The Mobile Sensor API allows MIDlets to fetch data from the sensors of a mobile device.
For instructions on using the Mobile Sensor API in your MIDlet, see section Mobile sensors.
The implementation supports the mandatory part of the API specification:
The following sensors are supported:
Used to measure the acceleration of the device along three axes (x, y, z)
Can be used to determine the orientation of the device or the acceleration of movement of the device
Returns output in SI (double) format
Sampling rate depends on the device. To check the sampling rate, call SensorInfo.getProperty(SensorInfo.PROP_MAX_RATE).
Battery charge level sensor
Used to measure the current battery charge level of the device
Sampling rate is 2 Hz
Charger state sensor
Used to check whether the device has been connected to a battery charger
Sampling rate is 2 Hz
Double tap sensor
Used to detect if the device is double-tapped and from which direction
Sampling rate is not supported
Network field intensity sensor
Used to measure the intensity of the currently used cellular network signal
Sampling rate is 2 Hz
Orientation sensor
Used to detect the orientation of the device
Sampling rate is not supported
Nokia Asha software platform devices support Orientation and proximity sensors.
The implementation does not support the optional part of the API specification:
The following API features are not supported:
ObjectCondition (this class is implemented as a stub, meaning that you can instantiate it, but it provides no functionality)