microedition.sensor.control.Controllable
The method returns all available, unique Control objects of the sensor.
getData(int) - Method in interface javax.microedition.sensor.SensorConnection
Retrieves data in the synchronous mode.
getData(int, long, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface javax.microedition.sensor.SensorConnection
Retrieves data in the synchronous mode.
getDataType() - Method in interface javax.microedition.sensor.ChannelInfo
Returns the data type of the channel.
getDescription() - Method in interface javax.microedition.sensor.SensorInfo
This method returns a readable description of the sensor.
getDoubleValues() - Method in interface javax.microedition.sensor.Data
Returns the data values as a double array if the data type of the channel is TYPE_DOUBLE.
getErrorCodes() - Method in interface javax.microedition.sensor.SensorConnection
The method will return all the sensor specific error codes that the sensor is capable of reporting.
getErrorText(int) - Method in interface javax.microedition.sensor.SensorConnection
The method will return a sensor specific error description based on the error code given as a parameter.
getIntValues() - Method in interface javax.microedition.sensor.Data
Returns the data values as an int array if the data type of this channel is ChannelInfo.TYPE_INT.
getLargestValue() - Method in class javax.microedition.sensor.MeasurementRange
Returns the largest value of the measurement range.
getLimit() - Method in class javax.microedition.sensor.LimitCondition
Returns the limit set in the constructor.
getLimit() - Method in class javax.microedition.sensor.ObjectCondition
Returns the limit that was set.
getLowerLimit() - Method in class javax.microedition.sensor.RangeCondition
Returns the lower limit of the monitored range, which is the same value as that set in the constructor.
getLowerOp() - Method in class javax.microedition.sensor.RangeCondition
Returns the operator checking the lower limit, which is the same value as that set in the constructor.
getMaxBufferSize() - Method in interface javax.microedition.sensor.SensorInfo
Returns the maximum buffer size of the data value buffer in Data objects.
getMeasurementRange(ChannelInfo) - Method in interface javax.microedition.sensor.control.MeasurementRangeControl
Returns the current measurement range of the given channel.
getMeasurementRanges() - Method in interface javax.microedition.sensor.ChannelInfo
This method returns all the measurement ranges of this channel of the sensor.
getModel() - Method in interface javax.microedition.sensor.SensorInfo
Returns the model of the sensor, the model is a vendor-specific string.
getName() - Method in interface javax.microedition.sensor.ChannelInfo
Returns the name of the channel.
getName() - Method in interface javax.microedition.sensor.control.Control
The method returns the name of the Control.
getObjectValues() - Method in interface javax.microedition.sensor.Data
Returns the data values as an array of Objects if the data type of this channel is ChannelInfo.TYPE_OBJECT.
getOperator() - Method in class javax.microedition.sensor.LimitCondition
Returns the comparison operator of the LimitCondition set in the constructor.
getProperty(String) - Method in interface javax.microedition.sensor.SensorInfo
The method returns the property value for the given name
getPropertyNames() - Method in interface javax.microedition.sensor.SensorInfo
This method will return all the names of optional and implementation specific properties.
getQuantity() - Method in interface javax.microedition.sensor.SensorInfo
Returns the quantity of the sensor.
getResolution() - Method in class javax.microedition.sensor.MeasurementRange
Returns the resolution of the range.
getSampleRate() - Method in interface javax.microedition.sensor.control.SampleRateControl
Returns the current sample rate.
getSampleRates() - Method in interface javax.microedition.sensor.control.SampleRateControl
Returns the sample rates of the sensor.
getScale() - Method in interface javax.microedition.sensor.ChannelInfo
Returns the scale used for the measurement values of this channel.
getSensorInfo() - Method in interface javax.microedition.sensor.SensorConnection
Returns SensorInfo that contains information about the sensor
getSmallestValue() - Method in class javax.microedition.sensor.MeasurementRange
Returns the smallest value of the range.
getState() - Method in interface javax.microedition.sensor.SensorConnection
Returns the current state of the SensorConnection.
getTimestamp(int) - Method in interface javax.microedition.sensor.Data
Returns the timestamp corresponding to the time when the data value indicated by the index was measured.
getUncertainty(int) - Method in interface javax.microedition.sensor.Data
Returns the estimate of the error of the measured data value.
getUnit() - Method in interface javax.microedition.sensor.ChannelInfo
Returns the unit, in which data values are presented.
getUnit(String) - Static method in class javax.microedition.sensor.Unit
The method returns the Unit that matches the given symbol.
getUpperLimit() - Method in class javax.microedition.sensor.RangeCondition
Returns the upper limit of the monitored range, which is the same value as that set in the constructor.
getUpperOp() - Method in class javax.microedition.sensor.RangeCondition
Returns operator checking the upper limit, which is the same value as that set in the constructor.
getUrl() - Method in interface javax.microedition.sensor.SensorInfo
Returns the URL needed to open a SensorConnection.


isAvailabilityPushSupported() - Method in interface javax.microedition.sensor.SensorInfo
This method tells if the sensor supports the push mechanism based on availability of the sensor.
isAvailable() - Method in interface javax.microedition.sensor.SensorInfo
This method tells if the sensor is available.
isConditionPushSupported() - Method in interface javax.microedition.sensor.SensorInfo
This method tells if the sensor supports the push mechanism based on conditions.
isMet(double) - Method in interface javax.microedition.sensor.Condition
The method tests if the doubleValue given as a parameter meets the Condition.
isMet(Object) - Method in interface javax.microedition.sensor.Condition
The method tests if the value given as the parameter meets the Condition.
isMet(double) - Method in class javax.microedition.sensor.LimitCondition
Method tests if the value parameter meets the condition.
isMet(Object) - Method in class javax.microedition.sensor.LimitCondition
Method tests if the value given as a parameter meets the condition.
isMet(double) - Method in class javax.microedition.sensor.ObjectCondition
The method tests if the doubleValue given as a parameter meets the condition
isMet(Object) - Method in class javax.microedition.sensor.ObjectCondition
Method tests if the given value meets the ObjectCondition.
isMet(double) - Method in class javax.microedition.sensor.RangeCondition
The method tests if the doubleValue given as a parameter is within the given range.
isMet(Object) - Method in class javax.microedition.sensor.RangeCondition
The method tests if the value given as a parameter is within the given range.
isValid(int) - Method in interface javax.microedition.sensor.Data
Returns the validity of the data value at the given index.


javax.microedition.sensor - package javax.microedition.sensor
This package provides the classes and interfaces of the Mobile Sensor API mandatory part.
javax.microedition.sensor.control - package javax.microedition.sensor.control
This Mobile Sensor API package is optional and it enables the control of the sensor.


LimitCondition - Class in javax.microedition.sensor
LimitCondition is a Condition intended for numeric data to set various kind of conditions.
LimitCondition(double, String) - Constructor for class javax.microedition.sensor.LimitCondition
The constructor for creating a new LimitCondition object instance.


MeasurementRange - Class in javax.microedition.sensor
This class represents the measurement range of one channel of the sensor.
MeasurementRange(double, double, double) - Constructor for class javax.microedition.sensor.MeasurementRange
Creates the MeasurementRange object, with given limits and resolution
MeasurementRangeControl - Interface in javax.microedition.sensor.control
A MeasurementRangeControl object is an example of a general control used to set the measurement range of the sensor.


ObjectCondition - Class in javax.microedition.sensor
The ObjectCondition checks the equality of the set limit to the measured data value.
ObjectCondition(Object) - Constructor for class javax.microedition.sensor.ObjectCondition
Constructs an ObjectCondition.
OP_EQUALS - Static variable in interface javax.microedition.sensor.Condition
The comparison operator that checks if the value got from the sensor is equal to the set limit.
OP_GREATER_THAN - Static variable in interface javax.microedition.sensor.Condition
The comparison operator that checks if the value got from the sensor is greater than the set limit.
OP_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUALS - Static variable in interface javax.microedition.sensor.Condition
The comparison operator that checks if the value got from the sensor is greater than or equal to the set limit.
OP_LESS_THAN - Static variable in interface javax.microedition.sensor.Condition
The comparison operator that checks if the value got from the sensor is less than the set limi.
OP_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUALS - Static variable in interface javax.microedition.sensor.Condition
The comparison operator that checks if the value got from the sensor is less than or equal to the set limit.


PROP_IS_CONTROLLABLE - Static variable in interface javax.microedition.sensor.SensorInfo
Property name for informing that the sensor is reporting errors with DataAndErrorListener.errorReceived() notifications.
PROP_IS_REPORTING_ERRORS - Static variable in interface javax.microedition.sensor.SensorInfo
Property name for informing that the sensor is reporting errors with DataAndErrorListener.errorReceived() notifications.
PROP_LATITUDE - Static variable in interface javax.microedition.sensor.SensorInfo
Property name for getting the latitude of the sensor.
PROP_LOCATION - Static variable in interface javax.microedition.sensor.SensorInfo
Property name for getting the location of the sensor as a human readable string.
PROP_LONGITUDE - Static variable in interface javax.microedition.sensor.SensorInfo
Property name for getting the longitude of the sensor.
PROP_MAX_RATE - Static variable in interface javax.microedition.sensor.SensorInfo
Property name for getting the maximum sampling rate of the sensor.
PROP_PERMISSION - Static variable in interface javax.microedition.sensor.SensorInfo
Property name for getting permission information of this sensor.
PROP_VENDOR - Static variable in interface javax.microedition.sensor.SensorInfo
Property name for getting the vendor of the sensor.
PROP_VERSION - Static variable in interface javax.microedition.sensor.SensorInfo
Property name for getting the version of the sensor.


RangeCondition - Class in javax.microedition.sensor
RangeCondition checks if the measured data value is within the defined range.
RangeCondition(double, String, double, String) - Constructor for class javax.microedition.sensor.RangeCondition
The constructor of RangeCondition object.
removeAllConditions() - Method in interface javax.microedition.sensor.Channel
Removes all Condition and ConditionListener objects registered in this Channel.
removeCondition(ConditionListener, Condition) - Method in interface javax.microedition.sensor.Channel
Removes a given Condition and ConditionListener object pair from this Channel.
removeConditionListener(ConditionListener) - Method in interface javax.microedition.sensor.Channel
Removes a given ConditionListener and all Condition objects associated with it.
removeDataListener() - Method in interface javax.microedition.sensor.SensorConnection
Removes the DataListener registered to this SensorConnection.
removeSensorListener(SensorListener) - Static method in class javax.microedition.sensor.SensorManager
Removes the SensorListener from the list of listeners monitoring the availability of defined sensor(s).


SampleRateControl - Interface in javax.microedition.sensor.control
A SampleRateControl object is an example of a general control used to set the sample rate of the sensor.
sensorAvailable(SensorInfo) - Method in interface javax.microedition.sensor.SensorListener
The notification called when the sensor becomes available.
SensorConnection - Interface in javax.microedition.sensor
The SensorConnection is an abstraction of an actual sensor.
SensorInfo - Interface in javax.microedition.sensor
SensorInfo contains a variety of information about the physical sensor.
SensorListener - Interface in javax.microedition.sensor
The SensorListener represents a listener that receives notifications when the availability of the sensor changes.
SensorManager - Class in javax.microedition.sensor
The SensorManager class is used to find sensors and monitor their availability.
sensorUnavailable(SensorInfo) - Method in interface javax.microedition.sensor.SensorListener
The notification called when the sensor becomes unavailable.
setDataListener(DataListener, int) - Method in interface javax.microedition.sensor.SensorConnection
Registers a DataListener to receive collected data asynchronously.
setDataListener(DataListener, int, long, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface javax.microedition.sensor.SensorConnection
Registers a DataListener to receive collected data asynchronously.
setMeasurementRange(ChannelInfo, MeasurementRange) - Method in interface javax.microedition.sensor.control.MeasurementRangeControl
Sets the measurement range of the channel.
setSampleRate(float) - Method in interface javax.microedition.sensor.control.SampleRateControl
Sets the sample rate of the sensor.
StartControl - Interface in javax.microedition.sensor.control
A StartControl object is an example of a general control used to start the sensor by calling its execute() method.
STATE_CLOSED - Static variable in interface javax.microedition.sensor.SensorConnection
The SensorConnection state after the method close() is called; the end state.
STATE_LISTENING - Static variable in interface javax.microedition.sensor.SensorConnection
The SensorConnection state when the asynchronous data retrieval mode is on.
STATE_OPENED - Static variable in interface javax.microedition.sensor.SensorConnection
The SensorConnection state after successful instantiation of the SensorConnection.
StopControl - Interface in javax.microedition.sensor.control
A StopControl object is an example of a general control used to stop the sensor by calling its execute() method.


toString() - Method in class javax.microedition.sensor.Unit
Returns the symbol of the Unit
TYPE_DOUBLE - Static variable in interface javax.microedition.sensor.ChannelInfo
Constant used to indicate the double data type.
TYPE_INT - Static variable in interface javax.microedition.sensor.ChannelInfo
Constant used to indicate the int data type.
TYPE_OBJECT - Static variable in interface javax.microedition.sensor.ChannelInfo
Constant used to indicate the Object data type.


Unit - Class in javax.microedition.sensor
The Unit represents the unit of the measured data values.

Mobile Sensor API Version 1.2

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